[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

in the end it’s going to save me more than 15 seconds of scrolling through really boring + repetitive posts. (in fact it already has, by far)

if you get your PMs spammed in-game by a gold seller or a chicken mcnugget brained kid or smth do you avoid blocking them because you’re afraid of creating an echo chamber?

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the op doesn’t speak for everyone

Sure, but let’s not pretend that this workaround wasn’t made out of altruism.

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I would say that is true and I agree.

Though filter bubbles are something different than to blocking individuals who are just annoying / bring up the same topic over and over or never contribute anything useful or nice to read to a discussion.

I see 7 people writing. I am afraid. War is about to start.


Everyone who uses it will use it for their own personal reasons.

That’s not a complicated concept, is it, regardless of what OP intended or not.


it rly doesn’t bother nor affect me why the op made the post he did, but it’s useful for me because there are some people i would love to block on here for harrassing messages or crude jabs that were never provoked

I don’t intend to use it whatsoever (I find too much enjoyment in forum arguments, oops!), but I think it’s fair to assume that some might use the feature for the purpose of avoiding harassment rather than to just wildly block people left right and centre (though I will let OP speak for himself in regards to his own intentions if he decides to - I know he can speak for himself)


Theres a sweet irony in the thread about blocking people becoming the prime example of why.


I’ve personally grown tired of people retreading/reposting their or someone else’s identical opinion for months (in some cases years) and then see others respond to them, knowing full well that the instigators are contrarians who just want some attention, aim personal jabs or simply troll the forums.

I consider my list of miscreants boring, one-dimensional trolls who I couldn’t care less what they want, post or champion on any given day. A growing number of people feel the same way and I feel assured that my judgement helped dozens of individuals :slight_smile:

As for the slight portion of the discussion I can see, keep it up! More and more people are contacting me over Discord for my ID list and the malcontents on it are making an extremely clear (albeit oblivious) case for why they’re on it. :smiley:


I’ve actually been subbed for two weeks, just so you know.

Not at all? I have clarified my point: there are several ways through which you share a degree of indipendent thinking. For example, you can share the same idea (“OOC is bad”) and use different arguments and reasons to get there. That shows that you’ve reached that conclusion on your own. Instead, most people just copy-paste the arguments/speech of their social group. They accept acritically their ideas and start from there their discourse; rather than from rational principles. I feel a lot that attitude in your post, if I have to be honest.

Except I have counted four posts advertising the list, with two being a thread bump.

ofc not, after all people are welcome to use an ignore feature however they wish

I think most peoples’ issue lies in how it’s been sold by the OP/subsequent posters. If it was sold as something other than “make ur own perfectly deluded vision of what the server is like :D” this thread would have about 30 replies total and nobody would be mad


That’s all fine and above-board, but that’s also not the only thing that’s happening. You can appreciate people with a similar point of view without disparaging and dismissing people with a different point of view - but if people dispute said consensus, there’s a habit of painting them a bad faith actor and ascribing them malicious intent. The slang you’re talking about is often wielded pejoratively and militantly to dismiss and suppress other points of view.

What point are you making here? This just seems like a meaningless sentiment to me. We’re all social creatures and so what? Consensus is inevitable and incontrovertible? That all consensus are natural and right?

Firstly, you’re objectively wrong, I’m hilarious, and I’ve made myself laugh out loud at least three times since beginning to type this sentence. Secondly, I think claiming to have opinions with “towering intellectual might” and describing myself as a “lion lying down with lambs” are so transparently hyperbolic, it’s difficult to imagine how anyone could mistake their insincerity. Thirdly, even if I am unfunny (I’m not, as we have previously discussed and concluded), this isn’t any reason to assume some malign intent - for example, you’re not funny or amusing in the slightest, but you don’t see me holding that against you, do you? I don’t take your lack of wit as a personal attack or a sign of poor character, so why should you?

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Welcome back. But you’re not enjoying it, right?

you certainly have not made me L.O.L. (Laugh Out Loud)! umay…

Care to elaborate what about this is so “unhealthy”?

Is making my forum experience more pleasant “unhealthy”? Do you think it’s “healthy” to force myself to once again put up with the consistently annoying ramblings of some very disagreeable people (an assessment based on my personal experience of those people)?

Look, I get what you mean. But come on. It’s a video game forums. There’s really no need to apply some super moralistic attitude about how bad it is to make “dissenting opinions” vanish (because I wager that’s about the term which you had in mind, considering your choice of words, though it’s imo not accurate). Especially when you’re only silencing those voices for yourself.

Forums aren’t a testing ground for personal virtue. Just be chill, and it’s fine. Nobody cares how benevolent and noble you are. Nor do you have an obligation to apply some epic moral system of how a responsible individual should heed every voice. The only things that really matter is that you’re not an *ss to the people you choose to interact with. That’s it.


I liked the Visions bit but yes, I don’t like the gameplay, nor the gearing system.

For the most part, I’m sticking with classic.

told you I was hilarious watrus!

Thanks for backing me up bud!

I think you should stop. You’re starting to post more than usual amounts of cringe.

Oh, and since it’s rude to take a compliment without returning one - I’d like you to know I think you’re hysterical, Elyria. I laugh at you all the time!

wait but i–