[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums šŸ™‚

canā€™t believe i earlier in this thread thought umay was en route to a redemption arc


Cant claim to speak for Levy but having agreed with her post, I think what is unhealthy is promoting the idea of instantly ignoring people you disagree with. As per my last post: ā€œcreating your perfectly deluded reality of what the server is likeā€.

Itā€™s the same argument against bubble RP - that its far more productive and healthier for the wider community for people to talk about matters. Iā€™ve come to modify my own points of view by reading posts from people who I disagree with on many points.


i think umay has just gone crazy

Serves you right for having faith in AD

This right here.

I disagree with a bunch of things with some people on AD, but just like in school. ā€œYou canā€™t be everyoneā€™s friend, but you sure as hell will have a smoother ride if you can tolerate the existance of anotherā€


implying i havenā€™t roamed this forum for far too long having to tolerate the presence of people i rly do not like !

bubble rpers dont harass or intentionally mean to make me uncomfortable and donā€™t really deserve an ignore unlike some people tbf

You canā€™t manufacture this kind of publicity artificially; the bad actors are poster children for the feature OP describes (and probably were on that list as well!)

Never engage with me again. You no taste heathen.

example today: I would have gone on believing that there wasnt elements of meta gaming surrounding someone that I held a neutral opinion on if I hadnā€™t commented on it. If Perroy had me on an ignore list, I wouldnā€™t have heard about the discord comms, but i stand v much corrected on the matter now.

If someone enjoys Classic? Power to them.

If someone enjoys 8.3? They are free to and power to them!

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Pretty flawed comparison. I think you can imagine why but otherwise Iā€™m open to elaborating.

I 100% agree.

But no one is going ā€œwhat the flipping heck, did [poster X] just disagree with me!? ON THE BLOCK LIST!!ā€

We are talking people who have over a longer period of time proven to be very consistent in their incredibly sh*tty attitudes. Thatā€™s the kind of thing you generally block people for. And honestly, I think thatā€™s a pretty healthy thing to do.

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Sure, but where does it stop? If it becomes a 15 sec job to erase someone who doesnt make you uncomfortable but also holds an opinion you v much disagree with, then its a slippery slope.

edit: and i dont have faith in that not being an eventuality

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I actually liked your post and it made me smirk a few times.

Since the OP is bent on trying to isolate other players, I felt this comment was a pertinent statement to make.

Hey! My friends are there. Imo, I miss the customization, but atleast the undead model is cool.

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People tend to reiterate the views of people they agree with. This is nothing new, nor necessarily bad, and certainly does not a hivemind make.

Thanks for the psychological analysis, but I donā€™t remember asking for it.

All contained within this 1x single forum thread.

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I donā€™t see it as a sign of poor character, because as youā€™ve stated, Iā€™m not comical either. I surround myself with genuinely hysterical guild members so that I may live through them, and thatā€™s as close to any comedy ability Iā€™ll ever get.
You did attempt to compare your own ironic joking to Perroy, though, who Iā€™m afraid to say is just that much better at it!

Still, I hope my stating that I donā€™t find you humourous did not cause too much upset!


Thatā€™s up to the individualā€™s preferences and if thatā€™s how they roll, all the power to them :slight_smile:

iā€™ll make it a bit clearer

when i say ā€œpeople i disagree withā€, i mean people who, on a post about how jade witches are bad, will try to say ā€œwell, yes, butā€, or when thereā€™s a pretty solid agreement that n*ziā€™s are bad, in comes a guy that will try to say ā€œwell, butā€

i donā€™t know if youā€™ve read my posts a lot but i love a good argument, i love debating with people, but i also have pretty low tolerance for people who die on the hill of really awful subjects


youā€™re not really on the nutjob level required to end up on an ignore list from any but the most fragile tbh.

a rare few, maybe, but those are generally not interesting to talk to to begin with.

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Genuine question. What would you classify as ā€œNutjob Levelā€ and would that same level also make you /Ignore this person in-game?

You have seen my list and thatā€™s basically the Nutjob level.

Iā€™ve had most of them on ignore ingame too because they are shamelessly obsessed with stupidity and toxivity when spamming a chat channel too :frowning: