[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

for the forums? the dragon

in-game i tend to only block obvious trolls (and am in fact far quicker about doing so). I might block others from time to time, but that’s usually a very temporary measure that ends the moment they skedaddle/the day ends.

Yeah, I can understand why those sort of posters would end up on a list. 100% fair.

I still maintain there is a slippery slope, and further that a list made by one person shouldnt be the de facto “whitelist” for the forums. There should be an ignore function however, its a part of practically every social media platform anyway, primarily to protect from harassment (which is what this workaround should have been posted as).

Except you could do just that on the previous forums, and AD was still notorious for being a drama hole.

The effects of removal of thoughts and dissenting opinions by way of the block function is just overstated. The people who will use it are probably blocking people that no longer will, or can, argue with in any good faith anyway. I think if I discovered I was blocked by anyone, I’d be grateful they’ve done that instead of following me everywhere making jabs and quips.

Nevermind that a block workaround has long been available, and also long been discussed and advertised by other prominent AD members such as Rogmasha, and the forums havn’t exactly crumbled.

The main difference was the advertising of a personal list which, yes, was flying a bit too close to the sun.


Totes. My inoffensive presence has yet to earn me threats and if they did, they’d be reported. I did get some hate mail in the past and rumours going around but it just served to open my eyes to the rot of things.

It doesn’t happen to me and in this am blessed, I guess. Even if they did, why bother? Mcnugget won’t nugget forever but a gold bot might, so that’s to be ignored, hypothetically.

I can’t really fight the echo chambers by now as it’s far too late for that, but I can point out how this sort of thing hints at a problem we should tackle with more constructive things than browser extensions to shrink our frames of reference.

Could be anyone, though. This sort of thing is just likely to worsen the mutually exclusive bubbles that atomize the server. I guess I just won’t get it with my own perspective.

So I do suspect.

The thread speaks for itself thus far?

Depending on how you go about it, definitely so.

Well, we disagree on the social impact of these things. From my frame of reference, the chill, fine option is to leave things be instead of adding to the social anxiety of the server culture with blocklists and addons. It does a lot more harm than the superficial comfort of silencing that one person, ya know.


I think there’s been plenty of people who have voiced their dislike over the list already, myself included, and it has been since then removed. So you’re really just retreading old ground.


maybe u should be responding to the op and not me then if this is ur main problem…

I think you’ve been on this forum long enough to know that this has been tried.

What’s your real angle? Or are you just weirdly morally against a default ignore feature?

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just following the conversation rly, i assumed folktale was following anyway

not that i really expect it to be changed haha

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a lot of this i think boils down to: this example hasn’t happened to me and therefore this is unhealthy and hatemongering

if you don’t get harassed, made uncomfortable by targeted posts, or get involved in drama, good for you, well done, but there are some of us that do and our complaints are very valid


Yes, as I see it as a symptom of a larger, unhealthy server culture that’d heal better by this not being a thing.


I can live without n*zi fetishists and r/iamverysmart posters in my frames of reference I think.


i’d like to see you try and heal this server by giving attention to all the people who post only for that

But how is my index finger getting all worn out from scrolling past healthier for the server?

I in fact think the entire server can.

I watch with glee as the smug grin plastered on Athramus’ face quickly sours into a grimace at the realisation that soon he will cease to exist for a large number of people.

who’s that

Me and almost 50 others support this so far.

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I just don’t want to read long-winded gasbags who I find terribly boring and don’t offer anything I find interesting to the discussion.

If I don’t want to view those that should be my choice - why oppose that unless the angle is that it’s a bad thing to deprive said individuals in dire need of an editor and several rewrites?

If anything I take grievance with those turning up their nose trying to decide what is best for me to view like some overly concerned authority figure. To nobody’s surprise they are the exact same that would end up on my hypothetical block list. Imagine that!

(I’m not challenging you Scrappy I’m just tagging on because you made a point in favour of blocking :heart:)


r/iamverysmart posters tend to be something I can get a good laugh from at times, but I can get those people can get very tiring to deal with.

Bigger problem I’ve had with people on AD has been them claiming something about myself, only to not provide any evidence to back their claims and saying “You were a part of -This group- so of course it means you are like the worst offenders of that particular group in it’s 10 years worth of players.” Which in fact becomes quite the sad, spineless thing to pull when later on one can see the same people posting reasonable stuff like “Not every person in a Guild is the same as the worst in it. Every Guild has bad people”.

off-topic: gz on TL3


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As previously stated, your comments regarding my being unfunny (being untrue and misguided) are of course of no moment to me, BUT, you did say that I was being


which, if indeed I was being ironic, would be both untrue and unfair, but more importantly than that - and, I think, the most egregious sin - they’d have nothing to do with any of my points. Yet again, it’s a discussion which has devolved into ad hominem attacks and a focus -

So my question to you is which of my actual ideas - i.e, my stated opinions, my supported positions - did you find objectionable, and why? And where have I myself likewise insulted another poster?

And by the way, I think it’s important to state - so that my intentions cannot be misconstrued, only misrepresented - that when I took issue with Vixi’s post, it wasn’t for any spurious reason. I don’t know Brigante personally, have never RP’d with him, have both agreed and disagreed with him on the forums, and have no knowledge of wrong-doing on either side of the conflict - so my defence wasn’t out of spite for the PCU - as demonstrated here -

nor for love or loyalty to Brigante. I took issue with it because, to me, it represents one of the biggest unaddressed problems on the forums, which is the manufacturing of “good” targets for the mob to pillory, and the fabrication of narratives of outrage.