[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums šŸ™‚

ā€œi have screenshotsā€
ā€œokay send them to us hereā€™s a discord tagā€


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I think your pretentiously moralistic take about how people are bad - bad for not wanting to bother their minds with seeing posts from nonce excusers, ooc apologists, trolls and other such individuals - adds much more to the ā€œsocial anxiety of the server cultureā€. Or do you truly not think that you judging others from this weird moral high ground you created for yourself - a very shaky one, mind you, considering it is built on the ā€œsocial impactā€ of blocking people on a video game forum - is more toxic than me deciding not to see more posts from whatever person I no longer desire to have any interaction with?

No one will even notice the difference between someone ignoring a post and someone having blocked the poster - because they wouldnā€™t reply anyway - soā€¦ thatā€™s franky a pretty stupid point?

Except for the person who has used the block, of course. But surely youā€™re not the kind of person who just wants people to suffer for the sake of it. Right?

Also, you seem to forget that there has been a block list on the old forums and that it is said to be eventually implemented on this one as well. Soā€¦ again, super weird take?

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If someone claims something, they better back it up.


Heh, but I donā€™t take screenshots of every single one of my interactions with someone, BUT I will continue to talk complete air at (people I donā€™t like)


I accidentally achieved godhood.

Hm-mh. I have archived the false claims and who have made them against me.

Am I therefore your enemy, as I speak the truth?

My Discord mentions are usually in relation to lore discussions and the occasional e-gnome :frowning:

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Having morals isnā€™t pretentious.

I know thereā€™s been an on-going struggle with the concept of irony in this thread, but has it ever occurred to you that making a high-minded judgement of somebodyā€™s character and actions - based largely on your own projections (spoiler alert, re-read their post, nowhere did they say

and, more importantly, nowhere did they say YOU were bad, though you seem to think they did) - is itself a pretentiously moralistic take?

Not seeing my point, then.

Theyā€™re not bad people for wanting that. This was never an attack on people as such but concern of what using such a mass block feature does to this community. Using it is your choice but I disagree with it being a good, constructive thing in the long run.

This says more about you than me as Iā€™m not attacking anyone. This is just a reflexive lashing out as you seem offended by my disagreement with your choices when iā€™m not in fact sitting in judgement on a marble piedestal to bring you down personally.

Iā€™m not your enemy, mate.

See the above. Goodness meā€¦


The faculty to articulate your inarticulate intuitions about your beliefs is very important.

First, it takes cognitive effort: it is part of a process of self-growth and enriches your capacity to think. Second, it forces you to detach from what you previously held as certain, which grants you a less biased perspective on the state of things around you.

It might be a strange circumstance, but it doesnā€™t seem a coincidence that three of the people defined on the forums as ā€œsmart wannabeā€ have, separately, all noticed an unhealthy trend to create bubbles on the forums which, according to their POVs, do cater toxicity and display a lack of critical thinking.

Iā€™m not sure what this tendency implies. Is that a justification of the attitude? Or is that just a description of a trend? To me, it seems like youā€™re describing a trend and therefore justifying it, which is essentially a naturalistic fallacy.

Which brings me back to this point. We havenā€™t defined what a ā€˜hivemindā€™ is, so depending on our definition it might be correct. You could argue that it is a hyperbole or just a pejorative stereotype that obscures an actually positive condition, but personally I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. There is a tendency, from these social groups, to maintain aggressive and on occasion even militant attitudes. Many types of disagreements are deemed personal affairs ā€“ as the logic is that they threaten their group of reference and social cohesion, rather than the validity of the principles they uphold. People in these groups have identical biases, are told to avoid or discriminate the same people, and in general adopt a moralizing attitude that comes across as a faƧade for exerting harassment, bullism or other forms of toxic attitudes upon others.

It doesnā€™t take much to witness that toxicity happens in spite of the people ignored. It happens constantly without anyoneā€™s intervention, and is mostly used to mock and insult people, be it that worgen guy for an OOC name, or that RAF thread. Even in this thread, most people are acting as if theyā€™re unaware of their ill-intent, something that I am frankly very doubtful of.

It might be - just a thought - that these social groups are actually very much toxic on their own, and seem to act with such a mindset.

And what does this even mean? Are you trying to imply that one single thread (with multiple bumps) canā€™t possibly be an advertisement of oneā€™s own position? Because that is a fairly obtuse position.


Ahh so like that time you began claiming that the Rotgarde had attended + attempted to disrupted a campaign we were not / were never at on the forum and then refused to apologise when it was confirmed that you were talking bag

Agree that people should try not to do that - but perhaps you should start with yourself in this

I donā€™t think yours has any

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OP is there a way to get this working on an android phone? If I want to simulate that Athramus/Umay posting experience Iā€™d rather just going outside and bash my head in with a suitable sized rock. TIA.

I think this is a mean comparison. I can read the latterā€™s posts and they usually contain some sort of point / message. The former is like a cleverbot AI says absolutely nothing in 5000 words each time


shall we say ben drowned to him and see what happens

Donā€™t worry, at no point did I feel personally offended. Iā€™m merely pointing out the implications of what youā€™re saying, which do seem somewhat judgmental to me.

Though I certainly do look down on people who pull the ā€œlol screw ur points ur just madā€ trick out of their im-so-smart hat.

So again, how do you feel about the old forums?

Also, you didnā€™t address

but I guess you have more personal concerns in this discussion (ironically, considering your take on who is personally offended and being emotional and who isnā€™t).

Youā€™re pretty agressive on the pedal, Perroy.

My Guildā€™s inactivity is based mostly on the fact that I am currently still doing the rest of my 9 months of military service. Should internet clout points and virtual Guild members and activity go over that?

And yes. How long ago was that now? 2 years? People grow and change, opinions do too and I was mistaken due to here-say and rumours back then. Were you not saying how you are able to forgive someone griefing, yet now misinformation from 2 years ago is something you have not forgiven?

I took my own lesson a while back, perhaps you should next take a lesson in realizing that people are not just numbers as you have lovingly painted your own perspective by calling out my dormant Guild.

Though I do enjoy these duels of ours.

If you, after reading my posts, think my input is non-existent whatsoever, thatā€™s not on me.

(But that post made me smile; damn it)

forgiveness starts with an apology :pensive:

I apologize for writing crap on the Forum due to misinformation back in 2018 or so.

But I do think the same logic would then apply to you as well, then? Considering you and two others tried your best to slander and paint me as an ERPer and when asked for evidence all I received was ā€œLol you were part of that one Guild years ago thatā€™s enough.ā€

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