[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

If we are posting on a video game forum ? Yeah 100%

I’m not invested in your military service even briefly (though Tesco’s Own IBS wasn’t doing so hot even when you were extremely active - and apparently doesn’t prevent you from being on the forums 24/7). In fact I don’t consider being in the military to be anything to boast about at all in the modern era - I’d be about as stunned into silence if you told me you were doing a 9 month tour through the local co-op

Semper Fi, marine

About a year and you became increasingly annoyed when I asked for an apology aka you didn’t really learn any lesson and chat absolute breeze to this very day

You actually also tried to spread a rumour that I was “Akru” and was “kicked from the Hand of Agony for ERP”, too - pretty crazy !

Overall you are kind of a wasteman + a budget version of Nimsil + only talk big in PMs - in fact I would say your forum persona is largely an act

IDK what this means. Do you think I am insulting my guidlies by calling your guild dead? I don’t know where you managed to get that

No you don’t + they aren’t really duels


can you loop back to me when/where this was? Goblin names kinda blend together and I’m afraid all I can do right now is quote Thanos at you.

dang… time to pack up, peroy called an egg an egg.


Did it not take 3 months for your guild to go inactive while we were both in the shattered shield? But also it was never really active to begin with.

Now reality can be whatever I want.

/e would put you on the list.



I was thinking of this one, actually.

(also dont expect a quick response when u get around to hitting send gizzy, irl calls)


That would have been the “5 favourite types of RPers” Thread I started on my DK. Alternatively you can always add me on Discord and make the process faster? Ersku#2098

Tesco’s 100% Apple Juice is pretty darn good, though.

Lunch breaks and evenings off are indeed a thing, but I am pretty sure I also sleep? Which kind of eliminates your point.

I guess this was your “Gotcha!”?. Allow me to copy and paste what I wrote back then in the FE Discord which you are referencing by spreading it.

“Perroy got kicked from HoA back in the day, yeah. That’s all I know on that.”

The statement may be untrue for all I know, but do you see any mention of ERP? Nope.

When it comes to calling you Akru? That was due to what I picked up on FE Discord and then in the heat of the moment (Being @ by you and two other individuals on your side in the Goblin Discord). I edited one of my messages in the Goblin Discord after our argument as well, seeing as it was horribly worded and did not convey my point at all.

I do love that I get this riled up. Aren’t we both Wastemen to begin with? Spending our free time arguing about nothing on the internet.

Mostly your obsession with flaunting your Guild numbers constantly? That really wasn’t the hardest point to chew.

Are you the British goverment? Cause telling people what they should feel like is kind of their thing, no?

Pick up your sword.

We had a Hiatus from about October 2018 to January 2019 if I remember correctly? We went completely dormant July of 2019. We had a nice and lively community, thanks for asking.


I can understand that it’s useful on an individual level, but the idea of using a blacklist I didn’t even make myself… My whole being is just screaming out against the idea.
I do not see wisdom in it

I don’t really understand the comparison, slapping a mosquito is in some sense interacting with it, ignoring musquitos gets you bitten

In general, my accusation of cowardice against the person was probably too much of going in with a stretched leg, but I still dislike the idea to the point where it makes the hairs on my neck stand up

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And then the mosquito is gone, never to bother a soul again.
We have all interacted with the miscreants on my ignore list, we are just bored of them :slight_smile:

Yeah but you’re not slapping the mosquito’s, you’re ignoring them.
That’s what I meant with that comment

It takes no power away from them to go against you except now you’re blind too it is what I’m trying to say

What is repellent but a ‘mosquito ignore’?

You’re wrong, we have let them feed on our blood/attention/effort for too long. The 15 seconds it takes us to ignore them is us slapping them.

Really not a hard concept to grasp.

Ok, we disagree on a fundamental level then, no harm done

Ahhh the pieces of the puzzle are coming together and you are talking absolute big bag Gizzy , in fact the “Perroy has been kicked from HoA and does ERP loads” lie is / was part of the rite of passage of the Shattered Shield

It’s one of the first things I was told when that “community” “explained” the server situation to me , so I know what you did spread there :smile:


I remember hearing the stories about Akru back in the day, but I don’t remember hearing that people said Perroy and him were the same person.

No one really says that outside of the community made only to “”" counter “”" the Rotgarde


It does strike me very much as the ol’ “Every guild on AD that I don’t like is secretly just alts of Perroy.”

The AD-meta is so broken when the counter-decks are still destroyed by the meta-ruling deck.

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Yeah same community told me that Ghorek of Southfury Marauders was actually Perroy too

Edit: Or that all RG members would play on their Marauders / Ravensun alts when RG “took some heat” w/e that means


It’s Perroys all the way down.


Self-milling decks is apparantly really popular. I don’t know why, there’s not even a victory condition for it in this formula!