[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

Christ alive, is there anyone on this realm who isn’t Perroy?

I mean GG was (later) also accused of being RG

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Nope, we’re all Perroy’s alts.


All of Argent Dawn is just a figment of his imagination played out on a solo private server.

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lunch breaks and evenings off is not 24/7 and you do seem to have time to post 24/7.

Perroy has never been in HoA. Why try to shill this like you try to shill Perroy being Akru? You are part of the group when they see someone horrible on WoW you just go “Thats perroy on an alt!!!”

Ok why make a statement if it may be untrue.

Anything may seem like flaunting when your guilds peak numbers was 4 online.

Ok so your guild went on a hiatus half a year after it was made, and came back in january yet nothing really happen with it so it was actually still on hiatus?

Yeah he was trying to push that soundbite in another chat - a log he weirdly / conveniently only posts a fragment of

Luckily communities built on malice / trying to own someone else crumble pretty fast because if your unifying ideal is “PCU bad” you end up just like Oildelivery IBS has


I’ll hit you up then bc i can find no such thread, and the name is only very distantly familiar on account of sounding like an infinity of other threads with a similar naming format

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I think it is though

It’s not hard to shave off the verbiage for the sake of having a conversation that actually flows properly without people having to ask “what did he mean by this, bros?” every two or three posts you create. The vast majority of your posts read as if you ate a thesaurus then let loose a big stinky burp into your text box and pressed enter


Back and healthy now, toothypegs all good, but yes, this went where I expected, I’m not seeing all of it, but I imagine some people are -outraged- that people they claim to ignore are being meanies at them, there are lies and rumours flying around, which no one can counter or confirm, Someone has already used the “Screenshots or it didn’t happen” defence, which is a bit weird, as to actually -have- screenshots of every conversation you have had with a character, or indeed, that other characters have had with a tangentially unrelated character, is frankly a bit, well, no, it is very creepy. Not Jade Witch level of creepy, but transplanted into real life would definitely get someone a restraining order. Also someone said, might have been Tehya or Perroy a line that I might find interesting.

“Apologies go a long way”

Yeah, tried that, way back when. I personally apologised to Perroy for misinformation I had been given which led me to believe he had orchestrated downvotes (I mean, not that he -did- orchestrate downvotes, I know that full well, I was asked to enough times, but that he did so to me) His response was, over Discord, a bluntly worded invitation to suck his male generative organ.

So no then.

Ever since then, Ta-Da, here we are…

So ehh, yeah, if that is what classes as forgiveness or even a truce, having to fellate someone, then, I’ll give that a hard pass.

I mean he could have just said “F-Off” but from what I understand, such is not in his nature, he needs the humiliation aspect.

Which is weird, but, hey, different strokes for different folks I guess.

Yeah, they do. I don’t think anybody realistically expects you to like every single individual in our community, but neither do I think it’s unrealistic for you to stop propagating that “PCU = bad” as a whole (even if this isn’t directly stated; a lot of your posts in the past have at the very least implicated it) and instead choose to dislike people on an individual basis.

Whilst I don’t think there’s currently anybody I inherently dislike in the PCU, that’s not to say there won’t be in the future, but I’m not going to demonise the entirety of said community, leave it and speak the name like some form of eldritch curse in the future because of this.

I’d argue this goes not just for you, but for everybody that holds similar opinions

(You also should totally stop choosing to die on this hill, though - it’s unwise at best and does 0% good for you)


That message itself is over a year old by now, but I guess you can pretend that I still think the exact same thing and that I am pushing the exact same things if that suits the narrative you are pushing?

… Uh, Meg, buddy. You alright? I meant that for all I knew, he could have been in the HoA at one point or not.

Insert “You have one insult” Meme here

Assuming that my 6 years ago connection to Gearfist or my now dormant Guild are ways to “Hurt” me is pretty cute, though.

I was not aware that you had been the unseen eye of Acherus above the Guild all this time, how about that? How else would you be able to come up with such stuff to say during such a broad span of time.

Give me that juicy posts of me teabägging on the PCU in the Shattered Shield, I am sure if what you are saying is true then it’s just FILLED with them, right?

One Goblin company trying to be a conglomerate that specialized in trade, espionage and armed forces vs a species unrestricted glorified mailman service with a Goblin lead overseas with some beefy mooks to do the heavy lifting? Wow aren’t they just like a kettle and a pot!

I do find it entertaining that people assume I have some die-hard love for Gearfist of old.

I’m sure you’d find a lot less posts against the PCU if the people inside said community would become more self-aware and take a more responsible approach to the game and regulate their attitude.

Otherwise your post, willingly or not, is just part of the same herd mentality which uses moralizing tones as an excuse for toxicity, and can be summed up as it follows: “you have to recognize that we’re good or else you are the problem.”

I’ll bite.

What does that mean. How am I not self-aware. Where do you think I or someone else in PCU falls short.

Examples would be sick because otherwise you’re just sort of going for the jab. And you’re not really saying anything.

Little rules. Two of them in our community that I can immediately think of.
No OOC in IC channels.

That’s simple. innit. And it allows people to be individuals and speak their minds. Hell this very thread has had several PCU people disagree with eachother.

Average PCU forum poster is genuinely about as assertive with their opinions as you are, honestly.

We can kid around quite a bit, and ofcourse there’s a bit of pack mentality. We’re group of people who constantly get shat on, and we do lash out as much.

But at the end of the day, we look out for one-another. And that’s #wholesome not a “hivemind”.


I’m thinking you talking about self awareness is a good example of how you have no self awareness


I’m just going to take the time to say I second this as a certain sect of people on the forums as prone to saying that the big bad PCU members need to ‘clean up their act’, but I’m not exactly sure what that is supposed to entail


I provided two recent examples a few posts before this one, mentioning two threads in which people have taken toxic attitude without any need.

In the end, people are encouraged to do so in said community. Eventually, their friends will back them up regardless of their actions. You seem to have zero rules/very few rules against harassment and bullism, and it might be the reason a lot of the members often cross boundaries. These attitudes, if they aren’t waved off as a non-issue, will still be treated as innocents as a (non-PCU) scapegoat will be found as the real responsible individual behind it all.

The logic seems to be that you prefer to look at the social group as a source of validation, which means that your entire community will be unwilling to truly discuss things on a neutral level.

This continues not to be a real word

Try writing at a reading level you’re fluent in - your posts read like Shonn’s TRP


the word you are probably looking for is bullYism.


This sounds like the least offensive thing you could possibly have apologised for. So I’m not surprised Perroy & everyone else you offended/upset/angered hasn’t forgiven you.


I understand that my post could be read as hostile, but could you avoid comparing me to Shonn? (also that reply dodged the issue but ok)
Thanks in advance.