[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

Sorry, bud. Acknowledging something being said does not translate over to being butthurt over it.

Better luck next time.

Assuming our goal was ever to be “Big and relevant” just paints a nice picture of priorities, does it not? It’s almost like someone is… Projecting.

RP is not real. It’s a sandbox. Remember to go outside too, Meg.

Preeeetty sure even if I would find myself there, I would be finding 2018 Meg there as well. Now how heretical would that be?

Something I can very much agree on, since it’s content for people of a Realm if they want to take part in it.

Again, you saying “toxic” is 100% a nebulous term that means whatever you want it to. I consider you pretty toxic (though I don’t mind, the forums are no fun when they’re all friendly) and I think you certainly tried to harrass Vixi pretty extensively (eagerly accepting the support of griefers and worse in the process) - but you seem to never chide yourself and really do act like you’re the Mother Theresa of AD

Apparently people like it enough to join up hand over fist, so it’s probably based instead - most players on this server don’t care about your personal / unique definition of harrassment and the hours you spend on your theses seem to have the opposite effect of what you’re after

You keep making these quasi-cool guy “heh go outside” core posts, perhaps forgetting how you type on discord / how much time you personally invest in WoW related activities

Honestly, post hairline


If it was my opinion you wouldn’t see so many people complaining about PCU / people in the PCU lamenting the criticism they receive.

Let’s be real, “So many people” is 5-10 people + their alts.


The complaints in-game usually stem from our size (aka. the “ah, they’re taking over!” cannard) or our policy on ERP (“nOoOoO that’s harrassment you can’t just not recruit cyberers not the cyberinos…!”) along with various RP PVP dramas that you’d expect

The truth is only forum posters care about the forums

The entire Shattered Shield?


In their hay day, maybe.

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I had to sit through one of these in timewalking yesterday from a couple of nobodies.

It was uncomfortable to say the least.

It’s up to them how the spend their subscription time, whether you agree /disagree with them or not on any number of matters, and the very FEW people that complain about them publicly generally haven’t recognised that yet.

Feel free to see it that way. For me WoW is a game and RP is a hobby (One that I have done very little the past 9 months as it is), not sure how that equals to “Heh he does nothing else”.

I warn you, though. The size of my forehead leaves people in awe and shock.

Pretty much this too. I’ve never personally been that huge of a fan when it comes to realm-wide events so I tend to favour Random RP or more condensed storylines and events. That’s my choice when it comes to spending my sub.

People who do the “dude … leans back in chair … its just a hobby for me …” are almost exclusively the biggest WoW obsessives - the kind of people who are on as much as time permits but also pretend they aren’t so people will think they’re extremely cool (when they are most certainly not)



I am saying that your guild did not even really rp at all.

Do i need to post about my activities outside of wow on the wow forums? Seems weird.

Hm… true. But also unlike you, i was mostly just going with the flow, while you are more of a contributor to it and sharing wrong information.

Seen a lot of that too, tbh, but again. Feel free to think of what I said as you wish.

We also of course have the types who go “Waaaaa I hate WoW in it’s current state, BoycotBlizz”, but then stay subbed.

Yeah, because joining events, both social and more combat oriented in 2018 and then mostly doing Guild-centered and cross-Guild social events in 2019 + All the more laidback Random RP we did actually socializing and building bonds with other characters as a group is totally not Roleplaying.

Nah, nah. Just saying.

Even though the fact is that I am not hating on you for joining PCU and calling you something stupid like “tRaItOr”?

Unfortunantly there was a lot of misinformation and side-taking in Late 2018 and early 2019.

I do disagree with a lot of things put out by certain members, but you don’t see me ordering a blanket ignore on everyone under the PCU flag, now do you?

On a side note, Shattered Shield crashed and burned mostly due to the fact that the Guilds in it hated each other from the beginning. New Guilds were basically treated as “Threats” instead of new opportunities, whilst you had the two most active Guilds basically being lovey-dovey with eachother and pissing on the rest.

not being funny, but unless I missed it, nor are they?

Shattered shield was very much shattered before it started. You had Gearfist trying to get people kicked out for not being them, Guilds refusing to cooperate on things. It was just a cluster F.


I’ve heard the shattered shield was just made to combat my guild and not really an attempt at genuine organic roleplay

I don’t think things made out of spite have a high rate of success

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Considering what Gearfist became, why would anyone want to be them??

Yeah it wasn’t suppose to be against the PCU. But everyone seemed to want to make it that. it was suppose to be group of guilds working together to create RP. I know for a fact that the handful of people involved in trying to make the Shattered Shield ended up leaving because it became the “anti-PCU” thing it did.

They had it in there head the CCC where “anti-Gearfist inc” so tried to get us kicked out. No one else believed there delusions so we stuck around till it became clear it was becoming a “anti-PCU” thing and then we left because we weren’t interested in such self-destroying stupidity.


It’s dumb, I think we’ve seen some amazing rp happen once the community bands together instead of making everything political

Last thing I remember was the riots in stormwind a couple of weeks ago, I think people were a bit apprehensive but everyone had their moment to shine in roleplay so those who participated had fun. I hope?

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While it was called the Horde shield it 100% was. But when they reformed into shattered shield it later on became “lets show we can make RP despite the PCU!!!” so… PCU was still a main drive for community. Kind of like AaW was made for “lets make RP-PvP without the PCU!”

Big true, the only time shattered shield felt good to be part of when it is not some political movement going on but just RP. Even then it still did feel a bit political like in drums of war.

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The hate CCC got made very little sense and the distaste some people had towards Kilgun as well.

Of course me and my lot were treated as “Possible Dramacausers” simply because we were new to the community, which did not help matters.

Funny thing being that we had been voted in just like the rest in the past lmao.

Whole thing that basically imploded and made me drop Shattered Shield was when my Officer telling another person OOC that they think their IC character is a bit of a dick caused this huuuuuuge drama in the Officer chat.

What he said was not targeted at the person OOCly at all to begin with, but of course we were pushed to the side since “We could cause trouble”

Not to even mention the fact that strictly business/social oriented Guilds like Oilgut and CCC had very little to actually do in the structure of Shatteref Shield due to it mostly being warbands, etc.