[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

You’re well aware that the poster in question, Rabies, continued to post very bizarre, sarcasm-ridden posts about how his name was “amazing” and how he was a “genius” for creating it. With this context, it was very obvious that the statement in which he CLAIMED he would create an appropriate TRP was likely a quick cop out to so that the thread would die out. Rabies gave people no reason to believe he was sincere, and that was painfully obvious, so you glossing over that too is just for your own convenience

Rabies was 100% playing the deliberately ignorant card, and the thought that you took his posts at face value (and continue to do so) is truly one of the greatest mysteries I’ve ever encountered in my life

I stand by my post you’ve quoted entirely I’m afraid to say


A greatest hits of Rabies first six replies:

''Non-medieval or non-fantasy names ‘’

Rabies is a Fantasy name, And there was Rabies in the Medieval age. So yeah…

It is when you’re a worgen. Then its a great name.
It would be weird for a gnome tough…

Ofcourse not. However i chose this name for myself, my reasons are my own.

However i dont use my ‘’ real’’ name. i use this name.

I changed the topic of the Chat. However to adress your issue.

There are plenty of people who play on AD that do alot more then roleplay. There are even Mythic raiding guilds here.
I am only currious if there is a small guild out there that would concider the posibility, the option of maby joining us, becomming one with us and play this game together with us

Oh Thats the whole core of my identity. My entire Character thinks he’s so awsome, is convinced everyone else thinks that too and any evidence to dictate something else is wrong.

Yes I am and proud of it!

I agree with you, It is a big ask.
However i am not saying hey talk to me and drop everything right now and join us.
But Cooperation might lead to an eventual merge. Or maby not. All i want to do is explore the option. When i am ready to post my request again i will make sure to express myself better. But the topic has changed so yeah

I could keep going if you’d like. Where does he say any of the things you accuse him of here?

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I dont think I’ve been subtle/kept it a secret with that I used to be in one guild for a while, but had to leave due to personal situation such as limited time.


The only post he’s made in my long re-read so far was in relation to his character thinking he was a genius and magnificent.

Do you not understand the basic distinction between IC and OOC.

Also none of those things are present in the six replies I posted. You’re lying.


Umay you remind me of this Gif to be honest.

Just stop trying to use Rabies as the but of your argument the guy devolved quickly in to a pantomime of his own name rather quickly.


I’m aware of your brief stint in the Assemblage, which is why it’s weird to me for this Forum Philosophy student to try to hold you up as an example of why PCU bad.


Six posts = entire thread

I’m afraid there’s a big question mark above my head atm

Yeah, like the OP’s title being changed into some challenge after less than 1% of the thread for example

NoOooOoo! How could this happen? I made my thread all about if my name was good or not and people replied!

Please don’t try to do zingers like this

So? Are they not allowed to report a name they believe is not appropriate?

What does Vixi have to do with the PCU exactly? I support their right to report a name if they feel that it is reportable and don’t have a problem with their posting, but she’s not one of mine

Do you just free-style these walls of texts without taking like one minute to check these things up or what

Just another day in paradise

You don’t need to write in this super passive-aggressive way and can just type like a normal guy I’m thinking. It just makes you sound steamed when you don’t need to be - I am being very honest with you so you can do me that favour I think

The CoC is very rarely the reason why I don’t like something happening. For example - Doxir dropping doxx is not a problem because of the CoC per se - it is a problem because I believe escalating to doxxing people you don’t like is not a good path for this forum to take (having been doxxed etc about 12 million times myself)

Agree with the post but not the implication. Again, you’re just labelling anything you don’t like harassment - it’s the last resort of the AD poster

I think if someone changes their thread title to invite a discussion on something they secretly don’t want discussed, the onus is on them to not do that

Those players are not in the PCU (bar Bury) so I don’t really have to take responsibility for them - nor is the name thing something I’m invested in / taking a big stand on

Extremely partisan + it feels like you and I are reading 100% different threads. Yes, if someone specifically changes the title of a thread they can expect responses related to that title. What a strange hill to take a stand on, honestly

Relevant in that you will notice that happening more because a higher % of the posts are by those posters (or, as you’ve shown w/r to Vixi, posters you assume are those posters)

I don’t know how you misinterpreted that

You could have had that in writing about 100 times over by scrolling back through the forum

I’m not a Blizzard employee so really that’s not for me to say. I don’t moderate the forums

Yeah, I know

OK, sounds good, but Vixi isn’t in the PCU so if they want to label themselves that that’s their cross to bear

Not at all. You have demonstrated very little - in fact looking over that thread has made me less sympathetic to your point

I think if you are willing to call telling someone his name is not good + that they can report it (after the topic was specifically changed that discussion by way of the title) a form of harassment I’m thinking that altposting walls of text directly at the same source (and using unaffiliated players) as your justification is just more of the same

I don’t agree with that but you must do - since that’s really the core of your argument: that repeated negative posts = harassment


Interesting! So you have been and would be a PCU member if it weren’t for your personal situation. So you are, basically, PCU.

You can’t argue that he’s escalated when the tone of his initial replies was conciliatory and even accomodating, agreeing to adopt a TRP3 and write a profile explaining the name IC - which, I would think, is what you wanted - while you were calling him ignorant and stupid.

I like this realm, I like the people, the comunity, the roleplayers in stormwind. And apart from the toxic behaviour here i will continue to play on AD.

I dont see a reason why people should flag my name. They never have before. And if this topic should be that reason i am certain blizzard will not honor that request, for there is no reason to,

For now be satisfied with this.
I choose this name, I dont use my real name since my curse. And there is that. Now its a fantasy name.

Thankyou verry much and have a goodday playing in the mud with orcs or whatever you bloodelves do

Another deeply toxic and problematic post by Rabies.

You’re not allowed to discuss it. CoC.

… anymore - but you support her right to break the CoC?

You’re not a Blizzard employee, so you can’t comment on the effect of insults and personal attacks on people on the forums? You have no understanding of the impact of these things - because you’re not a Blizzard employee? It’s not your place to have a moral stance on members of your community harassing other players because you’re not a Blizzard employee? You don’t have basic empathy - because you’re not a Blizzard employee.

Very interesting

My bad! It’s difficult to distinguish people who have the full support of the PCU and people who are in the PCU.

But they were already getting those comments, otherwise why change the title of the thread? It literally says in the O.P:

The original topic of the post is removed and we are now talking about that for some reason. Enjoy!

He didn’t change the topic of conversation. The thread had already been derailed (another breach of the ToS).

… Well, yes, do you dispute that repeatedly insulting and demeaning someone is harassment? I thought that non-controversial.

I’m glad I do, I assumed since the PCU regularly complain about harassment in-game by OOC’ers and griefers that they had a moral objection to harassment and griefing. I assumed because you expected Vaxir to have a logical and morally consistent position on doxxing - i.e, that it’s bad, no matter who it happens to, and it’s not just bad because it happened to her - you too would demonstrate a logical and morally consistent position on griefing.

But this isn’t the case. I don’t know how else to describe harassment except repeatedly targeting somebody with verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, insults and derogation - all of which present at various points in that thread against Rabies. Elyrius, Vixi - PCU affiliated or not - Tehya, Pitchwrench, Utoobu, and… Zagkush (?) - all pitched in to mock and belittle him.

Like Vixi, I don’t know what else to call “I’m going to tell on you and you’re going to get in trouble” but a form of spiteful intimidation which implies the threat of consequences.

I don’t know why there’s this weird, whack distinction between “rule-breaking and harassment in the game = bad” and “rule-breaking and harassment on the forums = good”, like the forums are some amoral, free-floating, consequence-free zone where you can be as unpleasant as you want to somebody, you can engage in vicious personal attacks, and that’s hilarious good fun, but if you spam a toy in game during the latest Hunt for the Red McGuffin 6, this is an unforgivable crime and sin - because it personally inconveniences you.

I mean, to me - personal attacks are much worse than toy spamming! I operate in this weird zone where there’s a distinction between being inconvenienced and being hurt.

I just assumed, through your past posts, that you actually abided by a set of standards and morals. I assumed by the sixteenth thread crying about OOC griefers that you had a sound and rational objection to griefing as a concept, and weren’t just mad you were on the receiving end instead of the giving. And yeah - I count verbal abuse and harassment as griefing as well.

If you don’t care when your community is making people miserable, you’ve no right or reason to cry when somebody trolls your events.


I fail to see the point or relevance of this though towards why they are bad?


Don’t care / didn’t ask.

The opinion of some weird off realm OOC guy means absolutely nothing.


I don’t think I implied they were bad in that specific reply? Perroy disputes your PCU cred, I’m establishing it.

^ in 10 characters

Didn’t they say earlier today it was only bad perception? Weird how people be like that.

Now imagine if I did doxx them (on purpose). I’d be in a bumloada trouble.

What cred lol? He said that I wasn’t one of his, so even if he would disagree with my opinions/posting it’s not his to correct, which is true.

Just because I was in a guild and enjoyed it quite alot, for only like 2 weeks, and agree with alot of their posts & people, doesn’t change that.


“Imagine if I did (insert fiasco) on purpose, I’d actually have to take responsibility.”
Story of your life.

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Yeah, don’t do that. I don’t feel like you understand what I’m saying. Doxxing’s bad, Vaxir. So is harassment.

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“So you’ve tried cooking, and if it wasn’t for your situation, you would’ve been a chef. So you’re, basically, a chef.”


When even Kump has to pick a side…