[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

I like to point out funnily enough, that I didnt recieve any warnings nor suspensions for what I posted in that thread. So either no one actually reported it at all, or it turns out that what I said wasn’t that big of a deal enough to warrant a punishment.

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So this person would actually still be a supporter.
You don’t have to be at the game physically to support a team. There’s TV, phones, radio, buying things related to them.
To be part of the PCU you actually need to be in it, however.

Have I missed something?

I think that’s because the CoC prohibits discussing bans and other penalties that have been handed out, not potential reports or the potential of a ban resulting from them.


Not really, he’s just putting the clown paint on now.


He doesn’t have the killer (unintentional or intentional pun? You decide.) OST to back it up, though.


Alas, those halcyon days of six hours ago

Yeah so and what? He did that thing. He put “hehe” so it’s… a bad thing? You’re not making a point here.

No, I caught the meaning clearly but the problem is this part here, this part, it’s wrong -

Heavy is the crown. You said yourself you could have stopped Rabies harassment, but you didn’t. With great power, great responsibility - you can’t deny you run your community to your own personal policies, I don’t know why you’re rendered yourself selectively morally exempt from applying them on the forums.

Like his name

In a thread the moderators locked

Kettle, pot, black.

You can harass and bully them though. Yeah - I’m expanding the meaning of harassment to include griefing - which I said in the post tbf

Aha, no! But discussing disciplinary measures taking against a poster is. They weren’t invoking the CoC, they were announcing their reports. I’ve never discussed any hypothetical reports I have or haven’t issued.

Like your reading comp M8

Yep, I agree! But they didn’t just call their name bad, they called him variously stupid, ignorant, juvenile, and a host of other insults. That’s much closer to the ballpark.

I’m not the nihilist you are Perroy, I believe in things - and definitely what I posted above.

Contrary to your earlier post, where unpleasantness, insults, and harassment on the forums is fine and a-okay.

I feel the same way about you, as you twist and turn and try to justify why you’re not taking a moral stance on bullying and harassment instead of just - ya know - taking a moral stance on bullying and harassment

I genuinely think he acted unimpeachably for several hundred posts in that thread, and only genuinely snapped when the insults and pressure had reached an unbearable point.

Fascinating how you keep reframing insulting, demeaning, mocking, belittling, and intimidating other players as not “polite enough” and also a teensy bit manipulative and misrepresentative sort of like here where you say

I didn’t say you deserved to be griefed, I said you’d no right to complain - which you knew, because you quoted me. If your own people harassing others is fine, then you can’t run crying to the forums when you get harassed in game.

I disagree, I think they have to answer for the behaviour of their actual supporters, of which I’d say Vixi is one, but since she’s been disowned I suppose that’s no longer valid

Also, so sorry, Vixi

sad piano music plays as Vixi walks away

blushes in OOC


blushing intensifies

If the interest level of my posts is judged by the amount of replies I receive (it is) I am the most interesting poster in the thread bar none

But then that’s true by any metric

Riddle me this, Tehya -

What has two thumbs and doesn’t give an emoji?

(It’s actually time)

Oh, all right then, if you insist

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Wubwubwubwubwub sheowwwwwm -

It’s me, Bragi, the City Watch dwarf you don’t remember!

My oldest and mainest character.

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Clowning is a privilege, only the chosen my ascend… Guess should summon Stonetower.

Mood, guess fits this situation too.


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Hello, Tehya lawyer department? :phone:

Yeah, I’d like to make a PSA: unless you’re a certified brand like [Tehya] (who doesn’t even rly hide their main of the same class / race combo / name almost being that), hiding check-pvp alts = insecurity.

In layman’s terms that everyone like Umay ( :nerd_face: ) would understand:
opinion given by a person scared of speaking their opinion on the internet. pretty virgin move. don’t care didn’t ask.


alt hiding intensifies


I concur, I find: https://youtu.be/zjedLeVGcfE
Far more fitting for the reveal of a literal who in a notoriously mediocre guild.

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He says, being crushed utterly by the prestige of my legacy Stormwind guild

Woah woah woah take it easy there! There’s no need to go calling anybody literal!

U realize spiderman is neither legally nor morally obligated to help anyone right

Like finding the ultimate riddle to stupify batman?

Pay him and i’m sure he will but at this point in time it is in fact not his job.

literally who

Of course, Sephiroth one was for myself. :O)

Fittingly powerful.

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…what are you, a gamete? You don’t remember Stormwind’s oldest and greatest and most reputable guild? How young are you actually?

Your signature move, I believe

I think, Tehya - I’ve got to be honest here - that might have been the point of the speech

That MIGHT have been the theme of the movie

Maybe, just an interpretation

Thank you for showing your 1 x RP char, Umay (or should I say Bragi). That’s not as virgin but doesn’t change the fact you’re making an idiot of yourself.