[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

Thought you were Brodef for a sec.

Now that woulda been a plot twist to remember…

movie characters are capable of being wrong you know this right? or are you one of those people who reaches for family guy and south park in political arguments

Mean and hurtful words

Can’t believe I’m being bullied by a minor

This isn’t how this is supposed to work, we do it the OTHER way round on the forums!!!

I don’t know why you’re trying to argue that Spider-Man is wrong

I just don’t know why anybody would do that

Yeah, to be fair that only speaks to me that age doesn’t equal wisdom, my friend . . .

Res ipsa loquitur. :clown_face:

Yeah, and ipso facto ergo to you too, my friend

Quis custodiet ipso custodes indeed…

I’m a big fan of Zack Synder too.

Was it not Zach Snyder that said,

“Veni, Vidi, Vici - Cogito Ergo Sum?”

I think it was. Words to live by.

What happened 6 hours ago

You ask people to point out where in his initial replies he provoked a reaction - I point it out


I don’t consider saying “your name is bad + I can report it” harassment + your personal definitions of these words have no weight for me

Does that make sense? You redefining what words mean for yourself does not make it so for me

IDK what this is supposed to mean, sorry

Locked + removed some posts. That implies the posts that stayed up are A-OK

Well, I’m replying in a similar length to you because it would be rude to reply to you with some zinger after you spend 45min per post. My average post is pretty short + I type even these very quickly

You’re also expanding the definitions of harassment and bullying - so you’re extending like 3 different words to form some forbidden word mutant creation

Yet their post wasn’t removed so the moderator who ruled on the matter has decided it was OK

Oh well

I’m trying my best, honest

I don’t think they were too wrong with some of those. Do you think calling someone dumb is harassment? I mean, you just said my reading comprehension is bad (which it may well be) - did you just harass me or what?

It’s OK, I’ll let you off

Don’t even know what that means

I don’t know about that. You’re repeating the same points a lot after you’ve been given an answer and redefining a whole lot - from what words mean to what guild Vixi is REALLY in

I think you’re just after a wicked wednesday argument. Pretty based

Yeah I don’t care about people being rude on the forums as long as they don’t drop each other’s personal information. As long as it’s above board being rude I’m OK with it

Again, your personal definitions = I don’t care

Your entire argument hinges on people accepting that the definition of harassment = being rude - but it simply isn’t

Just as you reframe things by your use of words repeatedly. Is this the first argument you’ve ever had

I don’t gain my right to complain from you so I have every right instead

This is a bit of a cheap reply - are you implying I should have the power to police ex-members for all time? Sure, that sounds based

Well, I think any post that is anti-PCU will get many replies because most active posters are (by your metric, at least) one of us

I could have sworn it was some kind of night elf. Augh …

However, as a member of the SCW (a guild I was once an officer in) you are now complicit in everything you’ve complained about + are a member of the PCU for all time

Now… bring me Rabies’ name


Call it HONOUR. British spellings are superior.



Ten. Silly system.

Still superior for the British I think


You can’t cherrypick the least of their offences and pretend that’s what I’m referring to when I’m saying “harassment”. It wasn’t just that they said his name was bad, it was that it made him a bad stupid person who should feel bad.

I’ve been pretty clear on what I’m defining - “harassment” - and the terms in which it’s been defined - “insulting, demeaning, mocking, belittling and intimidating”, so I don’t know why you keep reverting to “saying his name was bad”.

based and polite-pilled

But the meaning of those words is already linked. They share synonyms in persecution, intimidation, pressure, etc. They are compatible species. It’s not an unnatural abomination I’m creating like a Liger, it’s a lovable mongrel like a Labradoodle

nihilist: someone who rejects all religious and moral principles in the belief that [the forums] are meaningless

I think calling someone dumb is unkind, and I think saying it repeatedly is unnecessary and even more unkind, and I think when you have five or six people in a thread calling you dumb and stupid and ignorant and then saying they’re going to report you on spurious grounds, it’s harassment and/or bullying, yeah.

It’d be bullying in a playground, it’s bullying here - and I think it was pretty obvious the poster in question was getting upset and distressed. Being “rude” is a bit too sanitised for me. It implies a lack of thought in the manner and presentation. I’d put it under “being cruel”, which, considering they were tormenting him for their own entertainment, it definitely was. And that changes things. There’s a big difference between being a bit rude and going out of your way to be hurtful and aggravate somebody already in a wound-up state - it wasn’t just “your name is bad and you should change it”, it was repeated mocking and belittling remarks. So there’s a gulf between what you’re describing and what I’m describing, and I feel like you’re only describing half of the picture.

I don’t think it’s the same thing. When you’re reframing things, you’re not representing them in full - you’re offering partial or in some cases actual misrepresentations of what happened, and so you’re excluding in your definition anything inconvenient to your position.

It’s not accurate to say that they were only protesting his name - that was a part of it, but they were also criticising him, and doing so repeatedly, in mocking and belittling posts. I don’t think it’s fair to say repeated mocking is the same as being rude, to me it’s more malicious than that, especially when it’s turned into a forum dog-piling.

The mentality I’m critiquing here is best represented by eager young PCU cadet Crowton (in another thread entirely)

I don’t think you can say that summoning the “pack” to a forum dog-piling falls under “impolite”, and Rabies was getting dog-piled.

The entire premise of their derailment was that he’d broken the ToS, which he hadn’t, as many reasonable arguments in the thread proved - so, IF they weren’t ruled against (which could be, as you said earlier, due to a lack of moderation) - he certainly wasn’t either, proving they’d no grounds to go after him.

Almost like a man who believes in what he’s saying. I’m repeating myself because there seems to be a fundamental disagreement about the nature of events which alas I am unable to resolve to my satisfaction.

Well this much is true - the answer has been a resounding

So I agree that the debate at this point is redundant and circular. I try to make you care, you don’t care, it’s a sisyphean task. That’s not an entirely glib statement - only a mostly glib one - because where I see harassment, you see rude, so for you it’s a non-issue.

Actually, no - and I’ll admit I’m wrong here. You can’t be responsible for people outside of the PCU. It’s just hard to tell who’s outside the PCU when, say, a person like Vixi - an ex-member - is riding in the same bandwagon (over poor Rabies) with a bunch of actual members

unhappy with this arrangement

But do you have a moral right? I’d say no. Either harassment’s bad or it isn’t - I think repeatedly verbally abusing somebody, and doing so en masse, counts as harassment, rather than just being rude, but then we’re at the same impasse as earlier.

… which officer? I showed you mine, you show me yours -



It is unfortunately. But that can be changed.

I think going by the lack of sanctions given Blizz is in firm disagreement so I sleep on this pretty hard.

You can’t call Crowton a gamete (granted he is a zoomer) for not knowing about SCW and then not know all that much about the history of your vanity guild yourself.

Also in Crowton’s defense, SCW also hasn’t been active for, what… five or six years at least?

I thought we were all in agreement that AD forums had become a lawless state due to lack of moderation by Blizzard

While I understand that you’re mentioning Vixi in the sense of ‘this member is not easy to seperate from the PCU crowd’, you’re linking it to the idea of ‘because she was an active participant in the harassment’.
In light of that, I feel you’re being incredibly unfair to Vixi by using her as that constant go-to example, considering in the thread itself she conceded to your point and apologised to the OP.


we were until a thread being locked apparently counted but the lack of given sanctions now doesn’t count?

Sorry it’s hard to keep track.

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Ah, so does this then mean that it’s okay for non-RPers to be on the server? They don’t moderate against that either.

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