[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums šŸ™‚

Glad to be of service to restore one of the old forumsā€™ functionalities and the forum equivalent of the in-game ignore tool then! :slight_smile:

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Yes, thatā€™s what it is, exactly.

I personally donā€™t want to use it, so Iā€™m not going to use it- But, as said, I understand the appeal for others who want to use it. After youā€™ve discussed x topic with a person a million times maybe itā€™s just easier for some people to just ignore the other person and not think too deep into it. Yeah, it can backfire as you say, but then again, as said, I always put the individual enjoyability above the collective.

Whether thatā€™s healthy or not is another topic.

to reply with equal courtesy and intellect: just scroll past it forehead

I suppose thatā€™s the problem, I donā€™t. Itā€™s less about how healthy it is (and tbqh itā€™s not much of a topic/discussion, the answer should be obvious) and more about how pointless it is. Why visit a forum if you just end up silencing it?


There is absolutely no difference between ignoring a post by scrolling past it quickly to avoid the content and just having it not appear in the first place - in both cases by your own words youā€™re creating an echo chamber - so Iā€™m thinking youā€™re talking absolute bag and either have tripped over your own tongue or donā€™t really even believe what youā€™re saying

walks towards you quickly and opens this dialogue window


I ignore one person on this forum.
Theyā€™re an OOC mong and never say anything of value. I donā€™t mind people who disagree because I like a good argument, but if they just chat crap for the sake of it, I have no time for them.

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Yeah there is, because sometimes even dumb posters can end up revealing some cool thoughts that I might agree with and then end up seeing quoted/spoken about by others.

Mate stop trying so hard to force your point, itā€™s honestly starting to look rlly silly. People just wanna put some consistently annoying people who add nothing of value to whatever topic is at hand on ignore. Thatā€™s not ā€œsilencing the forumā€, thatā€™s muting the incoherent screeching so it doesnā€™t block out the actual conversation.


think youā€™re just scared youā€™re on the list mate.


yeah that really was all it was from the start, thanks for understanding :-/

well itā€™s ok none of those account IDs are yours (though posting like this might have people seek your ID out and add it themselves eventually!)


As far as I understand you can still see quotes with this method (IDK, I donā€™t use it) - and it certainly canā€™t remove every mention of a point made. If you scroll past and read a bit, that is something entirely different to ignoring them - which is an old forum functionality that was removed that they say they will re-add at some point anyway. I think you are making a truly arbitrary distinction just for the sake of the post and basically, for me this is not one of those times


this is correct. I can still see quotes from the 1 singular person I have on my list.

thatā€™s very reassuring, Iā€™ll make sure not to repeat the mistake again + thank you for warning me for my foolishness ((unironically))



Iā€™ll look yours up if you ever get to the point of the 1 person i have blocked but i donā€™t think you could even on purpose.

The exact number of IQ needed to understand the average Brigpost

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Looks like the OP got reported.


While I am much a person in favour of a block/hide function for posts/posters on forums and other social outlets, all I can see from OP is another way to breed more toxicity into the forums, which AD forums already have.

If you donā€™t like a poster or a post then just ignore them and move on. Nobody is presumeably having a gun held to their head forcing them to read or reply.

That said, if people feel the OPā€™s suggestion will help better their own forum experience then I donā€™t see a reason not to use it.

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Thatā€™sā€¦ what this does.


How does having people on ignore breed toxicity?

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