[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

yeah just like it’s okay for us to slamdunk on them and remind them that they’re unwelcome :slight_smile:

I don’t get what your argument is, it seems we’re agreeing Blizz needs to do a better job.


I thought that was a result of the automated system automatically locking threads after it reaches a certain amount of flags. And highly flagged posts getting removed.

I don’t know how the system works. Are the blues back in town?

So, you are admitting then that your behaviour towards people like Rabies is unbecoming and should be moderated against? Got it!

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… kind of?

I think most of the posters here don’t need to act as hounds barking in the place of their master. If you have nothing of value to add, I think you could step back.

Imo, Umay has good intentions (ie. didn’t believe the officers endorsed this situation) and a lot of people here should really reconsider the lack of criteria upon which they’re acting.

It’s really weird to appeal to the authority of Blizzard only when it is convenient for you - and deduce, among other things, the most convenient situation: namely that he didn’t ban you because you didn’t violate the rules, and not because of other reasons (not enough reports, too many people to ban, or simply because toxicity has become the rule here). Either way, appealing to Blizzard is just an attempt to dodge the bullet. The fact you didn’t get banned doesn’t mean you weren’t wrong.

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That or Blizz is just refusing to act. They have a history of the latter when it comes to more serious situations after all.

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It is the entirety of their offenses. They called his name bad + some said they could report it + they called him names based on his goofy replies

Yeah I’m basically cool with all but the last bit (within reason, obviously - nothing below board like doxxing &c) honestly and I don’t consider “I can report you!” to be some bone-chilling sentence

Again, with this in mind I think your definition is whack - harassment implies something much, much harsher than “ur dumb” and implies that it is sustained over a long period of time. Now, if the people (for who I am responsible in that thread) then began to repeatedly contact Rabies IG, I would be very unhappy with them - because that would be what I consider harassment

Well, I’m a good Christian boy

I think you are stretching your creative license in a big way. You can just say “I think it’s lame to be rude” and you would be making the same point and we would be on the same page

Well, I really don’t like doxxing as a forum argument tactic - this I have kicked someone for before in the past / think that people should focus on calling each other’s internet personas lame instead of that

Beyond that, sure. It’s not too important

Agree up to this point. Something doesn’t need to be necessary for it to be something I won’t shake someone down for

Yeah I don’t feel that and I think that even if ten people tell you your name sucks (after you make that the focus of the topic) it’s not a game changer

Nah I don’t agree

Yet it began based on name + OOC guild until they were given a reason to call him dumb. Have you considered that so many people (many of which were not related to the PCU, as you must have by now discovered) began to say the same thing? Maybe some of his posts genuinely gave that impression

(another thread entirely) aka. nice but unrelated

Also since it’s related to Vaxir I think Crowton’s post is based. They will be repaid in their own coin for all time until they type “sorry perroy”

Maybe they thought his name was bad and then thought his replies were worse

There’s no point playing a broken record - I don’t agree with your definitions and I won’t agree with them


I can’t help being so deeply charismatic that random people back me up in forum arguments

Well, if it makes you feel any better I can’t remove yours either

I played a corporal called “Cogs” (gnome mage) and way later I played a gnome warrior sergeant though I honestly don’t remember his name - it was a character I didn’t invest very much time into because I didn’t enjoy the RP at the time. I think the name was “Dobber” maybe …


They have been, recently, but only with the most subtle of touches. Check out the OP of this thread for example.

It should be much in the same way that OOCels shouldn’t be around to begin with, coomer.

my idea, but according to Umay/dwarfface’s reasoning it’s the other.

It was (surprisingly) a manual lock. Manual edits happened to this OP too

Should I take this to mean you will never reply again, based on the last bit

Almost everyone has good intentions. You’ve been watching too much capetrash if you think that people are like “OK … today I will have bad intentions”

In what sense is that weird

Doesn’t mean they’re not right either (which they are)

That’s very classy then, doing something you know is against the rules, yet pointing out the rules to others, hypocrite.

I don’t really bother with this kind of stuff anymore, you’ll be happy to hear.

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


I’d quote the old stones and glass houses adage here, but your windows are long broken I think.

What it means is that whoever reviewed the thread and its flagged posts before it was permanently locked decided that questioning someone’s name on an RP realm did not fit the criteria of harassment. Whether it was right or wrong is pretty subjective.

Think instead I just quite simply don’t think it’s against the rules in Blizz’s eyes, even though I’d expect otherwise. We’re back at square one by the way.

Don’t believe you

(PS: dragon i noticed that you apparently quoted a post of mine and to spare you such efforts in the future I can assure you that your posts are nonexistent in my world)


Whatever will I do?

whine on the forums, apparently.

Probably advertise m+ boosts in /yell in Stormwind if the past is anything to go by

You must have me confused with someone else, I have never advertised M+ boosts ever. I’m not much of a M+ player.

Sorry, that is your occupation I believe.


I guess I’m more talking about a guild you’re in. Winds me up honestly because there’s like 2 other channels with a wider radius that could be used :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Which guild is that? Fruit Basket? Yeah, unfortunately they migrated to this server (they shouldn’t have) and have no understanding about RP rules. It sucks.

Pisses me off too, I spoke with the GM about it once but he doesn’t seem to care much.