[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

Ah, well, you see, I go by the CoC, so I think you’re wrong

Can, did, and will again

I know my officers, I just don’t know their alts, I’m not some kind of creepy check-pvp obsessive

Also I gasped at “vanity”, how dare you

This is a big disagree, he was being called stupid even when he was trying to be accommodating, you can’t use him losing his rag because he got called stupid as retroactive justification for calling him stupid

I think we can agree that you disagree and that I also disagree and thus perhaps we should both agree to disagree

I mean I haven’t attacked Vixi for being the big forum bully she definitely is in this thread, I’ve just had to use her for the purposes of my arguments because she’s a convenient example of a big forum bully - which is largely because she apologised unreservedly for bullying Rabies in the aforementioned thread

Now I thought the bullying was very unfair to Rabies, and you’d have thought that Vixi would have too since she was employing the very same strategies she herself acknowledged were bullying and harassment in persecuting him, so the wise amongst us might dispute the sincerity of an apology which was motivated not by the old agenbite of inwit (a stab of conscience, or moral compunction for you non-literary fellows) but by public shaming.

So in conclusion, as she was absolutely a definite example of

as proven by the fact she apologised for it, I don’t think it’s incredibly unfair to use her as an example of something she definitely did so much as inevitable and necessary

Sort of feels like crocodile tears to me tbh, you’ll insult me in your own posts but you’ll cry the blues over Vixi being a bully because she apologised for it when she was made to


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i also go by blizzard’s moderation :slight_smile: we all do, it’s somewhat inevitable.

That’s not true. Blizzard stated that they are free to act as they see fitting, which means they could even not act upon the CoC if they see fitting to do so. This situation seemingly happens more often than the one you suggest. There are plenty of reasons for which players don’t get banned, and the lack of tangible harassment is the last of them.

From many posts I’ve seen here: this statement is either wrong or it means that many people in the PCU evidently lack self-awareness.

You can tell a mile away a lot of people like being cruel.

Of course, it’s why it’s a non-point. It proves and explains nothing and yet is waved around as evidence, which it isn’t.

Bragi, hate to break it to you, but the only reason why I said “literally who” was to show how irrelevant your opinion is.
Heard of SCW, didn’t see them myself though. Probably was an ok guild, but truth is that the time of your [Mr. big Bragi] relevance has passed. You’re literally nobody.

It’s hardly arcane knowledge that the leaders + officers of SCW, Rotgarde and TBC were intertwined, considering the SCW skype clique was one of the chief AD boogeymen in the days before the PCU.

SCW is long dead and you’re basically just using the guild tag for forum credibility rn.

It’s a vanity tag.

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Well, that is exactly why people kvetch about OOC guilds so much. I’m glad you agree that it’s lame though, that’s solid

I think the mentions of the word dumb/stupid increased by about 1 million% as the thread went on

Sure. It’s almost time for me to take a quick but evil 5 hour nap

By calling her out (and calling her a bully repeatedly) you are in fact doing exactly what you’ve been complaining about all this time

I’m thinking this physician :point_up_2: needs to go heal himself :ambulance:

This is the last Shonnpost I will allow from you. If you open the thesarus in such a reckless manner again I’m not even going to give you a (you)

Yeah she shouldn’t have apologised basically because now you’re trying to own her for apologising (which is based, because she shouldn’t have apologised)

I think you must lack any awareness full stop making this post. Obviously when people choose what they do they have “good intentions” - but that is super subjective

My good intentions are not your good intentions

Yeah like you when you begin subjecting us to your posts. Let Umay do it - they’re like you but with a more smooth flavour to their mini essays + they can also speak English quite well

Your brand has been claimed by another and then improved

It is evidence that they were found innocent by this forum’s highest authority so basically you got owned

It honestly wasn’t all that in its heyday either. I know, I know, that’s not a legal opinion to have but I’m thinking it’s the truth

It was “OK”

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Maybe back when I was a gamete you dessicated fossil, when I was in the Watch all the cross-pollination was with criminal guilds like the Bowline Lighters and the Gutter Runners

But no you’re right, you were definitely in the coolest version of the nerd clique

The pipes, the pipes are ca-a-lling

An accurate assessment and an effective strategy

Perroy is technically right on that count.
There is always a justification of some kind for cruelty. Be it the person feeling ‘righteous fury’, a desire to return pain, or something as simple as believing that the other person is simply less important than they are there is almost always justification in the mind of the perpetrator.

Of course I agree, it gives people like me who join raiding guilds a really bad name. I want to be in an OOC guild for many reasons (I do not particularly enjoy guild RP as I dislike schedules and prefer to RP on my own terms in small groups), I like being surrounded by people who primarily focus on PvE content too.

I just wish these people could be good citizens and minimize their impact on the realm otherwise. If they just stuck to themselves there would be a lot less vitriol.

Luckily, there are some nice people in the Fruit Basket who do respect RPers though, by having chosen RP friendly names and not using RP channels.

Hear me out fellow goblin poster:

I believe it’s a combination of flags, banned words and Blizzard moderation. Some words are autodetected and flagged. Similar how you can’t post bad words from the get-go. The software outright tells you “bad word detected” and I think the moderators have a system intern like that. If enough flags happen in a thread, the system alerts them and then they take a look over the flagged posts.

Now I highly doubt they read the entire thread but just the flagged posts. According how “bad” they are, they get deleted or locked. Though I also doubt they do this actively and not just “in their free time” considering they are understaffed since Activision is driven by greed and thought it’s a good idea to fire many community managers and moderators. That’s probably also why toxic threads take ages to be locked.

I imagine it like: some Blizzard staff guy sitting in the last 30 minutes of his shift around, looks through the forum flagged posts with thousands of flagged ones. He does a few and then ends his shift.

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Big disagree, she described her very own strategies as “bullying” and “harassment” in an earlier thread which was produced - with great flair and aplomb - in the midst of all her bullying and harassment to condemn her utterly

She is therefore a self-identified bully and I’m merely respecting her chosen pronouns - it’s not my judgement of her character, it’s hers!

Serves her right!

But seriously folks it was very big of Vixi to apologise even if she (probably, definitely) didn’t mean it

… But was it though?

I’m glad you agree. You can take off the uniform now, you’re not fooling anyone.

yeah big agree but sadly the % that can is not even nearly at a level where the ones that do ‘behave’ (as much as one can while not RPing on an RP realm) are worth keeping for them.

apologising when you’ve done nothing wrong is in fact the exact opposite of big i’m afraid (sorry vixi)

Oh God, this is really awkward
Mate, that was sarcasm, ahaha, oh man
I wasn’t being serious!
Now I feel bad, sorry mate, I was just joshing you

Practically grew up on this server; started in 2011, and I can safely say, barring several large ERP/grooming guilds, that I’ve never seen AD’s forums in a more toxic and hate-filled state than the last few years. It’s utterly depressing to witness, with it descending into a ring of blatant name-calling and mob mentality.

It’s worth noting being attacked in the AD discord for simply posting in a PCU-hijacked thread that I was sick of seeing this childish vindication brought into practically any thread nowadays, being called idiotic and attention-seeking for using the forums for their own intended purpose; adding to discussion. Worth also noting the blatant anti-semitism and transphobia rife in that discord’s trash/anime board, which is defended as “gamer irony”.

This is coming from someone who has never RPed with the PCU; this attitude comes solely from the disgustingly hateful attitudes they collectively display on the forums, turning it into the provocative and volatile state it’s been in for especially the past month. It’s ironic they cling to the CoC despite openly stating they find it perfectly reasonable to stalk targeted individuals throughout all of their future posting to harass and belittle them. A lack of moderation doesn’t excuse the immoral action of straight up bullying, especially when a lot of their targets could very well be mentally unwell or young. It’s a complete disregard for personal welfare for the sake of internet ego.

I’m just so tired from it all. I won’t for a second claim that AD was ever in a better state before; there’s always been Hrothgarrs and Balops and Shonns and Scarlets and whatever else. But at least in the past the forum drama was concerning actual in-game lore disagreements/role play differences (or, in some cases, ERP/grooming) instead of vindication and OOC loathing.

I don’t know man I’m just so damn tired lmao


That’s a big

From me.


Yeah, it’s sad. Back when I was in charge of a raiding guild in late Legion I actually enforced this stuff, but alas.

I’d rather see them gone too but I don’t want to lose the communities I enjoy being part of. I wish they would just make guilds cross realm like everything else, so I could RP with a good guild and kick the OOCers off the server.

I don’t know what this face means

I like it though, has a sort of nonchalant charisma

I think this was the era of deep flanderisation that made me not want to play. It felt like people began to play their characters just to get into the funny quotes thread on the SCW forum instead of trying to play actual characters + I think the cross-polination was so bad that it stopped playing the guard theme and just became a social guild for civilian characters who wanted to sit with the gutter urchin quasi-child RPer of the week and talk about their day

Maybe it just wasn’t to my taste, who knows - I was only really a SCW maniac when Kiachideon was the leader. Now that was kino

I am literally always right as far as I’m concerned

I understand that absolutely - you don’t have to be a heavy daily RPer to be on AD (though I’m thinking you should at least RP or be interested in trying)

That’s why OOC guilds should have harsh policies against that kind of thing + should encourage at least some roleplay theme (like recently I saw a guild write a small IC blurb for their raid team - that was super cool to me)

It’s a shame that the GM does that though - because ultimately they’re the one who directs the tone of the guild

Did you not just say that she apologised not because of her genuine regret but because she was (!!) pressured into it? Isn’t that exactly what you’re talking about? Social pressure / insults / intimidation?

Are you saying you’re allowed to bully if it’s in the name of (in your mind) a righteous cause?

Kind of does. If you yield even an inch on this forum you will get the exact responses you are making. I think they will probably never apologise again

In my opinion


It means WeirdChamp.

I would recommend judging after you actually know and met someone/something, rather than from some individuals/some cases and then generalizing it to everyone and every case.
Or in case, based on some rumors.