[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

I dunno where this idea that the old forums were any less toxic has come from (probably from the same sources that think RP is a dead thing in 2020).

On the old forums it was pretty much the done thing to orbital drop into a thread for a guild that you didn’t get along with and flame them for all sorts of things. If anything, these forums are less toxic because most guilds don’t even bother to use them at all.

edit: not to mention the bi-monthly forum scandals, half of which were actively sought after by one guild or another for the purpose of shaming someone in specific and ruin their rep


Did the forum change.

Or did we.

would quickly put Boltwrench on a higher tier for this

Things were more balanced back then, and you also had many reasonable people that hoped to make an effort and change things for the better.

They seem to be gone right now.

If you’d stop acting like a hivemind people would stop treating you like such.

People from inside a system are less likely to recognize its flaws. Especially when said system is unapologetic or oblivious to them.

I agree it was ignorant of me to separate the forums into ‘old’ and ‘new’, definitely could have been phrased better. I think the distinction for me was the sources of the drama/arguments; a lot of it tended to be around disagreeing on an interpretation of the lore, or a player’s role play quality, just stuff that related directly to role play itself.

Maybe it’s just me being ridiculous but nowadays it seems a lot more personally motivated, a lot more based on person-to-person grudges, and a hell of a lot more mobbing and insulting. I wouldn’t call it nostalgia because I remember back in 2014 people saying RP died in 2011, etc etc… It’s always been a sentiment. It’s just becoming a lot more sinister in its tone, if that makes sense?

Can always change attitude. :+1:

It’s not a hivemind, everyone has their own opinions… And when offences are made, people are usually inclined into defending themselves, wrong or right. Harassments has been made and grudges form when they continue.


Perroy is mother material. You heard it here first.

You’re confusing self-justification with an objective moral justification there. People have self-justification for everything they do. For example whenever you post you have some people compelled to call you a ‘dragon ERPer’. Are they objectively (if such a thing exists) justified in doing so? That is a debate in and of itself. That being said however they all have their own justification. The ‘why’ and the ‘why it is right to’. It’s not just because ‘profanity this random person I am going to be needlessly mean to them’.

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If you think there wasn’t a massively coordinate mob mentality on the old forums, oh boy, do I have news for you.

edit: fact is, like roleplay in general, many people have moved on and don’t have the time to browse the forums ((or roleplay)). That includes people who would previously have spent many hours of boredom flaming/trolling people with their mates.

It appears very much an hivemind; I’m afraid. I’ve already had this conversation above, so I’ll be brief; the way most replies are treated implies that people are using someone else’s words, which means that not only the share the same opinions, they also give similar or identical reasons for that.

The forums. I mean they even look different!

There’s weird heart things everywhere and this demonic scroll system nobody can work out. Scary place.

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But that doesn’t mean it is one.
It isn’t.


What beef? You bullied somebody in a thread, you got called out on it, game over. Genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about re: this imaginary spat you had with Athramus, you act like your posts are interesting enough for me to keep track of

The only reason I brought you up in this thread at all was because I needed an example of somebody harassing Rabies, which you admitted in no uncertain terms - it was more convenient to point to a confession than to have to trawl through the thread looking for individual responses insulting him and try to assemble a collage.

Feel free too, but you should know that: They don’t respond to tickets relating to forums. To report people, use the report flag. That is actually a threat against another player and falls under harrasment/breaking the CoC for the forums. and of course 3, you are nowhere near as intimidating as you might think slight_smile so I will keep calling out your bs

Boring semantics - you thought it was a threat/ intimidation/ harassment, that’s bullying enough in my book.

So which is it? You either had a genuine desire to apologise and make amends because you thought you’d done something wrong, or you were maliciously forced to apologise. You’re saying I maliciously made you do something you were going to do anyway? Or that you felt you should apologise, but weren’t going to?

Either way, the only person that forced you to apologise was you. The only reason you were “forced” to apologise - and if your apology was compelled, then it wasn’t sincere - was because somebody used your own posts as evidence against you. You were your own prosecutor, your own jury and your own judge.

I don’t recall you at all

Don Drapers

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Im not arguing that mob mentality has never existed, Im arguing that its prevalence has at the very least become a more recognisable. This isn’t a “it was better back in the day” debate, you and I were both there, and it’s useless to try and convince the other that their memories are wrong when it’s down to personal interpretation. I guess I definitely spent far too much time on the forums from 2011-2015.

Literally all you needed to say :slight_smile:

Zingers is a bit generous tbh

Didn’t ask + you haven’t been active on AD for the last 5 years by your own account lol

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If agreeing with a lot of what fellow PCU-heads post constitutes a hivemind, then consider me enlightened. I will take up your torch and become a contrarian posthaste.

Usually because those reasons make a decent amount of sense so it’s a waste of time really digging for alternate reasons just for the purposes of satisfying 1x forum persona’s criteria for being a hivemind.

OK, sit down vanity tag gamer.

Didn’t ask if you asked tbqhwy

A lot of people want to know my latest take actually


I think there are just fewer mobs/cliques/groups to keep track of these days, and so their interactions (for good or ill) are brought to the fore in a more conspicuous manner than years ago.

But hey, that’s just a theory.

A game theory.

It’s probably just becoming more open because that is a trend that has been spreading across the internet more and more in the last few years. Even back then there were exceptions (Vaxir/Shonn) who were always treated with the same venom they currently get.