[Forum Guide] How to clean up the Realm Forums 🙂

He’s still steamed that his entire guild left + reformed without him because he was too busy chatting bag on the forums + doing healing rp in magister’s terrace 24/7


I don’t think this is particularly fair, Brigante. Contrary to popular belief, individuals that are a part of the community you’re referring to do have a mind of their own, and as such it’s a little bit of a leap to claim that there’s “a hundred yapping toadies” that all leap to the defence of the person in question.

I’m not sure why you’ve such a tendency to make blanket statements that aren’t really all that factual… think about how we even managed to get on in the other thread where I suggested making your posts a little less rambly and more legible… =(


Do you have a receipt to go with this returned item or…?

We get it, old man can’t keep up with the modern slang.

Also, I agree with Aerilen; don’t block somebody THEN start flinging mud when you will not open a dialogue for them to defend themselves.


Hey brigante why are you going crazy this time? People in PCU don’t actually grief RP, fairly weird statement to make. Especially considering not long ago someone was kicked from the community for griefing RP.
If it is because you found a PCU member doing something that they should not, then please report it to us with some proof too preferly instead of this kind of post that says we got griefers but also does not show it.
Thank you


Also, before anybody is in here like; “oh you’re a hypocrit, you condone blocking people outside the PCU then fling mud” or whatever.

I have not blocked anybody, I stated further up that I wasn’t going to use the function.

So I’m quite happy to insult somebody and maybe reply to their post so long as its not a complete word salad since my brain can’t handle those.

long story short, I do not condone blocking then talking crap.

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Still weird to me how one night of RP has turned you insane forever


Ohhhhh, I see it now

That has to be the one instance where I can’t fault anyone. I wish I had that kind of spare time, but I just don’t.

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Isn’t that the entire point of O.P’s thread though? His original post was a list of slanderous comments vague-posted at players and then an invitation for people to join him in blocking the posters being slandered because they’re all so “boring” and “annoying”. Those blocked posters can’t have had a chance to defend their reputation to O.P., but that wasn’t a problem for you.

If you’re a hypocrite then surely it’s because you didn’t protest O.P doing the exact same thing you’re criticising Brigante for? If you’re objecting out of principle, then it’s either okay or not okay, it can’t be “okay until somebody I didn’t like did it”.

Instead you put


Think the OP was just teaching people how to make bad faith posters disappear while using his own list and reasoning as an example of the benefits of this hidden feature instead


But in blocking them himself, he didn’t give them a chance to defend themselves against his accusations and insults. According to Croecell, this is a bad thing. According to Aerilen, it’s a chump move. My question stands - why did it only become a bad thing when Brigante did it?

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Blocking doesnt actually stop people from replying, as evidenced in this thread by you, the dragon, brigsy and some others.

Think the issue is just that Brigsy does it in a really sleepy and, indeed, chumpy way that provides literally nothing as opposed to the OP.

I assume it stops people from seeing the replies though? And if you can’t see the reply, you can’t see the defence. If I’m wrong about that, or you’re right in what you say, why is Croecell saying


I mean it’s fine for people to have that opinion, but then Croecell isn’t objecting out of principle, he’s objecting out of personal bias, so the objection itself has no merit or weight. There’s no moral outrage to be had if you don’t have the moral in the first place - which I think is pretty much the dictionary definition of hypocrite:

a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.


What you are referring to, I believe, is a statement where it was said we know they USED to grief, but are now held on a tight leash.

As Meg said, griefing once you’re in our community results in a swift kick.


I’m not sure why I am the person to ask for Cro’s reasoning behind this or that. You made a claim about the OP with which I simply disagree.

Forum debates have never been about convincing the other, it’s about convincing the reader(s).

People don’t generally change their opinions in short timespans because the mind is hardcoded to avoid change at all costs.

(Forum debates are of course also just really funny provided that the other party doesn’t become too predictable/insane)


A slight update, 35 individuals have contacted me as of today for the ID list that Blizzard took down to protect the poor souls I deemed undesirable (Admittedly, with reportedly very positive results!)

Keep the thread going and we’ll likely hit the 50-man mark! :slight_smile:

As one of the people who contacted the OP for the list, I have no interest in blocking anyone on the Forums and I am sure I am not the only one who just wanted to check the list out.

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Ah, okay, I see your point - apologies, I misunderstood your objection. So, yeah, I don’t think his primary motivation in making the thread was to “slander people and prevent them from defending themselves”, I think his primary motive was “shut people I don’t like out of all discussions”, but that doesn’t really matter in the context of my post - regardless of his motive, “slander people and prevent them from defending themselves” is what he did by, a) slandering them, and b), blocking them, which is what Croecell objected to in Brigante’s case.

This is an interesting point actually, and I agree. It’s nice (but rare) to reach a comfortable middle ground/ mutual compromise, so yeah, you’re exactly right - it’s about trying to convince other people of your arguments.

Going back to Croecell’s post, then, I’d argue that O.P’s actions were - by Croecell’s stated principles - worse than Brigante’s, since not only did he prevent the people he insulted from defending themselves to him, he was actively encouraging other people to ignore them as well, meaning many more readers wouldn’t see their defence.

Don’t think it’s this either, else he’d just provide his list and call it a day instead of teaching people (indiscriminately) the full process so they can apply it as they see fit.

I do agree that adding his own list was a bit of a mistake, but it is what it is. His post was still more constructive/useful than not so I’m not particularly stirred by it.

I would too in the case of the two people I have caused to disappear even if just to stop seeing them being quoted, tbh. Sadly the blocking method doesn’t hide quotes.


We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one.

Just wanted to ask for clarification here - are you saying that the P.C.U formally acknowledged that they have members that were former griefers, but that these members were granted amnesty on the condition that they stop all griefing?

I’m not interested in names, but if that is what you’re saying, then I think that establishes an important precedent with particular regards to this thread - that there can be a moratorium on the prosecution of past sins, assuming they stay in the past and don’t emerge in the present.

The reason I bring it up is I can’t help but think a number of the players in O.P’s list have been targeted because of their past transgressions, and that the forums in general have become a battleground in which the same (historic) battles are re-enacted again and again.