ty both for trying <3 x
Woohoo level 2!
Hurry up and get your butt to level 3 already!
Like me then!
There is another way to see a list of everyone at the various ranks but I have to remember how to look at it. I’ve not been awake long enough yet.
But its 5pm D:
Night owls unite!
And I went to bed in the early hours
Omg I dont understand how people can do that…I get sleepy when I see the moon
I’m not a morning person
Im not either XD Im an…inbetween person I guess
Being up in the middle of the night is so cozy and relaxing i love it
If always wake up at 9 no matter what time I go to sleep so if I sleep late I just sit there being tired the whole day the next day xD
What I dont get though…you need level 3 to post links? I have posted a youtube link before
I could train you in the art of being a night owl, it’s not easy but i think you could do it
I can turn into an owl! Can you beat that?!
Continuing the discussion from How to check your Trust Level:
I hunted through and found the links to the levels again.
You are trust level 2
I’m working on it, soon i will be able to too!
I so adore you ty x