Free Character Moves Available for Firemaw

thats all very nice, but i hope its not to get people to actually move with their mains when they hear big guilds moving alts there, because when ever the queue on firemaw is over, these alts will not be played alot with anymore, and those that moved there will hate it again and quit. same old same old, like in the past.

@Burton: I wrote what I did, because I am “painfully” aware of how difficult it is to get people to move (I was an active part of the Connected Realms program on the retail side years ago) and especially getting someone to move their main. But as I noted in my remark to Domgordo, Firemaw is extremely severely overcrowded. As is, even if 8 000 people move, it will still have some queue spikes. In fact, if my absolute worst case estimate is correct, Firemaw needs 24 000 people to transfer or alt out.


28 posts

60 Undead Rogue 0 WoW Classic



Where do you get these numbers from?
According to Ironforge Firemaw has a population of 12000k, i guess these are the level 60’s. You want to migrate twice the Firemaw population out of our server?

@Fracksz: Ironforge, to my knowledge only represents raidloggers… and on a typical classic realm only about 33% to 40% of active characters are even 60s… Which means that a raider force of 12 000+ is about 36 000 to 30 000 total… or using another method… 6 000 in, almost 4 000 in queue and typical realm has prime time spike of roughly 25% of maximum… which gives us a total number approaching 40 000…

Even if we were to assume that Firemaw had 60% of 60s and they all were active raiders… we would still end up with around 20 000 people… Which, given certain preferences would mean at least about 8 000 people would need to migrate, as I noted in my reply to Burton earlier.