Won’t be that bad, the free servers are dead, almost no one will transfer there. Why do you think people move to Firemaw?
If you consider a server in a 15 year old game, which was designed for max 3k pop and would have had Firemaw queue times back in Vanilla “dead”, I can’t help you. Some people just seem to prefer to watch a queue window and don’t be able to play at all if they come home late or randomly DC.
If all people from the “dead” servers, so medium and low ones, would transfer to the full/high ones, most servers would have Firemaw like queues.
Oh sorry, i forgot that the queues went down to manageable 1 hours starting at 17:00, even with BWL released and the servers just got overrun by the thousands of people transfering to it, because they read it’s the best, biggest and most balanced mega server out there.
Do you honestly believe that if the queues would be around 1h starting at 17:00 and not 4 hours starting at 14:00 people would complain? What’s your point even? Do you just want to create a strawman you can beat in your made up argument to feel superior?
No, but it’s interesting how some people expect others to transfer off to make their own situation better (I mean one big part that your queues went down from 20k+ was that a noticable amount of people took the first 2 waves of transfers) and demand to be the only ones allowed to play on the “chosen” server while they trash talk all other servers as “dead” while not seeing that by this behaviour they only make people transfer to their server.
So you just want every realm to have 10,000 people in it?
Overpopulation is the biggest issue with the the current classic realms lol.
No, but it’s interesting how some people expect others to transfer off to make their own situation better (I mean one big part that your queues went down from 20k+ was that a noticable amount of people took the first 2 waves of transfers) and demand to be the only ones allowed to play on the “chosen” server while they trash talk all other servers as “dead” while not seeing that by this behaviour they only make people transfer to their server.
And the next strawman. Stop mixing different peoples opinions to win arguments in your head against opinions no single person held in the first place.
I don’t expect anyone to transfer off for me, i just called out the people responsible for the queues. Blizzard for not locking the servers, and people transfering to a server with daily queues. I expect the server to be LOCKED for people not having a level 60 on this server, until they queues are down to manageable sub 1 hour times again. Naturally people constantly leave the game, transfer to friends, etc. anyways. Plus some people will be incentivized by the free transfers. Not having the server on lockdown until the queues are gone, will NOT solve the queue problems.
Its better than the remaining choice to be on a dead server, Wow’s history have shown that free transfers to dead servers didnt solve the problems, not for the dead server and not for the overpopulated server, because so few wants to move to a dead server.
Ravencrest in retail had free transfers once, the servers they could transfer to was not active servers, almost all that did move regretted it, i was on one of the dead servers, the server did not get more active, and i heard from a few that moved to it, that it was their biggest mistake to move ‘here’
During my time on the ‘dead’ server more and more transferred away or just gave up and quit.
So blizzard trying the same solution again and gain is like the saying ‘only a madman would do the same again and again and expect a different outcome’.
That’s a pretty hilarious answer.
You don’t even know if more people have moved to Firemawe or paying to move away. All you know is that not enough people, like you, haven’t moved away (I was also on Firemaw from launch by the way).
Multiple full guilds have transfered TO firemaw. Try again.
Good job you guys now its only 2 hours q instead of an hour and half
Ok, but how many players have transfered away?
Ok, but how many players have transfered away?
Obviously, not enough to compensate for the people who transfer to firemaw.
No that’s not obvious.
The only thing that are obvious is that:
- People login more and longer and play more now during the pandemic quarantine.
- Not enough people moved away from Firemaw when they was offered the chance.
Those 2 points are obvious.
Nr 3 on the other hand; Have more people transferred to Firemaw with paid transfer compared to away, we don’t know, so it’s not obvious, because we don’t know.
Ty! maybe i can get brokentooth on my hunter ALT at a low pop server then ;D
"The Free Character Move service bypasses the 90-day cooldown. Additionally, using a Free Character Move never incurs a 90-day cooldown.
The 90-day cooldown only pertains to Paid Character Transfers."
Is there a goldlimit cap like by the paid transfer?
Have over 20k.
Man, having to sit in queue just to empty mailboxes for free transfers blows monkeyballs.
DO NOT COME TO BLOODFANG. WE DO NOT WANT YOU. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME. This realm is perfect as it is. Blizzard made a huge mistake opening transfer here. People from Firemaw will hate it here, you will have a very bad time. Do not come here.
Lucky for you, nobody really reads the forum any more.