Free Character Moves Available for Firemaw

I think they all can complain, blizzard should give them better options as in servers to move to than dead servers.

i so agree, give us more options please

@Burton: I wrote what I did, because I am “painfully” aware of how difficult it is to get people to move (I was an active part of the Connected Realms program on the retail side years ago) and especially getting someone to move their main. But as I noted in my remark to Domgordo, Firemaw is extremely severely overcrowded. As is, even if 8 000 people move, it will still have some queue spikes. In fact, if my absolute worst case estimate is correct, Firemaw needs 24 000 people to transfer or alt out.

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Of course they’re going to offer smaller realms, why would they want you to transfer to a medium populated realm?

The problem would just continue onto that medium populated realm instead xD.

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Oh what the hell, please stay away from Bloodfang.
This was a perfectly fine realm and now we are going to be hit with queues aren’t we?

Back when this started, many fled gehennas / golemagg to avoid these queues.

Please give Firemaw more options before they all chose one realm and give us their problems.

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If I can log into the game then I move all my chars away from Firemaw tired of the que and just want to be able to play when I want to play the game.

Get a error trying to log in and see blizzard is doing something about in another forum

Yep, I’m getting a login error too. “Disconnected from Blizzard services.”

Do you think the free transfers have broken it?

@Ewolat, Dottie: Probably a short term login side error, I am currently ingame with no problems.

@Rammert: Given the loadspread, prime time peak and what I know of activity distribution
 Your realm can take about 8 000 to 12 000 more people before you start to see active queues. So I would not worry. :slight_smile:

From what people have posted it’s been going on an hour, and I can get into Retail.

I managed to get into retail without issue, about 15 min ago until now when I logged out

At least this problem allowed me to get into Firemaw straight away.

I’m in.

Why would anybody move from a great server,just make more space

I think most people want access to their main, I know I do so playing alts on a different server and then have to sit in queue to get on my main for a bit isn’t very appealing.

I have a horde alt on noggenfogger but because of the queue I don’t really want to invest any more time into it because if I do then that means I won’t be playing on firemaw at all on that day.

And the solution would be the same if that medium populated realm should get in troubles with queues, options to move to other not dead realms.

Until there is no medium servers left or only dead servers, then the dead servers should get merged/connected until its not dead, and if that then turn out to be medium connected servers, there is yet again not dead servers for oversized servers to move to.

The solutions blizzard so far have come up with in 15 years have been non solutions as in, they never solved the problem.

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Medium Pop has no body on them id rather queue than never see another soul on dead realms, maybe consider high pop transfer

lol, most “high” servers are on the brink of getting queues as well, so that is never going to happen.

But you got your third chance now to get out of queues, if you pass again, stop complaining, don’t complain when your AQ event is going to be either a queue window or a zone server crash and enjoy your queue as some sort of weird self flagellation for the delusional fear that a medium server is “dead”. I doubt there will be a forth chance to get free transfers out, the third one was most likely just because of corona.


Why should i move? I was here from day 1. People who transfered here in the last months are the problem. Not people who were here from day 1.

Lock the servers for ppl without a lvl 60 on Firemaw and keep free transfers open until queue is down to 1h.

People are free to choose any realm they want to play on. That’s pretty important if you ask me.

Yeah, no. Not important at all. Only important for server crashers and queue makers.

Give free option to Earthshaker and lots of ally will move!

You realize that if “lots of Ally” would move to Earthshaker you’d be sitting in a queue there then? Earthshaker is one of the fullest “high” server and on the brink of getting the status “full” and having queues.

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Oh I forgot that Firemaw had no queues at release and Blizzard didn’t warn ppl with the initial free transfers that people who stay on Firemaw might run into huge queues.