Free Character Moves Close at 1:00 a.m. on 6 December

It’s both, and we are not trying to convince anyone, some people would leave us both if we stay or if we moved. The problem now is that there is no time to settle things properly. Do a final poll, have an office meeting, give all members all the info and complete the move. Our members are normal people with work and families, so as i said 24h is hopelessly short amount of time to settle this properly. I understand it can be hard to see other people’s problems, especially if it does not fit with your own initial thoughts on the matter.

Well, stopping people who want to move from moving, and forcing them to stay to save population balance is not really fair to them either?

People want to have fun playing , if not they will probably quit, and that is a worse solution than letting them move to another server?

One new pve server after BGs come out, open to transfer from all servers is better imo. Or even a fresh pve server where no one can transfer, to reroll and start new + paid transfers for all with a cooldown. Then the players will sort this out themselves.

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@Manitou: Your first question has two different view points and Blizzard has to consider both… Both the numbers that leave and those of new arrivals to certain realms. I am thinking they want a bit of stabilization for a few days, launch the BGs and then re-examine the situation again.

For the second question, this is not a permanent thing, just that BG launch will assumably have some impact and that impact is not necessarily identical on all realms due to highly variable size of them.

As for a new PvE realm… As far as I can tell, all three currently have shrinking, BUT still significantly large number of actives, so a new one is not very likely unless they decide to vent excess PvP realmers to a new location… Which a few people would undoubtably take, question is more would it be enough many? On a very general level PvP to PvE transfers are not super popular, but some people have requested them.

Overall, the situation is rather complicated and prone to change in differing ways depending on the specific realm. This is just my view, but probably large guilds should hold still to maintain cohesion, while lone wolves and tiny, agile guilds that were thinking of going, should go ASAP…

You guys killed our realm Flamelash… GG blizzard

Because then you are stuck where you are and when the inevitable happens and BG’s don`t solve the problems that have been raised on these forums regarding WPvP then they will introduce Paid Transfers…Kerrrrching

Just my opinion tho so probably a hundred million miles away from what will actually happen :smiley:

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IMO blizzard just closed them to stop bleeding happening when they are releasing xrealm bg’s and seeing how that will affect the realm populations.

They have no reason to force people to play on, so called faction “dead” servers in the future.

People who chose pvp were probably expecting wpvp happening in the future.
And taking that away from them isnt fair.

Server merging or re-opening transfers is coming soon after xrealm bg’s.
Trust me, they do not want to sink their moneytree now

I hope so, but restricting transfers to stop bleeding is so strange. In vanilla they did same thing on us servers, they let some realms die and opened new ones to satisify unhappy players by giving them fresh start bait.

@Jop: You may see some possible views in my reply to Manitou a bit above…

is it only pvp to pve?

wonder how many threats of “please give us transfer because of wpvp - its so unfair” XD

Like everything this is a question about supply and demand :slight_smile:

Like what made Classic a reality? It was a big demand by the players that was registrered by Blizzard, even if they were sceptical at first. The facts showed the demand was there.

So maybe the right approach to new servers is to check if the demand is there? Even if PVE servers are shrinking a bit, that doesnt mean the demand for a new pve server is not there. Maybe people want a fresh server, or maybe people realize they want to play on a Pve server, but dont want to spend months leveling a new caracter?

Paid caracter tranfers were a thing in Vanilla because there was a demand for it.

All im saying is that Blizzard should be more active when it comes to figuring out what the players want - the demand, instead of misinterpreting the data and comming to conclusions like “they think they do, but we know they really dont” :wink:

If you count the number of posts about pvp to pve transfers and new realms, its pretty obvious there is some kind of demand here. Maybe its not big enough, but who knows? maybe it is?

Maybe Blizzard have ways to communicate with players about their demand that i dont know about. But as a player myself i cant really say that i feel this communitacion myself atleast. So how would they know the demand for a new pve server for instance is not there?


Lets be really crystal clear here. The issues with faction shifts are purely down to the toxicity of Horde players. Camping every inn and every questing zone in the open world is why people leave. 5 60s killing level 20s is not world PVP. They have set a deadline, because if battlegrounds don’t fix things, it will get worse.


@Manitou: I have to leave for school for couple of hours quite soon, but I will relatively quickly comment on this particular part. That “a bit” part is that problem point. By my most optimistic estimate, they lost a minimum of 1 500 to 2 250 players from those three realms alone within two weeks. IF I believed (I do not) a few other people, who have a habit of using excessively large values for certain things, the loss would be even bigger, somewhere between 15 000 and 24 000 within the past month.

As said, those values are estimates by multiple people, but whether they fit your idea of “a bit”, would be interesting to hear. Now I have to go for a bit. I will check the thread, when I am home again. :slight_smile:

Alliance transfers have been stopped on shazzrah for a while now. I don’t see how stopping horde transfers would solve anything as the server is already one of the most imbalanced ones out there in favour of horde. I suspect other measures by blizzard in order to balance factions will be taken shortly after bg release. Or maybe they just want to scare hordies to finally take the decision to transfer and prolong the deadline…who knows?! Anyway…I do hope it works!


many realms super imbalanced, some servers still nearly empty, would be nice if blizzard told us what they plan to do, even if the answer is nothing at all, so we can react accordingly before transfers close

and I still can’t transfer my alliance character from Shazzrah to Earthshaker and looks like it’s never gonna happen, gg blizzard :slight_smile: literally impossible to play there as alliance


There has never been PvP => PvE transfer in Classic. All has been PvP => PvP. That’s why pople are clamouring for that other option, and I ask for more PvE servers.

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Now I’m back and will speak my mind.
I am one of the non-loggers on several realms even. I have not been playing because the influx of refugees have been making lower level zones unplyable again. I have been only playing on Hydraxian Waterlords for the last two weeks (and even there the influx makes itself felt). I hope - as in really, really hope - that a drop off has finally begun, so that we can have the real Vanilla experience.
Even the biggest number you mention still makes PvE servers massively overpopulated.

But there were. And 2008 they even opened PVE to PVP. You can use google for it, search for data between 2006 and 2009

I understand your point, but if your numbers are correct and the pve servers are declining, then why not let people who want to transfer from a pvp to a pve realm transfer to them?

And if your numbers are not correct and the decline is not real, but just that people are waiting for BGs or BWL comming after xmas, and have not quit the game. Then more players on those realms could make them overpopulated.

And if you see the posts from people now playing on pve servers in EU, i dont think you will be able to find a single one who wants more people to their server, quite the oppisite.

The worst thing that could happen is that a new pve server was dead and didnt have enough people I agree, so maybe a fresh realm with no possibilies of tranfers to it is not the best idea.
But we see the demand for pvp to pve server transfers in so many posts, so if every server could transfer there, dont you think there is a good chance it will fill up?

And if it becomes dead and doesnt have enough players. Well then again, wouldnt payed transfers with a cooldown solve that problem for people who would like to play on another realm?

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… we were talking about Classic. :wink: I don’t know how it was in Vanilla. I just re-rolled.

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