Free Character Moves Close at 1:00 a.m. on 6 December

You are right, sorry

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This is for all EU realms for World of Warcraft Classic


@Warecs: Compared to 2005 style figures, yes, very much true. But the crux of the matter is that we (and I mean you, myself and Blizzard) do not know where the ā€œbottomā€ is. At this very moment trying to stabilize the situation and observe the impact of the BG launch is, in my humble opinion, a smart move for a period of some days after the launch.

@Manitou: The reason, which I implied to in my post, is in Warecsā€™ reply. There are still relatively speaking somewhat too many people on them. But as I told him above, we do not know (yet) the speed of decline nor the ā€œbottomā€. BG launch could even revert the situation on some realms.

@All: Try to hang on a little bit longer and observe (carefully) the effects of BG launch on your home realm(s). I agree that Blizzard has to do something, but what that something is, exactly, is not that clear as of yet. It is even entirely possible that they may have apply contradictory measures to different realms.

Many situations have multiple options of action and there are bound to be different views on the best one(s). We also have to take into account that there are certain types of actions that depend heavily on player decisions (AND actions) to work.

EDIT: Swapped a ā€œwrongā€ word to a more suitable one.

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All Eu Realm ???

All my friends has transfered to bloodfang but i canā€™t. Why is it restricted like this?

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Thx Bli$$ard for proving every time again, that your last failure was not the most incompetent thing you just made. Always manage to pack one over the top.

Glad that now, months after I transfered from Gehennas to actually be able to paly the game, I will get to enjoy the same shoot show all over again.

When do we get transfers away from Earthshaker? :slight_smile:

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Doesnā€™t show on my character select screenā€¦?

Can we get news if there will be paid char migg yet?
During the mess that was launch my friends split up, and now the ones on my server quit.
Just so i know if its worth waiting or lvling a new char on other serverā€¦

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So opening PVP -> PVE when BG release?

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This free transfer has killed Flamelash. The server is dead today. All the major alliance guilds left because of the ratio imbalance (which is totally understandable), and now because thereā€™s zero world PVP, lots of the major horde guilds are leaving.

You screwed this up and should have had select migration transfers in and out of servers to balance them properly.


Inb4 paid transfer 01.01.2020

GG Horde, you made 1 PVE server more

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so is this like a desperate measure to stop the ever increasing server inbalance? How about some official news and updates on the current standing of the servers? I read tons and tons of topics and posts of alliance players leaving, quiting, dead servers.

Itā€™s a forum so naturally things are being blown, but whereā€™s smoke thereā€™s fire. Thereā€™s a hint of truth about all these complaints and the longer Blizzard stays quiet, the more ppl will get upset. Iā€™m also losing motivation to play classic every day. Would be a shame if the game would just die out because of BLizzard incompetence.


Come bring your guild on Dragonfang mate, already had 2 guilds move over, 1 more horde guild and weā€™re 50:50

Why are you not allowing me to leave Shazzrath then??? It says not allowed for my faction??? What could possibly be thea reasoning behind this??? I wonā€™t be playing any longer unless I get to move off of this fail server! Why are you not allowing me to leave it ???

All Free Character Moves are now closed in this region.