Free Character Moves Coming Soon

To follow up on my post, I hope the devs have the sense to open separate realms for the purpose of transfers. It not like Bloodfang and Judgement can fit the 100k players now waiting in queues, plus the ones who have given up and don’t even bother trying.

Fresh realms and transfer realms should be kept separate until the former mature.


it will be for a limited time dude

hmm… so what to do? go or stay xD i mean if people leaving the queues will be less?

Just introduce the damn paid ones as well… Fml. You’d have so much money and people would be satisfied. That way there is always an OPTION to go back in case shift falls apart.

Why can’t you give us all realms? What about the people who switched to a server they didn’t want to play on to avoid ques now are stuck without their friends? I’m not in that boat but come on…


Yes and like the person Who cant get in and play with his friends becouse he is stuck in que for so long

Well, we changed realm to avoid queues and now when we spend a lot of time will wait in queues because of transfered characters? Nice idea!


Their announcement does not say anything like that. It says that those an selected realms, can transfer and that sounds like a permanent procedure and not something that only happens for 24 hours.

The comp on high pop realms for Rank 14 or the scarab mount will be a lot higher, so people will abuse these transfers if they are still around, they did so back in the days as well and why we as classic community, did not want transfers.

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They can close transfers as soon as the population on the source realms reached a, normal level. Details will follow. There is no need to worry before we know the details.


Holy crap, go outside for a minute or two… who the hell cares about scarab mount and rank 14 when we dont even have the honor system?!


Good. This will spread population quite a bit, and make the queues more manageable on the big pvp servers

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Why cares about rank 14 and this stupid mount (whose gonna be like 50 people total) when there is 100000 people waiting hours just to play the game.

I hope your right, because back in the days, the transfers remained available and people abused them a lot.

We had such a guy who robbed the Gbank and then transfered away, Blizz ofc did nothing…

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Could have added 1-2 pve realms tho, avg 3 full and nethergarde is on high, so if peps transfer here probably that gonna get que aswell

This is the best news I have read all day!

I hope Firemaw is one of the realms.

How can people even be negative towards this, day in and day out the forums have been flooded with requests regarding this issue.

Please stop making up potential negativity towards this.

We got the transfers, use them if you want or shut the hell up.

Personally I truly thank blizzard for doing this. Keep it up!


Finally! Thank you!

Because there are people who did not start with BFA and understand the consequences to these transfers.

I have seen it happen again and again, how unlimited transfers caused a lot of damage. Seriously, we are one week into the game, its not hard to level a new char on a low pop if you dislike a queue.

To add transfers is going to have a major impact on the game, especially if it has no restrictions and remains available forever.

You also underestimate the consequence of a streamer moving server and his whole gang comes with him. Now all of a sudden, your no longer save from their toxicity and might even have a queue all of a sudden.

As I said, if they open brand new realms and it´s a temporary move, then so be it. But not on already existing realms, that´s terrible.


So you rather want people to stay in a queue, rage and eventually quit or do you want people to transfer so they can enjoy the game while maintaining a bigger community on classic realms?

I dont care if people get an advantage for rank 14 or some shabby mount. I want people to be happy and enjoy the game (the majority that is) We will always have people who are not happy.


This will naturally be for a timeperiod only… jesus ppl like to complain!

Thanks a lot blizz! Glad you are listening :slight_smile:

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