Free Character Transfers Now Available For Some Realms

you have to be a little retarded :slight_smile: im one of those people who didnt want to waste more hours in queue after it didnt improve after the first 4-5 days, so i quit my lvl 60 char which was lvl 60 since day 1 of Shadowlands and releveled an 45 char to 60 on a almost dead server i used to play in legion. while you just sitting here, doing nothing productive but putting people down for not sitting on a forum 24/7 like you little keyboard-warrior :3

Can anyone on Kazzak can check if its gone?i have queue and dont want to wait for nothing if its removed.

i can tell you in a sec, im position 74

What is wrong with your attitude ?

Any news? it takes that long from 74, thats why i want to leave.

Just had this from a ticket I raised this morning. Hope it helps someone else:

Your ticket has received the following response:


How are you this fine evening! I am James, here to help you because even legendary heroes like yourself need assistance sometimes :slight_smile: I hope the weather isn’t too bad where you are? :slight_smile:

You’re receiving this message because it appears your ticket was about the free character migrations being offline, and/or stuck. As of now, the free migrations are back online, and the stuck transfers should complete soon :slight_smile:

Enjoy the rest of your day! May all your loots be best in slot!

Game Master Talonscour
Blizzard Entertainment


It’s not back online though I dont have it in the shop

There you go.

That’s not what I meant , that doesnt say anything except “we’ll close it when we close it” , that doesnt mean they cant give a warning a few hours before removing the service

Doesn’t mean they will give any notice either.

I can confirm free transfers are working again from Draenor

Do you have to get past the queue for it to show? It says it only works from the character selection screen

I imagine that clause is in there primarily to close the transfer once enough people have used it.
But since these servers are still having a queue on a normal Thursday, it would probably be a good thing if they were allowed to continue.

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Can confirm transfer from Kazzak worked just now. It gave me an error message but the transfer went through.

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@Wuggo, Thogdel: Thank you for the updates! salutes

@All: Despite the return of the functionality, everyone who even remotely thinks about transferring out of the crowded realms should initiate the process soon, because as we have seen, it may just “vanish”.

It seems to be working again on Draenor so use it now.

Will there be an announcement put out when the free server transfer period ends? Was hoping for a chance to transfer off Argent Dawn (since it always screams that it is full) and move a character to Khadgar.

@Arachaea: Sorrty to be a bearer of bad news, but as far as I can tell Argent Dawn is not among the realms eligible for FCM as it is not massively overflowing despite being “Full”.

Just as an update, as of 07:23 the system is seemingly still up and running.

Edit…Transfer completed.

They said it was temporary and could go away once numbers stabilized. It is possible that happen over a week after SL release.