Free loot everywhere

For pvp/world pvp gear matter a lot.

Fake news…where is my free TF bow, hmmm?
.taps foot.

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sorry you arent unique snowflake…

Why are you playing it if u don’t like it. The content they released this expansion is quite awesome in my opinion. Except for darkshore warfront i find that 1 boring.

True, u got a valid point for that.

You are one of “them”.

  1. Never denied this
  2. Does this prove some point?
  3. Let the bad players be stuck on Heroic Dungeon difficulty if they are not able to do more difficult content, and not feed them gear which pushes them toward +5/6/7/8 in order to improve their gear, they do not fit there. What is wrong with people having low ilvl if they are not able to earn better gear. Just let them do content they are fit to do with their posessed skill. Otherwise you are hurting everyone.

If you feel you are getting groupped with people who have less skill than you, you still have power to make your situation better.

Easy option is to group with the trusted group of friends (you must have some if you have been doing heroic raid, ask the ones who’s playstyle you feel best fitting with yours). Benefit on this is smoother runs but you meet less new people, it is your personal taste which weights more.

Second option is to teach the people you end up playing with. With random people it can take patience and you have to accept not everyone wants you advice. Giving it kindly does help a lot. You can also form your own teaching groups on lfg and this way have people in your group who want to learn. Teaching others can be very satisfying, everyone benefits and general athmosphere gets friendlier. This method can also lead to you finally ending up with your own trusted group of players.

Remember that your worth in this game is not defined on how bad other people are or how they are geared. Even if you would be standing next to highest ilvl scrub you can think of it won’t make your skills and dedication any less. If you feel you are qualified as less skilled than you are because of the company you stand with, there is better ways to rise above crowd than push them down.

Thats some way to fix my personal situation. I did write about the fact that you are hurting people with the loot issue overall and my feedback here is so that devs could see it. You are hurting casual / bad players because you are forcing them to do M+ beyond their skill. Then they die 1 shoted to mechanics they should already learn is doing lot of dmg on lower difficulty. At the same time you are hurting mediocre players which are running +6/7 because they are not able to stand out from all the players crowd which are having freebie ilvl beyond their ability. All of them are forced to group together while more hardcore players stay in their premade/raider IO 10+ world where the issue is not as apparent.

what you are doin is called projecting your point of view on others

blizzard is not forcing people into mythic +/ raids beyond their capability because they never do mythic + / raids in first place. and feel no desire to do so - they will do ocasional lfr / mythic 0 but thats all.

Depends how you look at it. Times have changed, back in legion garbage tier was LFR and normal raid ilevel. Now lower tier is 370, 380 mid tier, 390 big boy tier.

I’m guessing that’s blizz intention with all this easy gear. Not much off a difference between a casual and mythic raider. But just enough to make it worth while. I mean the difference from 370 (logs in once a day for 30 mins) to a mythic raider (spends 40 hours a week+) is less than 10% stats now adays.

I have never heard of anyone being declined by a WQ group.


my take on this.
if you inspect me you will notice that 75% of my gear come from the welfare system.
why should i do higher content when i can get it 15 min a day…

that is where problem come from.
im 369 and i have done 5/8 hc raid but most of my gears come from a welfare system. why? because he got better stats mainly and take less time.

but did i deserve it? absolutly not! why because i did not put the same investment then other’s. yes its beneficial if you play on a alt, but everyone got benefice doing it and at the same time you don’t push people doing harder content because in x month your investment will worth nothing.

because everyone would have the same quality gear but by putting less effort.

i heard alot of time… yeah but me i have a life! who give a f about that because everyone got one too does not mean that the world should be handle to you because of that.
or is just a video games. yeah that right but the game was you want the best gear work for it, now its do 15 min of wq,lfr,wf and incursion because you should not feel left behind.

You should do it because you find it fun and challenging. Not trying to be annoying here - i honestly mean it from the bottom of my heart. Do the things you enjoy in the game and your experience will be much more positive.


@ Lilîith Yes I am projecting, if I were to assume it is only my point of view and not thousands of other players demanding change I would save that comment for myself. Writing anything here in order to provide my feedback to the devs (on repeat)

@ Radium, is it really something fun and challenging to run the same dungeon on the same difficulty for X number of times? at some point it is just a homework you need to do, in order to be able to get to fun content like owning people in casual pvp. Wow has a lot of homework and not everything is fun, dont tell me you are doing every single activity out of sheer fun and not for the sake of necessity. Maybe you do, in which case I am highly envious of such attitude. This is not however what the discussion is about, I will farm the same dungeons without complaints, that is what the game is about.

For me it is not and that’s why i don’t do it. I do know many people do it for fun though, tastes can be different. No game should ever feel like doing homework. It should make you feel good and entertained. Getting upgrades is of course fun too, if they make you stronger and allow you to do things you like better than before. But if upgrade comes from doing something you don’t enjoy, for me it’s not worth it.

I have done some things i don’t enjoy if i have felt i really have to, like for example some parts of pathfinder achievements. But those leave always bad taste in my mouth and becase of that i avoid doing anything “non fun” on regular basis. And some things can be fun being done once of few times but when it starts to feel sour i just do something else.

But my main point for you really was, that your character and skills do not get any worse even other people or even you get loot from sources you consider as free. You are still good and your skills will show in groups. It is better to shine on excellency than just by having better gear than others. From there you gain respect and fellowship from other players and THAT is the thing that makes game much much better.

Threads like these remind me how I would have top end ICC or top end Dragon Soul gear and I’d still run heroics just for the fun of it.

I got a blue proto drake and a drake of the east wind as compensation for having fun though, so I can’t complain.

It’s also funny how people don’t realize that it’s their obsession with rewards that has resulted in this situation. You say that you have no willingness to do something unless there’s a reward tied to it. So Blizzard tied a reward to everything.

But at the same time each tier is ought to have a cap to how strong you can get, so you reach that by investing time doing everything and then complain that you are left without further rewards.

And then it’s also their fault that the endless loop of gratification that YOU demand has diminishing returns as it’s natural for item progression?

So what if you were able to get better loot from M10 and forward? How long would it be before you demanded better loot from M15? That’s a problem of your own creation.


Everyone should have his own reward per skill ceiling. I merly ask that this ceiling is respected for each player. It is not healthy for the game to get undeserved rewards in a competitive game environment, because it creates problems such as highlighted in the first place.

I know I dont deserve mythic raid rewards, as I dont have the patience or skill to run it. At the same time I would like to shine for example that I have achieved something on heroic raid or high (for me) M+ difficulty, maybe +8 or +9. Instead I am being thrown into one big sack of mediocrity, because everyone is running in heroic raid rewards in couple of weeks / months.

You are not able to pick up bad players from the crowd because ilvl is no longer a distinguisable rating. You then observe as people create grps which demand high raider I.O. , achievements etc for an invitation.

Following that trend, what if Blizz would add an easy way to obtain Mythic raid rewards for free, that would be ok right? I dont think community would agree. At the same time what if I tell you that heroic raid is my skill ceiling. It is okay for people to receive free rewards equall to the content where I believe my end game is?

I get that I should enjoy this game only for the ammount of fun it is giving me, and I do. Let’s not pretend however that the game is not about collecting rewards / loot as one of its main features. For the sake of accomplishment and otherwise.

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There is and it has been proven there is by others who bothered to actually invest time and look into the average ilvl of people and there’s distinct tiers of ceilings.

Meanwhile you come here and everyone has to take your word for it because you got a 385 from a warfront which isn’t even supposed to be part of this tier but the next one.


Can you point me to that reasearch please? It may change my opinion. In the end I do come here to express my opinion and share my personal view, cant see what is wrong with that. For sure I can not be unique in my issues.