Oh and by the way, come next tier your wish is actually fulfilled.
The 370 of Arathi was equivalent of HC Uldir.
The 385 of Darkshore is equivalent to Normal BoD.
So, in fact, the rewards have been toned down in terms of relevance.
Oh and by the way, come next tier your wish is actually fulfilled.
The 370 of Arathi was equivalent of HC Uldir.
The 385 of Darkshore is equivalent to Normal BoD.
So, in fact, the rewards have been toned down in terms of relevance.
Thats unfortunately not accurate. They have announced yday that Darkshore rewards are going up by 15 ilvls
Yet the mobs and world boss are having there damage and hp up’ed to make up for it .
“The power of all enemies in the Darkshore Warfront will also go up by roughly 15%”
Should have marked this post as offtopic as its subject unrelated.
I dont think we are going to argue if this makes that warfronts difficult now
Think this change is only to accomodate for flat power increase, I dont recall they did mention anything about the island expeditions difficulty though.
My point is, strange of them to increase some endgame content difficulty like dungeons and warfroant, but not island expeditions.
why would they ? they dont drop any gear yet again you focus on item lvl but choose to ignore things and being made harder to back up your views they cant win .
Listen if you are that “outraged” go wear some crafted or greens and do the content like that .
You do understand its just not the scenerio thats the warfront its the daily quests and rares and things in the zone ?
Sorry, I am not outraged at all, just chilling, listening to music, enjoying discussion on the forums, and wishing one of my favourite game better fits my idea of good gameplay. I think a lot of people are foaming while typing here is why you immediately assume such attitude.
I did make modification to my previous post and marked it as offtopic as it was ilvl discussion unrelated. Sorry about that
I actually did play TBC.
I ment to say that I got the xpac upgrade as a present. I’m not subscribing or buying anything from these crooks with my own poket money!
Game is just bad. Its broken, and they will never repair it.
And beside the ideology / gameplay of the game being broken/defunct, its the first time when I actually encountered a tremendous amount of bugs, in this expansion the most than others!
And all shiny colors and art don’t make up for the wrong numbers on everything!!! How can people just get free loot from those lesser than LFR bosses in those “fake battlegrounds” ?? And at least if it was with ‘ressilience’ or some pvp only gear format to not be useful for PvE.
I got a bis azerite peice today from emmisary
I actually like free loot. Because I can focus on PVP and gaming EXPERIENCE that makes the game fun for me, instead of grinding something material, that is obsolete when new patch comes out.
jokes on you, i havent actually played in two months at this point just waiting for my sub to run out, which is in 3 days. I don’t even have the game installed anymore, which is a first since 12 years ago, when i installed it. To be entirely true, i dont have any blizzard game installed anymore, because none of them are fun.
and the reason i played it between WoD and now is called “friends”. Dunno if you know the concept of those. It’s other people, you love to play with, who make the most boring thing somewhat enjoyable, just because they are there.
jokes on you, i havent actually played in two months at this point
Good for you
and the reason i played it between WoD and now is called “friends”. Dunno if you know the concept of those. It’s other people, you love to play with, who make the most boring thing somewhat enjoyable, just because they are there.
Personal attacks shows alot about someones real live character but ill bite, yes i have enough Friends i rarely play without them.
I got a bis azerite peice today from emmisary
which you will use for 4 more days - because your BiS will be garbage which you will replace with 370 piece from mythic 0 due to 5th ring
enjoy your bis for 4 days - im sure it will be completly gamebreaking experience
jokes on you, i havent actually played in two months at this point just waiting for my sub to run out, which is in 3 days. I don’t even have the game installed anymore, which is a first since 12 years ago, when i installed it. To be entirely true, i dont have any blizzard game installed anymore, because none of them are fun.
and the reason i played it between WoD and now is called “friends”. Dunno if you know the concept of those. It’s other people, you love to play with, who make the most boring thing somewhat enjoyable, just because they are there.
think how strong your addiction must be if you havent played game for 2 months and you still post and read forums about this game on regular basis .
Maybe do content because u like it?
Some people like the progression of their character, to them dungeons are only fun if they help move that goal of progression along
Doing dungeons for the sake of dungeons, eh…
You think that you do, but you dont (just a small joke).
This video sumarizes all the negative experiences I had with loot progression.
while I do not agree with some of the arguments made in the video, I still think arguments made about loot progression are valid. That is assuming anyone does have time to watch it and not comment without as it makes little sense.
it is a double edged sword honestly, you se if only the best loot would drop from raids, and to progress in new raids you need to raids, there would be no raiding after a while at all, becuse what if one of your tanks quit, a few healers quit or finds a better progressed guild, oh yes your guild is stuck, rember TBC where you had to do raids to be able to do higher raids, heck loose a healer or tank and you where set back 2 months all of an sudden, then put in some attunements and you are screwed, this is one reason Blizzard decided to give more loot to people and it does work, more and more people try raids now, are they good enough is a different story though, but that has always been the case.
Well, I have to say one of my characters is in a guild (long time established) which spent this whole season progressing through NM/HC Uldir. Never succeded (stuck at HC 7/8) in the end because as expansion progressed they ran out of enough people to run the raid. People resigned for different reasons (most there are just mediocre at best - casual players). Few conclusions pro/against free loot could have been made based on this guild example.
There is always a thing to aspire to. Perhaps if free lot was not given to them, they would have been progressing through normal only, it would not make any difference to them, they would just know its their skill/ability ceiling and something to aspire to. Instead they were given a lot of HC quality loot over months timespan. This caused some players to drop the raid schedule because they thought HC has almost no loot improvements to offer to them as they had couple of 370 pieces from warfront/chest/titanforge. Some others quit due to frustration of wiping against the same bosses over and over anyway.
Now hypotethically they did not receive such loot, I think that if they would stay in NM raiding progression the bosses would not be as hard on them as the mechanics themselves are more forgiving. HC would still be reachable but not as far as 7/8. People would not quit also due to being geared in about 370, and thinking HC has nothing to offer to them, while Mythic raid is for hardcore guilds and way beyond their skill to go there.
Normal raid progression itself would still be a thing for guilds to do (where bad/mediocre players are grouped), as normal raid completion would still be an excelent achievement and something to be distinguished by! Instead, everyone has normal grade rewards showered to them for no effort and even HC loot is given occasionally. That sense of achievement and progression is invalidated as people are given those rewards for nothing. At the same time improvement/progression urge would push them into Mythic raid area where they clearly do not belong. Its a problem especially visible in M+, people outgearing their abilities and failing hard trying to chase something to achieve/better loot.
This video sumarizes all the negative experiences I had with loot progression.
WoW this video must be best example of “how to make baseless assertions and cherry pick facts in order fit your conclusion”.
well the question is as you stated your self, would they have stayed anyways, I think not, they probably would have dropped out even sooner again, problem is as I se it, not the loot we get, but how we progress instead, now we have dungeons, normal, heroic mythic, and mythic+, then we have raids, lfr, normal, heroic, and mythic, there is to much of it, personaly I do think flex system do work best as it used to be, but is mythic raids realy needed in game at all, yes they give to true hardcore people something to go for, but it also leaves a huge gap between item levels in the long run, or it used to.
you se here is the reason why, we get so much high level loot in the first place, to compensate mythic raiders, they loose one person, they could be stalled for ages, due to the new person even if realy skilled do not have the gear for it, this happend a lot in tbc, something Blizzard do not want to se again and doubt many others eighter, it was horrible in the long run.
But how to make raids more appealing, well one thing is shorter raids, uldir could have been split in two raids easily, whit Zul being one of the end bosses, and Ghunn the other end boss, whit maby one or two new bosses to not make it to short, this would artificaly make things look like you progress more, due to one of the raids being a tad easier than the other, it used to work fine back in the days.
@ Gannet Please learn from Seffi how to write constructive posts, as your last post is only a troll reply with no value, arguments or respect to what was said earlier.
@ Seffi yes this is only my assumption. I have personally left raiding with that guild because they were not making any progress at all and people were repeating the same mistakes over and over. I dont think any ammout of gear would change the situation much there, if you keep dying to the same thing wipe after wipe (as simple as elevator lasers on Taloc for example). This is not an argument to give them even more gear however and allow them to overpower it though I think.
Indeed due to scaled difficulty we have today it is very hard to compare todays situation to BC. At best you could consider Uldir difficulties being three separate raids durring BC times each of them having better gear and more difficult mechanics - if you know what I mean.
Perhaps you are right and Mythic raid could be removed (only if power creep and free loot is removed, in which case HC raid would be the endgame for hardcore playerbase). As it is, there would be completely nothing to do for Mythic players. In addition I think for me, knowing that there is yet more difficult content to do, is a driver to play more, so I would not vote to get Mythic diff removed even if I do not participate. I would not mind it scaling higher either for that same reason (but there are obvious faults of this approach, which you have mentioned)
I think there needs to be noticable power difference between players that do get just free stuff and those that participate in difficult content.
Mythic progressing guilds are able to get gear for new players relatively fast just handing them the loot over from HC, and they have tons of obsolete things after a while. They do not need time gated free loot for catchup, I dont think it improves their situation anyhow. Not sure if I recall right, but durring BC that was a problem perhaps because there was just less loot overall dropped by bosses? I did not get past doing dungeons back then, and I do not recall crying that I was not able to do raids. Instead I had respect and admiration for people geared in high end raiding gear (+envy and something to aspire to, which made me keep playing/being invested).