These are all extremely true and saddening facts. It was impossible in British law for a man to be raped by a woman, only sexually assaulted until the review.
I support further funding and support networks for men, believe me. I have lost two friends in the past 5 years to suicide, they were of a similar age to me and both were extremely sudden and out of the blue.I believe one of them celebrated his anniversary with his long-term girlfriend (since childhood) a few days prior.
This said however, I do not understand why people bring up the topic of disparities between men and women into threads such as this. It does nothing constructive and comes across as a form of “you think you have it bad? I’ll tell you who has it bad!” as a way to detract from people’s claims. In my mind the fact that male victims of sexual assault have far less support networks and such than women has nothing to do with how we handle female victims of sexual assault. All it does is call attention to how more needs to be given to men, but that is a separate issue.
I’m sure people would rightfully be pissed off if in the event that there was an open forum to discuss something like male suicide, or male sexual assault victims and what can be done, the conversation kept being brought back to how women experience higher %s of assaults, or more women attempt suicide than men. I’d be pissed off in that scenario.
These are all rightful issues worthy of our consideration, but using championing one issue to detract from another is not helpful at all. It is entirely possible to champion all of them at once and give each the space they need.
The fact that men’s issues need dedicated discussion time (because there is a woefully low amount of it) does not mean that the way to achieve that is try to redivert attention on women’s issues onto men’s issues instead. Despite what the media may suggest they are not in competition with each other. The only thing that vaguely comes close to that is perhaps cancer research due to public pots of funding where more funding for X may mean less for Y, but i’d argue it’s not that simple in truth in all probability.
There is much to be done on all fronts but each issue should have the time to be heard without being sidelined by another. I say this as someone who thinks it is really important the unique social issues facing men are given serious attention and investment. I just don’t see them as in competition with women’s issues.
the reason i bring it up is because you claim that systemic discrimination against women is why the conviction rate is low which is laughable at best considering women literally get things handed to them just for being born the correct gender.
its low for two reasons. rape is extremely difficult to prove and many cases have been found to be false. it has nothing to do with people hating women or the system hating women (the literal opposite in fact).
Just a reminder, the diametric opposite of a Social Justice Warrior, is someone who is too afraid of other people to hang out with them, believes in Injustice and unfairness, but does -not- have the actual strength to back up their claims,and lacks the conviction to do so. So they’re like…Mister Bean, if he was in a certain political party in 1930’s Germany.
No one has been fired or prosecuted however depending on how serious the allegation is you may find that he is placed on suspension whilst they investigate if the allegation is true or not.
It’s disrespectful to actual sexual abuse victims to falsely accuse of such things. Same thing is happening in other games, some girl in Dota community said a guy sexually assaulted her, and then after some comments, she says he asked her out twice and she didn’t feel comfortable being asked out by him. Literally just asked her out twice, and she claimed he sexually assaulted her.
It’s hard to believe these claims without proof, and even more baffling to see Blizzard take instant action against someone who’s part of their community, on a word of someone who doesn’t like them.
1.) A company wishing to disassociate with someone for any reason, especially if they got these kind of accusations against them, is entierly up to the company and it doesn’t make them villians for it.
2.) Accusations should always be investigated to see if they hold truth & if they are credible, convict the person, that is what it’s about. It’s equally terrible(actually worse in my opinion) to take the stance of “But this guy is a youtuber I like, so therefore he can never do something like this!!!”
3.) Removing 1 NPC from the game is the least of anyone’s troubles.
It’s kinda cringe and also very sad to see us being 10 squares back again to the point of when a guy is accused of these bad things, the same people who claim “its only accusation, wait for investigation!” are so willfully bashing the women coming forward and belittlelling the situation because a person they thought was cool can never be a bad guy.
The whole “hold your judgement” thing goes both ways.
Final note: Labelling everyone who disagrees with you on these topics as “SJW” is also really cringe.
Don’t bash those who make an allegation.
Bash those who are founded to have made a FALSE allegation.
A girl in the US accused two boys of assaulting her, but the two she accused, one was in a different state and the other was out with family and she admitted she made the whole thing up. She got a year in prison, but the damage was done as both boys were excluded from the university.
That’s a much better stance to have yeah, because false allegations are bad, I think everyone can agree on it. However, as geniuenly terrible as they are and not excusable, they don’t invalidate every other allegation made because of it, which some people think.
If a person is accused/alleged to have done these things, always investigate it. Don’t lynch the person, but don’t jump to their immediate defense either. The problem we’ve had alot in the past & still do to some extent, is allegations made against “popular” or “good” people are easily dismissed due to their percieved persona, when they should also be investigated.
However, in that same vein, people with a less good reputation are alot more easily judged even before an investigation is started. Especially if the accuser themselves has a good reputation.
But make sure it goes across the board. (Men need to come forward of abuse against them - they never would have caught the Manchester Serial Assaulter otherwise.)
But also, a friend of mine was attacked by a man of colour, but she was made out to be a racist prostitute, by the police who were suppose to support her.
She’s a strong woman. She’s very forward thinking and knows that those police officers who were horrible to her, are few and far between.
It has scarred her though, in some ways. If she’s out in Manchester and waiting for a bus and a black man stands behind her - she has to walk away slightly.
That’s not her being racist - that’s just a lasting scar from that horrible day.
She also knows that not all black men are like her assaulter, but she can’t help the way she feels.
And just to add one, my fiancé was attacked by 3 white lads and he’s white, himself. But just like her in a way, he can’t stand white lads standing behind him.
I certainly have not said that he is guilty, nor have I said that he is innocent.
As it stands an allegation has been made against him and an inconsequential NPC has been removed from the game. That, to my mind, is neither a conviction nor is it a pardon.
But removing the npc when there’s absolutely no proof, just an ex that doesn’t like him. Like imagine if you’re Swifty, your ex doesn’t like you and makes up a story about you abusing her, then Blizzard condemns you by removing your npc from the game. How does that make it look? Blizzard doing that makes it look like it’s truth.