How exactly? His characters are still there with everything that he has achieved. His Twitch stream is still there with all his followers.
Yes, there may be some that decided to stop watching him based on what has happened but that is because what they have read or seen online not because an NPC has been removed. It isn’t like there is some hyperlink on the NPC that explains who the person the NPC is named after is and what they have done.
Oh, Tifa, I remember you now! It’s all coming back. 10 years ago when I was chilling on the secret isle in Tanaris, almost sleeping under the sun on that nice sand…all of a sudden I woke up to you in cat form touching my tralala. I’ll tell everyone what you did, believe me. Not even the flight masters will speak to you after this, you will have to kill boars in Durotar in oder to survive on some low level meat.
Hope blizzard suspends or even bans you for what you did to me on that island years ago. You ought to be ashamed of yourself
Oh I remember that too now. I was taking a shat in that outdoor potty in Searing Gorge and I remember someone screaming all the way from Tanaris. Initially I thought it was my fart, but god damn when I think of it now, that fart sound was actually someone’s tralala getting touched on the secret isle of Tanaris. I think the wind also carried the name, it was Tifa…
What a horrible thing to do, hope they burn this bear on a stake in front of Moonglade!
I am a solo justiciar who makes sure the evil accused never see the light of day. I’ve seen what you did to this poor shaman. The statement made by decrax is also enough for me. I’ll talk to the booty bay guards and come and sack you for all the gold you have. You won’t go unpunished. I’ll drag your name to the ground
… FiVE YeArS LaTER …* after countless investigations by Tanaris guards that turned to nothing and 5 witch hunts that turned to sexual assault lore raids*
Now that I think better mr. Tanaris police officer, I think I was ingesting some Zangarmarsh shrooms for my …cough… humpback pains * cough * . Not sure anymore if it was Tifa, might have been just my right hand getting rid of a scratch on the sack. Sorry
On a more serious note, we live in the most whack times man. Must be careful even in what direction you breathe now
Ok,so what is the point here for you?You are oke with removing someones npc from the game without any investigation done before?Further more if i am follwing your train of thought right, you are not oke with people voicing there concern with possible foul play from Blizzard.
Also from what i’ve read in the thread some people will go far as saying its justice what has been done cause somewhere at some time servers where off for 3h cause of Swifty,like what the actually hell.Get a grip people.
Alot of people are pilling stuff that has nothing to do with this case,cause they have some narrative and issues of there own.
This is a thing that I will never understand but thank you for pointing it out as I now understand a bit more about where this all comes from. I still disagree with the point and I don’t think that the removal of an NPC in anyway implies guilt or not but as with almost everything on these forums that is just my opinion.
As above I am ok with the removal of the NPC after such allegations have been made.
I am also ok with people voicing their concern about possible foul play from Blizzard although I am yet to see any foul play from Blizzard in this matter. I am also ok with people rebutting people voicing their concern.
how about you educate yourself on your own laws there buddy. In the modern western world women have no excuse to not come forward, there is a major movement to believe them even when its proven to be lies so shut up and sit down.
People like you seem to think not instantly believing every word they say as fact is the same as saying its lies. And as cold as it may seem if they take years to come out that’s on them, we should not be condemning someone based on accusations alone.
You are extremely uneducated on this subject i have first hand experience and so do one of my friends so get off your soapbox. As a male victim of sexual assault there is no such movement to believe us, matter of fact very prominent members of the feminist movement mock male victims and nobody says a word.
I am a victim of sexual assault myself and i didn’t wait years to report it despite knowing i likely would be made fun of and not believed. But i still reported it and When i reported the crime to the police the first thing they told me was “men cant be victims of sexual assault” Show me where that happens to women in the modern western world… ill wait.
The point is it never started as a “noble” movement, that’s a matter of fact, this might be a bit too spicy for the forums, but yea, the first people who started the me too movement, were not victims of abuse, they traded something to get something, and now that their career is over, they wanna get just that little bit extra money from the people who they traded a certain thing to get their career.
It definitely was not noble, sure both the parties are scummy, but non consensual? Please, you could have just not accepted the deal and walk out, if you actually were a good actor or actress someone would have hired you sooner or later, no, the point of me too was not about coming forwards, conveniently after all these years, now that their career is over, the point was to try to squeeze out every last penny. And the ridiculous thing is that they weren’t even charged for making a false accusation.
So i guess that should tell you something.
If i were a victim of an actual crime i would go to the police in a heartbeat, i wouldn’t ponder on it,m and wonder if it’s the right moment or if it was actually a crime, because if i have to think about it, it’s probably not, you don’t suddenly wake up and realize oh iv’e been abused. When someone throws you a punch you don’t have to think that you were assaulted, the result speak for itself.
So again, no police report? It’s probably bs, it’s easy to write a twitter post especially when there are little to no consequences.
There will always be people who are afraid to come forward and wait years. What if the person who assaulted you is a family member? I know a few of such cases where it’s been over 15 years and the victim hasen’t gone to the police
my friend i mentioned earlier was raped by her father so i think that qualifies and she has said many times she should have reported it right away, because of her waiting he walked free. That literally proves why you need to report it right away.
Yes “should have” for many such cases it’s hard because they are scared their other parent might not believe them…or they don’t want to rip the family apart…my sister waited until my grandfather was dead to tell us he assaulted her. She never went to the police and she is struggeling with it to this day and as soon as we told my grandmother she called us liars and cut off all contact.
you know what else she said? You cannot send a man or woman to prison based only on accusations. She is even more aggressive about that than i am, im far more reserved. It doesn’t matter what happened if you cannot prove it then you cannot send someone to prison for it.
Actually there are numerous excuses why they don’t come forward, so perhabs you should shut up yourself and sit down. But hey, by all means continue your ignorant crusade against these women.
Notice how we need to get into family and similar to try to give the “argument” some credit, and still it’s easily disprovable.
The point is, if you actually were abused, the earlier you go the better, do not even shower, go directly to the police, and make a report, because that’s the best time to do it, and if the perpetrator is someone who is a friend or family, well, maybe they were not the nice person, who you thought they were, so you shouldn’t feel held back by this. And if other family members cut you off for this, well, good, get the trash out of your life as they say.
yeah okay pal im such a dirty evil woman hater thats why i mentioned “someone” and not men specifically. but go ahead and use your strawman arguments to dismiss my criticism