Free T-Shirt Day (on Friday 16th)

I had to suffer through a druid who stayed in his huge two person flight form and hid most of the tshirts as he picked them up. That change would be most welcome!

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Think it’s worth saving a bunch of the shirts to sell later? :thinking:

There’s some special guys scattered around who sell unique blue shirts for this event, such as:

I’m on hunting them all down as we speak. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nope, the unique shirts are bop and the others are all boe vendor items.

i’ve checked that once before. It’s exactly as you expect. Free Tshirts.

Why did you have to spoil this light hearted thread with objectifying women? Have a report.

Week end hasn’t started yet. Get lost.

Didnt see her mentioning women though?


Hey you didn’t got the memo from community on your last forum poop?
Nobody likes your pretentious attitude.
Get you boring trolling nonsense out of our light hearted forums, show off

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The funniest thing is that he is the only one objectifying anything here.

1/10 troll attempt.


You obviously didn’t notice that Puny was replying to the post immediately before where someone else had misread the title.


And i cant play today great…

The T-shorts should also be visible in the appearance tab before you obtain them (The special ones)

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The only reason this person is doing this is to build up their self importance at the expense of other users good mood and friendly banter.
Worst type of trolls imo, pretending to defend someone who isn’t even remotely being attacked, spreading hate and confusion, complete toxic waste poster. Not to mention the abuse of report system on false alarms.

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Bring back the baby spice.

Just read a good idea for those on super populated realms - use your Corgi goggles!


This is one of those rare moments when being in a dead server is actually a good thing. I saw no one in Stormwind and got quite a bunch of free t-shirts :grin:

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OMG that is genius!!!

Elaborating on this post by Apawi, thanks to ItzyMrs comment on Wowhead

Selis Silksong is located in Lower City in Shattrath 68,27 selling Selis’ Silk Shirt

Gild Crewneck is located in Stormheim Valdisdall 60,52 selling Gild’s Crewneck

Shuurt the Clothripper is located in Grizzly Hills south of Grizzlemaw 50,52 selling Shuurt’s Precious

Jade Lovelyshirts is located in Valley of the Four Winds in the Silken Fields 62,59 selling Jade’s Lovely Shirt

Tia Shortsleeve is located in Talador at Zangarra 85,31 selling Tia Shortsleeve’s Short Sleeve Shirt

Melvin Shirtson is located in Eastern Plaguelands at Light’s Hope Chapel 74,53 selling Threads of Tirion

Shirtsi Clothpatch is located in Winterspring at Everlook 60,50 selling Shirtsi’s Cloth Shirt


Wow this is some nice event content… not