Game crashes almost every time I enter a loading screen

this issue starts to piss me off to a point where we shouldnt have seen the launch of 10.2 yet. friends who are on DirectX11 and legacy, i have changed to that. and me too,
get thoose issues

so FAR

by my understanding, some people that is getting the crash on loading screens like they and we do. is not useing directX 12,

people that i know, who dont get crashed are useing directX12 since they sorted that problem earlyer reboot!!!

and blizzard haven`t cared to sort the directX11 and legacy issue yet

IF you have chance to go win10 or win11 and gain DirectX 12, DO IT!!!
and you are in good hands.

People that still useing lower windows and stays on directX11 and legacy
Will be stuck with this problem!!!

Same problem, returned to the game with my friend who has never played the game as recruit a friend. Not exactly the best first experience…

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“Hi, we’re aware and investigating, though no specific ETA at the moment. Thanks for taking the time to let us know, and hope it can be resolved soon!” - @BlizzardCSEU_EN on Twitter, 53 minutes ago


Thank the Light!

I was going bonkers trying to figure out if it was my internet, pc, game files etc.

Let’s hope this is fixed BEFORE Wednesday, that should really be the aim.

Same problem for me 2… (in Norway)

Check out Stuck in loading screens - #314 by Skarokuffe, Blizz is working on fixing it

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