Game crashes almost every time I enter a loading screen

Ever since the 10.2 update I have basically been unable to teleport anywhere without having to restart my game. It hangs up while the loading bar is either completely empty, or around 60-80% progress and doesn’t move at all afterwards. This happened with addons both on and off, and both DX11 and DX12. I have tried repairing game files twice and redownloading my game once. I am honestly at my wit’s end about what to do about this. I have redownloaded my drivers, restarted my pc a multitude of times out of frustration, but nothing has helped so far.


Do you have the game installed on a Hard Drive or an SSD?

It’s installed on an m.2 ssd, a fairly decent one at that and I have tried benchmarking that multiple times as well but it still displays decent values and shows no sign of damage

E: I’m OP, just changed character on the forums lol

Okay. Have you tried doing a UI Reset? This all sounds like something taking too long to load and Addons and old Addondata can cause this.

I did one and reinstalled my up to date addons, less hiccups now but I still ended up stuck once while teleporting to Valdrakken. Thank you for the assistance, any and all advise towards trying to fix my issue is greatly appreciated!

That is good, but have you tried entering without any Addons installed at all after a UI reset. Just renaming the folders for that is good enough. Even up-to-date Addons can cause issues.

I am having the same issue. Even traveling between zones sometimes, mount becomes unresponsive. I have no addons installed and the game is installed on an SSD.

This, I crash every single time and I dont have a single add on installed and the games a fresh reinstall.

Many people have the same issue including me. See this thread: Stuck in loading screens

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Same issue. Trying to enter Draenor (EU), loading screen bar shows 100%.

Glad blizzard is finally recognizing this issue? I’ve had to alt+f4 at least 100 times since 10.2, it’s so aggravating. Every loading screen is 50/50 whether it actually loads or gets stuck and I have to close the game and reopen it.

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Because I’m playing from Linux and started playing again the day before 10.2, I was sure this had something to do with the OS and was losing my mind trying to figure out why, lol. I’m glad I can relax, knowing it’s likely on Blizzard to fix whatever just broke.

Sometimes I can play for hours without issue, and sometimes the very first loading screen right after the day’s first login will stop at about 80-85% and never progress. Have to force-quit the game and try again. Very annoying.

This is not a consumer issue, it literally started happen 3-4 days ago, constant loading screen issue out of the blue. Please, stop blaming it on consumer when its clearly something in the background that is giving most people this issue. Its in Retail, its in classic wotlk, its in classic era. STOP blaming consumer for your teams failure to notice a issue . Thank you

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Was hoping the maintenance last night would fix this, but still getting stuck in loading screens and/or any transitions at all really. We getting a fix any time soon? This is getting really old, really fast :frowning:

This issue started after the latest patch was pushed. Wotlk Classic is becoming nearly unplayable due to hanging on load screens. It’s not a problem with our gear, Blizzard, it’s a problem with yours.

No addons here, on Silvermoon realm, and I am not being able to get into any character today.
Yesterday, I managed to play my non-70 characters but today, not even those.

I’m having the same problem, and it started after the patch. It seems like it’s connected to dragonflying somehow. When I fly into Valdrakken everything stops responding and I have to alt+f4, restart the game, log into a different character and then log back into the character that had the issue. If I log directly back onto my character the loading screen gets stuck and I eventually get disconnected completely from the server. Just now I logged back in, found myself dead and flew to my corpse on the edge of Valdrakken, then I immediately was hit with the non-responsiveness and had to quit the game again.

In addition to this, whenever I’m getting ported somewhere - like to a random timewalking instance - I get stuck on loading screen if I was mounted on a dragon when the porting started. If I make sure to dismount while I wait for port, I have no problems.

I have exactly one addon installed since this is a relatively fresh install of WoW (a few weeks), and that’s BtWQuests. The addon isn’t to blame though, since these problems started before I downloaded that late last night. The game is installed on a hard drive, but if that was the problem I would have faced these issues before the patch hit.

Do you guys having issues happen to live in Norway? Check the other big thread about loading screens and disconnects, it looks like it might be a connection problem with certain ISPs

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I do, actually… It’s just really weird that this wasn’t a problem prior to the patch if it’s due to something outside of Blizzard’s control.

We are kind of troubleshooting over in the other thread.
So far it doesn’t seem to be our home network or Norwegian ISP’s fault.

It seem to be Blizzard having connection issues to Norway.