Game Master response about bot

TLDR : they don’t care. They don’t have time for that. You can’t do ticket, you have to use the report functionality, but we all know they do nothing with theses data since bot are always here. Farm bot are here for 3 month in a row, AV bot is here since the start of Battlegrounds.


If only they could use analytics to detect bots instead of relying on user reports… but i guess thats to complicated for blizzard


Blizzard is a small indie developer, give them some time the banwave will come.


How many weeks or even months will the honor system be messed up for because botters can stand in the AV cave literally 24/7 and get a good amount of honor for 0 effort?
Even if they’re banned every 6months or whatever, after 6months the damage done will be huge.
You must realize this, surely?

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The GM was just following the operations manual, the right-click reporting is designed with a quota for an automatic punishment which they’re instructed to refer players to when players try using the tickets to report someone.

The first time a human goes over the case is when it reaches a point where the reported player gets (automatically) punished, and then appeals.
That’s when they go over what happened, with all of that “important information” from the reports.

Saves the $ they’d otherwise need to spend on extra employees that’d tackle the problems manually.

Direct link for easier viewing.
It certainly seems like they don’t want to put the money and effort into properly addressing issues like this but this isn’t really anything new.
GMs haven’t been useful for a very long time now, long gone are the days of the helpful GM who comes in to solve problems on the fly, it’s all automated systems and script readers now.


If anyone needed more proof that Blizzard genuinely doesn’t care about Classic and only considers it a quick and easy moneygrab before the next expansion - here you go.

They have the money and (perhaps) know-how to sort things out if they want to.
They just chose not to, because that requires them to actually give a damn.


It doesn’t have anything to do with Classic per se.
It has to do with their internal structure and operations protocols.
It’s simply not part of a GM’s job anymore to deal with things that the automated system already covers.

It’s the same with retail.

Another thing to take notice of, is the added effect of sharding.
Combined with the automated system, with its design to provide the illusion of feedback (i.e. you report a player, it automatically asks for a comment as to why, and then says “Thank you for your report!” in the middle of the screen at the end), the sharding actually enforced the impression that the problem is “gone”.

This is why it hasn’t become a widespread issue on retail. Because they basically get the automated system to make players think it’s “being looked at”, while at the same time the sharding and all the xrealm functionality practically makes it unlikely you’ll ever again see the person you reported (or at least not soon enough for you to remember it in the first place).

When looking at it from a business management perspective, this is a huge win in terms of profitability. They placate the masses without lifting a finger, and subsequently reduce the need for many of the employees to be employed.

The problems are the effects it has on the social design, and enforcement of rules which in turn reduces both the perceived value and trust in the game & its content itself.


some birds told me they were actively banning AV bots on the US realms though, some dude got a 6 month ban ofc

If the person’s activities gets caught by the Warden (Blizzard’s anti-cheat software) then yes, it’ll eventually lead to a punishment (the Warden is still controlled by humans, and they sometimes leave wrongdoers alone for a while to get further data on how the hack/bot works to further understand it). They leave the ones not caught by the Warden to be handled by the automated & socially driven right-click system though.

It’s in rare cases like in retail with the XP pot last year where they filter through server logs to manually punish specific events.

if you analyze all the problems classic faces since release.
mafias, glitch abuses, layer hopping abuse, honor traders (check under karazhan crypts for those), faction colluders, bots… and a lot more.
then you know classic is a dead cause…
there is so much damage done already, player running gold capped on multiple chars etc abusing these things.
the only option to fix it is a new server now, blizzard has done a real poor job.

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True. The suits and bosses need those million dollar paychecks and bonuses.
So they cut costs everywhere and we get worse customer support.

:grinning: :laughing: :upside_down_face:

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YOu have issue with reading ?
Or you ignore parts and take what you want from it ?

You’re close to being redpilled. As long as they don’t ban botters I don’t pay my subscription. Plain and simple


we’ve come to a point that only sorting the bots out isnt enough no more to make me sub again.
theres to much damage done to the servers with all the very very late fixes on everything so far.

looks like that GM is straight up lying to you from what i can tell… how many people have done exactly as this GM said and found that the person is still running around AV botting undisturbed?..

LMAO what a pile of horsesh1t answer.

So they actually say botting is legal.


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poor service.
blizzard, you can hire me :slight_smile:

Rise of bots people, everyone and even their moms will use bots from now on , noone care, as long as you sub keklul