Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Because it felt more real considering actual people are more subtle about their romance.
People also shipped Valtrois and Stellagosa in Legion

First gay night elf is a razzle dazzle sparkle warrior empowered by a female.
If I was gay I don’t think I’d be overly thrilled.

How is granting a group of people basic human rights, rights they should have had at birth, shoving something in your face?

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the elfs names are Ilanya and Driana :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Bjornson-nordrassil, post:160, topic:176744, full:true”]

I think this is an issue that arises from language having a component that arises purely from use as well as definitions, but not entirely one or the other. I agree with you that people do use language inaccurately to try and ascribe meaning that isn’t appropriate by the power of words; but I think we’ve arrived at a stage where the general understanding of the word homophobia is well established enough to render it well-understood by a majority of people as meaning the same thing - even if it deviates from the technical etymology of the word.

We have this on a widespread scale already in common conversation. For example “mad” can mean it’s classical definition of “insane” but it also might mean “very angry” or even “very lively/excitable” (“That was a mad music concert!”). Technically the people doing this are using the word incorrectly, but that’s just how language evolves. It devolves into a set of language games.

At least in the case of homophobia there is relatively no contention over what the word means currently, even if it was used differently in the past. So pretty much everyone using the word is playing the same language game when they do so. I would argue very few people when using the term homophobia currently are trying to ascribe a mental illness to someone, they are instead referring to the fact that person is engaging in behaviours/attitudes that show they are prejudiced in particular against gay people.

Yeah “bigot” would satisfy the definition too I agree, but language has a knack for precision. After all we could just say “hot” but we have a slew of words like “warm” “sweltering” “scorching” “boiling” “spicy” “blistering” “balmy” “flaming” to specify degrees of precision. It just so happens in this case the word we’ve arrived at to communicate precision in the bigotry is using a term with a different history to it’s etymology. It isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last time this happens.

yeah, when it’s done like this it looks like a communist party manifesto.
actually in the last novel the shaw/Flynn romance was done more or less natural and didn’t cause me to throw up.

same way some people claim women are being treated fairly while still not having equally and their rights respected after being oppressed in most countries for thousands of years maybe men should have their rights stripped for a thousand years so they can learn some humility

The first Night Warrior wasn’t even a Night Elf, they were from another planet.
At least get something right.


“communism is when gay”
how do people unironically think this

than you ll be a slave to a nation where man didnt lose theirs, that’s life

i ment it sounds fake abd unnatural lole when communists praise their leader.
what you wrote I don’t get and kinda fine with that.

how so if every male on the planet lost their basic rights for a 1000 years no such nation would exist

Btw this is just unrelated but in their transition to English, the words Empathy and Sympathy also changed meanings radically.

In Greek empathy originally means “strong passion” as in Strong negative feelings towards something.

Meanwhile Sympathy means in Greek to have positive feelings and interest towards someone or something.

In empathy got mixed with sympathy and sympathy got the meaning of the world silipitiria which means “sharing someones sorrow about a loss”


This. I can’t believe so many people just hop on the “i won’t check for any confirmations, let’s rage about gay night elves!”.

The two individuals come from the planet Fyzandi. Now my Azerothian history is a little rusty, but i’m not aware of any aspect of night elven history ever mentioning a brief trip to a different planet where there was some huge war against an old god like creature and the night warrior power was used to win the war.

Fairly sure if that had in fact happened in night elven history, they wouldn’t have managed to as a species forget about it entirely.

Nah you only ever can take it from westerners, so the other masculine societies will naturaly overtake any feminine government.
As I am not westerners I wish you luck in your quest!

i’m also not from the west but the east i have some views on the middle east that would be best not discussed :smiley: also it was a theoretical situation men are to prideful vain and arrogant to be put in the same situation they put women in for thousands of years it would hurt their manhood or something

btw i’m not a man hater i just see that for every 3 good men there are 7 scumbags

tell us something we dont know. Everyone who can greek knows already that.

In our era of gaming I think a lot of guys would not feel so bad to be househusbands while the wife is fighting in the cutthroat job market.

in the west maybe our men prefers to work them self to death in a society that promotes overwork gotta love japan of course this applies to women too my mother used to be a ceo and she almost worked her way to a early grave

I think this is part of a broader issue of the modern urban work culture that clashes with human biology.

A lot of these people need to question themselves about what they truly work for before it is too late for them