Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

There we go I’m in. Thank you!


See who bumped it again after a 7 day break … :wink:

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It’s obvious that this thread will never be locked by mods and this person will always keep bumping it, so what about we derail it so maybe we’ll get it locked?

I like japanese culture a lot, I studied japanese for a couple of years, I like ramen and onigiri, and I read and watched a lot of manga/anime.
Right now I’m enjoying shingeki no kyojin a lot, the final chapter will be out in 2 weeks.


I am just lost for words that they keep doing it . Really sad that it happens and nothing is done to them .

Difference is Twi does not troll or spread resentful feelings over the forum .


Whatever, caveman. The civilized world already has less and less place for your kind. Stay in your cave.

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You realize that freedom of speech exists and you are insulting someone just for the words he said. 84 years ago it also started with oppressing other people’s opinions


You serioulsy defending a homophobic person who goes around trolling and trash talking others making endless threads stirring hate on the forums and best you can come up with is freedom of speech ?

On these forums there is none as they are private owned and have a CoC to follow .
They have broken them countless times so please spare me.


Oh no no no, don’t even start with the “muh freedom of speech” argument, because you clearly have no idea what it is.
Discrimination is not freedom of speech.
And btw I didn’t insult him, I just pointed out what he is in real life.


First of all, freedom of speech is about the government not taking legal action against you for what you say, it doesn’t apply to gaming forums. Also, freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom of consequences. If you say something hateful people have every right to express their opinion about you.


Why cant this issue be laid to rest already.
It was just an alien couple form another planet. We do not even know if they have our familiar biology, they could even be full functional hermaphrodites like the earthworms irl

Where did I say something hateful. Please quote here.

P. S. Science is not hate

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You are funny boy. I respect this forum CoC so I will remain a respectful person. Unlike you.

Imagine this thread having 2.2k replies… Imagine actually caring about who other people sleep with, it’s not like you have to sleep with X persons partner


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