Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

it’s regular size, his dad’s car is just tiny

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How tiny? Are we talking a Mini here, or one of those cars that kids can pedal around?

My buddy, my pal, have you ever heard of… Lysenkoism? For the low, low price of gulag, you too can have your own Science! :tm:

(Disclaimer: Science! :tm: is in no way related with, or to, actual science)

I mean, straight people already have all the rights and whatnot, they don’t need anything else to make them more relevant. Therefore by your own metric, you should be saying:

“Straight people dont need to be paraded about in the media or anything else to make them anymore relevant… If youre straight your straight.”

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Was a jaguar XJ6. Very nice motor. it was actually the car I was sitting in when we paid a “visit” to the bike repair shop.

Lovely car it was.

OK, now that is a slick piece of kit. Looked it up, and the ones in British racing green reminded me of Steve McQueen in ‘Bullit’. Nice.

BIzarrely, and it is bizarre, that actually came up last night in a Zoom call tabletop RPG, as my character in that is a Russian Gulag survivor. Surreal!


Every day is Straight Pride day. Every single damned day.
Difference is, in some countries gay people are killed for being gay, gay people are ostracised, thrown out of their families, regarded unfavourably. One of the geniuses of what we now term modern computing, and arguably the one man who effectively won WWII more than any other, by his efforts, was chemically castrated for being gay, and eventually took his own life (Not a glorious episode in my nation’s history)

Straight people don’t need to be paraded about, because it is seen as a societal norm, even now however, being gay is not seen as a societal norm, and therefore things like being given exposure in the media are still kind of necessary, and will remain so, until absolute parity and acceptance of it being ‘normal’ is reached.


There’s no need on social and colonial animals for every individual to reproduce. Wit just a few, it’s enough. The rest can be more useful than being just male or female.

Who does the job on a hive? Not the lazy males who appear once in a while. Neither the queen who just lay eggs. 99% of ants and bees are LGTB. Non-reproductive individuals. But who builds the colony? Who care the eggs and larvae? Who swarm to feed the whole qiraji empire.

A single gay couple, don’t make me laugh. Every coral, school of fish, colony, herd or whatever the social aninal you pick has their own version of LGTB.

So stop being worried about gay couples and be more worried about how blind you are. If nature finds ways to improve, i’m sure your brain can do it too.

Artificial insemination exists .

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xd where’s our flag, where’s our march? delusional people here

Why? Do you think we need one? Do you think we need marches to show our identity that has been accepted for thousands of years? Now -that- is delusional.

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Ofc its accepted its literally how every species works… and you had a go a me earlier… yikes

I don’t like talking to you, you just go onb and on with nothing to say in way too many words, but I’ll answer this.

we don’t need one, you insinuated every day is straight pride parade, so I tell you this is false as there’s no flags, parades or people shouting im straight or anything.

no I didn’t claim this, you just bring up stuff no one said, which is why talking to you is so bothersome.

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Except it isn’t. I mean by definition it is not, as otherwise this conversation wouldn’t be occurring. I mean are you trying to say that a male dog humping someone’s leg is OK if they are female, but not if they are male?

Of course not. That would be ridiculous.

Also, riddle me this. If you are a macho macho straight guy, and you see two gay guys kissing, how is that harming you? That is literally (Using the word correctly) meaning that two men have just reduced the amount of competition for you chatting up the ladies with your undoubtedly well honed wooing skills. They’re doing you a solid, bro, you should be thankful that they are into other dudes. Increases your chance with the ladies, no?


I’m neither your parent or your tutor, your fear of too many words is not my problem.

And again I say, why would we need one? It is a simple binary question with two answers, Yes, or No.

But you did ask where our parades were?

Were the direct words you stated.

pathetic dude

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Why would you quote yourself and then type ‘Pathetic dude’?


How Nigom sees himself every time he reads a post.

But sadly, he’s no Mr Torque.

nothing worse than reading or listening to someone drivel on who has nothing to say, like you ppl

Am I stuck in a red dwarf episode here?

What is going on lol are you going to challenge yourself to a game of chess ala Kweeg and Holly?

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Posts on a level 32 embarrassed to post on a current level character…

Constantly trolls… hmm im thinking your main is lfr geared and you dont actually play the game but spend most your time in the forums…


That describes almost every other poster