Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Not a guy at all thank you .

I did not actually unless you have solid proof thanks .

How am i trolling asking what Pog means ?


so you are not going to explain where you got this from?

It’s a meme word that usually meant something good/cool from twitch, and was popularized with “pogchamp”.

It has since been mostly abandoned though by normal people since it turned out that the guy who was the face of the word turned out to be a full on conspiracy theory trump supporter who was crazy homophobic and full on openly support the terrorist attack on the Capitol by QAnon and Trumpists. Even in the aftermath he has been advocating that it was a good thing/shame that it failed.

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I answered you earlier …

I reported your “small brain” insult :slight_smile:

I also reported Daestras post the other day, calling someone a transphobe.

I’m not perfect.


Thank you for that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Happy to help!

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And thats fine and very honest of you and i respect that and you know me i tell people if i report them so thank you for being honest .

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Ah you misunderstood, thought so

Thats why i said

3 times now and i wished you a good day am i missing something here ?

two times actually, before you added this uncalled for 3rd

Today I am


Well out of polite i will keep answering you as it pings me when you reply to me . I do not wish to argue with you but i can not understand why you have to bring up that there was a misunderstanding do you wish to converse and debate all afternoon about it or let it drop and have a pleasent rest of day ? :slight_smile:

Damn i love your posts :joy:

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Thats wrong tho, gay animal couples adopt orphan so they don’t die.

And I guess if every human turned to potato we would go extinct as well, hopefully de are not potatoes.

Being mean when you have nothing to say is classical.
Try again

are you from America? it sounds like you are from the states

You wished me good day once, then you kept the conversation going by asking me that, so ask yourself if you’re looking to debate and converse all afternoon.

If it is clear to you that you did not miss anything and did not repeat yourself 3 times, then I think we can move on

You can make out an accent from text? And youre wrong… try again

Good then so we are both free to stop replying now ? and have a good night .