Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Is it something bad? Is it bad that society is finally trying to normalize it? After years when LGBT people were getting abused. LGBT people won’t do anything bad to you. Uhm, maybe T will

Why you calling them lgbt people? They are just people… you try defend them but insult them…

who? (10 char)

Well they call themselves like this. This is lesbian, this is gay, this is bi. I’m straight. So what?

Essentially it boils down to this.

Who has a problem with LGBT+ people existing? Show your hands.

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No they dont… they are literally people

Am I denying this lol?

Nothing to do with snitching. We all have set rules we agreed to to follow in order to post. And anyone can report any post they feel the blues need to take a look at/see if it breaks anything or not.


“if everyone were gay, humans wouldn’t exist, therefore gay bad” what even is this.

Firstly, gay people can create children, so lol.

Secondarily, this logic is just whacko. If everyone was a teacher, nobody would grow food to feed the population, therefore teaching is bad?

Can we just ground our arguments in reality please. Or if we’re going for a hypothetical can it at least be done properly. Christ almighty.


Also ‘yikes’ belongs in Scooby Doo cartoons.

So raise your hands, who has a problem with LGBT people?

So raise your hands, who has a problem with LGBT people?

I wanna joke about R country but I will not, might get banned

Another person coming in and hasnt got a clue what was said… instead of piping in read the thread properly before commenting… yikes

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What’s your problem, mate? The thread author said that LGBT attacks their and peoples faces, and we do not agree

I think they may be a bit delicate and need some safe space.

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Trolling? Not really.
Just don’t feel the need for insults.


Have you read trough this topic? (or been on these forums long for that matter)

your ackin for a vacation arent you?

Dude you need to learn when to stow your words. You have a habit of wading into threads, making absolutely ridiculous comments and then getting all “Ur all dumbdumb” when people give you a whack of logic. I’ve been posting in this thread from the very start on a different and older char given the thread is that old. I’ll point them out if you like: mechagnome named Paxmillian.

So yikes all you like. Using twitch memes seems to be the one thing you’re executing smoothly from what I’ve seen. If you have a solid extension on your “if everyone were gay…” Comment I’m all ears.


Don’t bring logic into this, they don’t like logic.


I’ve been on this thread and forum longer than most of the edgelord posters here.

Do tell me what that has to do with anything though.

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