Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

great to hear you are familiar with your peers, but then you must certainly realise asking for arguments to be grounded in reality here is … need I even say it, you’ve been on these forums so long

So the alternative is to be Internet oppression cowards? Not really selling it there.

I think you are confusing having an opinion, with it being a defining feature of your life…

No it isn’t.

But that is the point. It is unnatural. Hating LGBT+people is unnatural and learned behaviour, otherwise human history as we know it would be a lot different.

But anyway, How many of these Antisocial Injustice Cowards are willing to show their hands and say they just don’t like LGBT+ people?

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No easier than doffing your cap to the social standards and norms set up by the powers that be and being a good little nodding dog.

And inborn disgust. This would be why such views didn’t appear in the main until abrahamism did it’s thing yes? You are aware there is a heap of evidence that many ancient cultures predating abrahamic religion didn’t give a toss about same sex relationships? Many of their ancient mythos involving gods depicted such and dual gender identity as well. Pretty wierd place to arrive at if your default setting is “gay bad”, when the first great cultures you set up end up being okay with it.

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So we LQBT+ are sub humans compared to you ? and if you are going to insult people please learn to spell and at least converse better .

Generally a bit too cowardly, though the guy you quoted is using pretty see-through dogwhistling, so I guess he at least lands somewhere in the ballpark being openly bigoted? Not sure if I’d consider it good though, maybe he thinks he’s being more slick than he is in actuality, dunno.

I mean they hate facts. They clearly never heard of the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, Spartans, Romans, Templars, Medieval Europe, Renaissance, All of that human history excised from their brains because Twitch and 4Chan exist. I feel sorry for them in a way.

Hating each other, because of race, social affiliation, possessed goods, sexual orientation IS born with mankind and part of the humanity. This is a so called “fact”.

Just as I stated before, I don’t want to join your pointless battle about human rights or human nature in a gaming forum, so: good luck with your lgbt propaganda, good luck against nature. :wink:

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Just because I see someone every day and they don’t slap me in the face, it doesn’t mean I’ll ask them not to do it if they one day slap me in the face.

But I do get your sentiment, but it is what it is. Nothing I’ve challenged is vindicated because I’m appealing to commonsense where people don’t use it even if I know better. Make of it what you will.

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I thought you had gone so very good to see you even if we did have words in past cute paladin btw :slight_smile:

I have been around on various chars and it’s all good In the hood Ty :smiling_face:

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Actually it isn’t. Place children of different races together and they will play happily. Racism is learned behaviour, dislike of anyone based on anything is learned behaviour.
-That- is scientific fact.

Think you’ll find nature has our back on this one.


But anyway, which of the Antisocial Injustice Cowards has the guts to hold up their hand and just say “I don’t like LGBT+ people?”

No one tell them about Alexander the Great and Hephaestion. Their brains might melt.

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Or the Spartans. It would blow their minds.


I hate gnomes…
except for a few


There are countless studies in social psychology to show that racism is learned behaviour. Prejudice can easily manfactured if you set the context correct. Just look at the studies like Sherif and the Social Identity Theory studies.

What makes humans hate eachother is perceived threat, competition and fear of the unknown. Nothing about gayness or race lends itself to this if you make it included in society.

I mean Christ psychologists managed to make children literally fight eachother from starting out as indifferent due to the creation of prejudice between the groups and such studies involved an all white cohort. When I say fight, I’m talking physical violence, trashing and setting fire to each others stuff. The studies are out there if people care to find them.


Yep! All of that.

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Lol. Imagine calling someone out for their ilvl but you’re 220 ilvl and stuck at +14 keys. Get a grip.


Oh so they’re that sort. The tryhard who defecates on casuals for being casual, but isn’t good enough, and is too toxic for, the actual hardcore raiding scene. Explains so much.

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No, it’s just you being a bad person. If you learn to realize this you might end up having some friends in the future.