Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Don’t know how the forums work do you?
if you want I can go and get my main which is (for once you are correct) LFR geared but I can bet I have done way more content than you have.

oh son. if I was to be trolling you, you wouldn’t even know it. I was frequenting proper troll forums while you were probably still sitting in awe with your ps3.

I could give you tips if you like…

Oh and just FYI. Simply disagreeing with you doesn’t count as trolling.

Again I could go and log in my main but I just can’t be bothered.

nah. but in your mind you’re right so it doesn’t matter does it?
Not my fault your mind is nailed shut faster than Fort Knox.


There’s no such thing as normal.

If 10% of the world is gay, that’s almost 800 million people.

We should just ignore them because they’re not “normal”?


He wants to describe Xenophobia as that is actually part of human nature or at least something that is bound to occur down the road as that is nothing but fear/wary of the unknown. Which is typically someone of a different colour as that is not ones norm. Etc. However he utterly fails at it and doesnt know what hes talking about as Hatred is not part of human nature. There are many factors that play a role in what he wants to describe and its nothing of what he think it is. So this “fact” of his is quite amusing.

Oh yes those bad bad gays are going to cause the extinction of the human race. Ye mate, i think the church of the medieval times has called and requested you. Also even if the entire world would turn gay the human race would not go extinct because we can literally procreate without straight relationships or even sexual intercourse. Yes a Mans DNA (seriously, that word is censored blizzard? Jesus christ. Your filter is once again an absolute joke) and a womens egg and uterus are required (the latter for now, may easily change in the nearest future) however they dont need to do adult cuddling to procreate given science.


How and why is this thread still up after all these months, @CM team? There have been multiple breaches of the ToS in the OP alone. There’s nothing left to be gained from keeping the thread up.


Who cares? Instead of focusing on helping parents be good parents, and making sure our children don’t end up like our generation hurting and cheating, and being vile towards eachother and fixing the social society problem, let’s worry about this pointless thing.

Kekw, let’s worry about all the wrong things, and not give a S about all the things we should be worried about.

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Lavender Scare is back? Oh boy… :confused:

You’d have thought they would be more efficient about it, I mean they’ve had what, 3,000 years at least to do so?

Weird how the population keeps growing despite that, isn’t it? :smiley:

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This is just in! Heterosexuals are in blame for overpopulation :smiley:

Retail :woozy_face:

“h-h-honestly bros it’ll be better this time!! i know classic died after 5 months but that’s blizz’s fault, tbc was the good one all along!! we’re going home!! please!!”

classic has more completed raids than retail if you look at logs, try again LFR panda.

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it is entirely possible for both to be trash games

Neither is perfect for sure

Rest in potatoes Sasha :frowning:
When I read the chapter assassin’s bullet the first time couple years ago I was destroyed, but as a manga reader I tell you (no spoilers) be prepared for more, way more tears.

Maybe because classic raids are doable semi-afk watching netflix while you spam your 1 button rotation and even LFR is 10x harder than those.

Honestly I watched season 1 of the show when I was what like… 13? Sasha was like my character, I absolutely adored her. Hell, one of the reasons me and my current girlfriend first started talking like 5 years ago was over our mutual love of the character. So she’s always been a really important character for me personally, even when i stopped watching the show a few years back I still really enjoyed her character. Her death absolutely ruined me, I get why she had to go, because she was the mercutio of the story, her dying was basically the “no more joy” indicator for the rest of the story but it still felt horrid.

I’m genuinely not ready, I’ve gotten some mild spoilers about the rumbling happening, but that’s it. My only real hope is that the remainders of the scout regiment (apart from Floch) + Annie and Hitch get out of this alive. Especially Armin, Jean and Connie. And also that Eren gets what’s coming to him eventually. But I feel like I’m expecting too happy of an ending. And it’d be a nice bonus if Pieck and Reiner make it out too.

Welp, here’s hoping these paragraphs of attack on titan are enough to get the mods to close this for being off topic… any day now…

Honestly I have been always rooting for Eren, I mean, get in his shoes. He lived his life trapped inside the walls fearing the titans, saw his mother and friends getting eaten, then found out that the whole world hates them and wants them dead because of some bs happened 2000 years before.
If I was him I’d try to destroy the world aswell.

We already know that probably they will just remove the off topic posts and leave the thread open, it’s been 7 months now, it’s obvious that some mod is on the homophobes side.

Ehhhh, tricky one there. Everyone knows why the city of Sodom got a bad rap, but what did Gomorrah do? It got Celestially nuked as well, but what was actually going on there? It sounds like they were collateral damage.

As well, there were two Angels in Lot’s house at the time, they could have just waltzed out and went “bring it on” and destroyed people with their holy powers, Also not sure how that would work, Angels originally did not look anything like how the Christian church depicted them later, they were horrible burning wheels of fire with massive amounts of eyes and feathers everywhere. You’re thinking more N’zoth than pretty boys with wings. Let’s not forget that Lot said, with the blessing of God, “Nah, you can’t have these two visitors to my house, have my underage daughters instead,” to a ravening sex crazed mob. I’m not sure that is the action of a merciful God.

Who was by the way, pretty OK with that idea.

But yeah, seriously, what did Gomorrah do, apart from be at Ground Zero of a heavenly nuke?

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According to the Torah, the kingdoms of Sodom and Gomorrah were allied with the cities of Admah, Zeboim, and Bela.
Divine judgment was passed upon them and four of them were consumed by fire and brimstone. Neighboring Zoar (Bela) was the only city to be spared
Sodom and Gomorrah" becomes a byword for destruction and desolation. Moses referred to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Deuteronomy 29:22–23: “So that the generation to come of your children that shall rise up after you, and the stranger that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, and the sicknesses which the Lord hath laid upon it; And that the whole land thereof is brimstone, and salt, and burning, that is not sown, nor beareth, nor any grass groweth therein, like the overthrow of Sodom, and Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim, which the Lord overthrew in his anger, and in his wrath.”
By Genesis, depending of the translation of course, Sodom and Gomorrah were notoriously sinful cities
I think there is something to do with their respective rulers, Bera and Birsha - both were corrupt dictators of the city they ruled - and the Battle of the Vale of Siddim
That or God Almighty was in a particulary grim mood
(Tho’ Abraham - Lot’s uncle who incidentally gathered an elite force that slaughtered the hosts of Chedorlaomer in Hobah, north of Damascus, freeing the cities of the plain from the grip of Elam, including Sodom and Gomorrah - bargained with Yahweh for the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah… forgeting the lil’ fact, God already knew the outcome, since omniscience)

A classic raid wouldnt even pass as a retail dungeon at this point. And that everyone and his mom can complete Vanilla raids is something we said even before the launch of classic. But nooo Vanilla raids were so hard and complex cough cough. Them “run out of fire tactics” sure were hard. Bosses like thaddius would be considered trash mobs nowadays.

yeah the puzzle tactics now are GREAAAT, bosses not trying to kill you but rather wear you out from doing a different tactic every 5seconds. it’s a stinking minigame on every fight. Vanilla was fine for its time, I’d say this garbage is garbage for its time