Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Not really.

Vanilla was fine for its time because it was casual as F during that time. It was meant to be casual. However these bosses would wear you out because of boredom nowadays.

like I said it was fine for it’s time, don’t just retype what I already said.
retail is garbage for its time, did you read that too?

Garbage is your opinion. You calling each boss a puzzle minigame too. Or that bosses dont try to kill you.

What kind of tactics do you think would be both non-puzzleish and also offer a sufficient mechanical or cerebral challenge?

then I guess this entire piece of drivel is just an opinion too and everyone who talks is bassicaly just saying opinions and if opinions are useless well maybe we shouldn’t talk at all?

Do you have a point or are you just going to go that’s like your opinion maaan

Lmao talk about getting mad over a question.
Just an inquiry, it’s okay if you don’t have the answers for everything buddy.

not ur buddy pal

It’s not an invitation of friendship, it’s common courtesy. English is not your first language, is it?

oh you’re trying to be smart, lame

Stay mad, nerd.

Then please go into detail why every boss is a puzzle minigame to you.

I enjoy your tears a great deal buddy. Keep it going.

I enjoy your super witty comebacks

I appreciate the vote of confidence.

that one was lackluster

Sorry, I typed it inbetween hardcasting a lava burst.

I already explained once somewhere, I’ll give few examples from current raid. How the bosses aren’t trying to kill you anymore but rather make you do puzzles, shriekwing’s BS phase where he goes to the middle and shoot out some garbage in a room full of pillars that block it. huntsman boss’ bear that summon a ghost bear that does a powerful roar, that you need to cc, but he himself does not roar ofc. and also the ghost he sends out to the boss that needs to be healed … the trader boss who gives you runes of teleportation so you can avoid his attacks like wtf, the dance boss that makes you dance so YOU get a buff against them

got tired of typing, there’s infinite more

So anything beyond “the boss itself uses X spell or attacks” is bad to you?

if that’s what your brain derived from that, good for you

Puzzle hurt brain. Get rid.