Because I don’t let me being attracted to both sexes define me? I’ve got more stuff going on in my life other than who I rear-end.
This is something a lot of you people seem to forget, that normal people probably don’t care who you shag, and are equally not interested in seeing people who’s main personality trait is who they’re shagging.
Funny you say that “Bisexuals are more oppressed than gay and lesbian people”. I’ve never felt oppressed in my life. Probably because I don’t think like a victim
Edit: I know it sounds corny to say “I don’t let my orientation define me” while telling my orientation on this thread. I am telling it where it makes some sense, to show you that not everyone who’s rolling their eyes at irrational homosexuals is some kind of evil homophobic straight dude/dudette.
really whats this all about. The fact that we’re discussing that matter here means they absolutely need to implement this more.
I mean seriously this thread should be closed immediatly due to spreading hatred.
Stop abnormalising different sexualities and let everyone live.
Im also really sick of people calling everything gay to stuff they dont like. I once was on discord with some American player who litterally called something gay every 5 minutes. Blkzzard please take more action against this.
And yes i’m a gay man who has the luck to be proud of who I am and live a very happy life with the love of my life.
My tip is, find happiness in your lives so you dont have room to hate.
Not really. Did you miss what said about donors and artifical insamination? Or for gay men, having a surrogate mother/someone willing to carry the child?
There is geniuenly no need to “stop being gay” for a moment to concieve a child.
Studies also have found that frogs become deaf when you cut off their legs.
Studies have also shown that studies are widely inaccurate and easily manipulated.
And most importantly, Studies have shown that people are more likely to believe something when it starts with the statement “studies have shown” or something along those lines.
Don’t trust studies unless you’ve faked them yourself.
To conduct a proper study, one needs an incredibly large sample size as well as several decades of reproduction to have a study be even remotely considered as believable.
Also I’m fairly certain more that exactly one out of 7 people in the US is black, so it would make sense to have more than one out of 7 people be lesbian, gay, black or trans.
“I’ve not seen this thing therefore it doesn’t exist”
Also straight people do this ALL THE TIME. So many straight people talk about how much they have sex and etc. etc.
You don’t seem upset by that, but the second an LGBTQ+ is a little bit vocal about your sexuality you throw a hissy fit.
Please don’t associate the erpers and homophobes with the rest of AD, you’ll find that a majority of us are against both things and are actively hounding Blizzard to stop the first thing.
It’s a tired old meme by people who just like to dunk on rpers, don’t be that person please
It’s called an analogy. It’s a tool used to demonstrate reasoning. If you actually understood what reasoning was, you’d get that point. You’re getting caught up on the specifics rather than the underlying logic.
Nice retort btw. Full of “scurries off without a logical answer whilst spitting a parting shot to maintain illusion of victory”.
Why is it people usually defer to a “I don’t have time for this” at the exact moment they don’t seem to come up with a decent reply? So you have time to to and fro for a good while, but suddenly at that exact moment you don’t have time to engage and it “isn’t worth discussing with people like you” despite the fact it seemed to be completely fine 2 minutes ago.
Well yes I used analogy to show my point. And it was more about me giving up because from making simple claim and simple example there is always a massive discussions that erupts. And I don’t want that. I am tired of it.
But you don’t actually need two people to get down and actually have sex. Donating an egg or happy juice isn’t being “straight”. That’s my point.
You seem fixated on the idea that being gay automatically makes you unable to reproduce because even donating is apparantly the same as being straight to you.
Breaking News: Only straight men produce sp*rm and only straight women produce eggs according to reliable source!
General Interest Article: “Does having hetereosexual sex make you straight for the duration?” We talk to a man who literally transformed into a dog whilst playing pretend games with his daughter for how this phenomenon works.
I never said it doesn’t exist. I’m just saying it hasn’t affected me, despite having some people stare giving me funny looks.
I’ve not seen ANYONE talk about how much they like to bone the opposite sex, not for at least ten years, outside of the occasional troll who wants to make a funny with it.
Because I’ve not seen John talk about how he went in to Jessica five times in a row the other night, but I do see Robert make a big deal with himself and how he makes it sound like the world is out to get him for liking Ray at least once a day.
I’ve seen more requests for preferential treatment than “Equality”. Like that one time some gay people on a US server threw a fit and prevented their server getting merged, just because they were a “LGBT friendly server”. All because they’re so insecure that they wouldn’t feel “Safe” with an outside server.
You can accept different sexualities without thinking your own is disgusting, you know? Humans aren’t animals, basic reproduction is none of our concern, it will happen. Our species isn’t threatened at all by a lack of reproduction. It’s time to leave the dark ages mate, and accept that the future is individualism, where people get to decide what they want to do and who they want to be with. Just like you chose to play WoW. Why aren’t you doing something constructive with that time? Why are you complaining about gays on the internet?
Because you, too, benefit from the individualistic future. That’s it. Those “sickening gay people” are giving you the liberty to be a complete embarrassment online. And you deserve that liberty. But realize - your freedom to do what you want to do comes with your freedom to be with who you want to be with, and that freedom extends to everyone. Otherwise, why aren’t you in a marriage arranged by your parents? Does that sound good to you? No? So we accept the reality of individualistic determination being better, and that means gays can get married.
I know one illustrator, one of our best ones, who was made by his parents to abandon drawing in order to run the family business. Every artist in the country considers that a tragedy. And then he died. And it became even more tragic. My country missed out on so much great art, because one man wasn’t allowed to pursue his individualistic determination.
Straight people make babies. But all the art, all the culture you love comes from people who decided to pursue their own determination despite what society told them. In fact, a shocking amount of artists were gay. The greatest illustrator of all time, J. C. Leyendecker, was a gay Jew, whose family escaped Germany in the late 19th century. He lived with a man who was his inspiration and model until the day Leyendecker died. That man defined the looks of a sharp-dressed, good looking men. So when you see a man looking sharp in a well-fitting suit - that is directly traced back to “the gays”. Hell, he is directly credited with starting the tradition of giving your mom flowers on Mother’s Day. This is not a joke - a global trend started from one gay man’s illustration for a newspaper.
There’s so much more to life than making babies, so kindly shut up.
The salty homophobes arguing against something that exists irl and now exists in a fantasy game. Ridiculous. “Shove in my face” like straight life is all around us? It’s funny how the op is probably the same person to call a liberal a snowflake and yet he is as delicate as a piece of paper