Gdkp & rmt

GDKP was a way for max level raid leaders and raiders to earn legit gold. Gold buying takes place with or without GDKP.

Without GDKP those players still need a way to have gold, in a bot infested world, that way is RMT or boosting/dungeon farming.

GDKP ban thus will not decrease RMT, rather have little affect OR actually increase it as boosting prices and dungeon farmed and mat prices sky rocket.

Example: Without GDKP some guilds that used to run it now sell raid loot on discord and because they know competition is low or non-existing they charge much higher prices now which means players need much more gold.

As long as players demand buying loot it will happen. How it happens and what it dose to the economy is Blizzards choice.

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Blizzard: I give you game where you have to pay just a sub, no pay to win.
Players: Noooo, I don’t want to farm gold with professions and grind, I want pay to win
Later players: what is wrong with economy?


GDKP was a way for max level raid leaders and raiders to earn gold.

Fixed it for you.

The gold taken into a gdkp by the buyers cannot be confirmed as legit, it can be assumed as bought though which is the issue.

The average wow player has no where near the levels of gold being thrown about in these runs which is why the assumption it bought.

Blizzard should probably consider some more hardcore actions as the ban waves don’t work as suggested by a recent you tube video.

I think to defeat the problem it will likely require something like a driving license or passport to activate an account.
Or making gold account bound.
Or personal loot.

I think the problem can’t be fixed with customer friendly options.


Once BGs/honor system comes online those epic mounts will really start making a difference…

We are using and will keep using GDKPs anyway. The only difference we make all communications and bids in discord. It’s better getting banned and don’t play at all than playing with loot council scam cliques or soft reserve waste of time runs.

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AHAHAHAH. So people say: gdkp kills economy we dont want that it brings rmt.
GDKPer: So gdkp banned but bots rmt are not to blame, gdkp was not the problem
Also gdkper: BTW we still do gdkp against rules, but we will continue to pretend that we didnt contribute to rmt and bots swarms

People asked not to create problems, blizzard agreed but you still keep doing that and later complain about bots and rmt


No one was banned for using gdkp yet neither countless amounts of bots. So gdkp is technically allowed. The game is dead without gdkp and bots so you have to deal with that.

You can still sell loot in dungeons.
And the guild can still sell boe items and crafting items from ony/mc☺️

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You are literally reason why game is dying


Uh no, you are the minority long ago. People prefer rmt over hr/sr/lc scam. And its blizzard fault they can’t develop fair loot system in 20 years so people have to use rmt.

So you are not only ignorant, but delusional too. Keep saying it to yourself blaming blizzard for everything


Most of guilds/sr pugs won’t survive Christmas holidays and will die and disband in few weeks, gdkp communities will stay for long :smile: (if we won’t start getting banned). Honestly it’s you who are ignorant, delusional and stupid

What a surprise, guilds for whom classic and wow are way to spend their free of work and familty time unlike guild who have real money interest

A player here just confirmed that people still doing gdkp. So any statement about rmt not decreasing even without gdkp is no longer valid.


Yeah it’s a kind of shoot yourself in the foot move there lol

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You cant its covered under the GDKP ban as well

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Agreed, goldbuying is absolutely rampant. With the ban of GDKP we have less whales but more regular buyers. getting rid of addition options to make Gold means more and more players have to make gold with gathering, which is quite challenging due to all the bots which leads more players into goldbuying.

This times infinity.

The only reason it ever got this bad to begin with was the constant influx of lazy punks over he past 20 years, that never cared about the consequences of their actions, buying illicit gold from day 1 in a pitiful and misguided effort to “win” the game.

If Blizzard had ruthlessly banned gold buyers from day 1, it never would have become profitable for the literal Mafias to run bot farms and sell it to begin with.

And if we ever do get a WoW 2 which iI dopn´t personally believe will ever happen, this absolutely has to be policy. Suspected of buying Gold, even if its just 1 copper, or botting? Permanent ban, no appeals.

Better to lose to occasional innocent person than to have the entire community go off the deep end again and ruin it for tehmselves and everyone else, only to complain about it later.

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There wont be wow2. Current blizzard isnt able to do this

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Yes, lets start perma banning accounts based on suspicions and not concrete proof, real wow players don’t have friends anyway, so they’ll never give gold to anyone unless they’re RMT’ing.
I think this is a great idea.