Gear difference between Duelist and Rival too big

Why are you so damn absolute about smtg you haven’t even tried ? And why would people use NF in basically any form of PvP if it was only good to kill noobs ?

Because I see them when they are against us?

Well it’s fastest way to move out of low crs, and then they got used to it so why change? Also it works well with coordinated team and good setups.

Feels like this, yes.

Definetely not 6, maybe 10? And there’s some weird exponential formula in play.

Well if I’m reaching 1950 with good healers then it means my skills are enough for it, no? And when I can’t even play at 1800 with other healer - how can it be my fault when I’m the same in both cases?

You must have skipped the part of the game that followed Vitality conduit + the very low CD on Cocoon in a dampen meta then. It isn’t difficult to have a look back at it, it wasn’t long ago and a lot of stuff is still readily available on the net.

I don’t know, I play on 2.6 with a Necrolord Discipline Priest these days. He doesn’t have Mindgames. Quite a few Discs we face are Night Fae and also do not have Mindgames. So your statement is very wrong. Also I faced different Mistweavers last week between 2.5 and 2.7 MMR so uh … did they have the old WotC and it was hidden from sight, or is there anything else ?

Yes, I didn’t mean over a super small sample. Obviously rating cannot “only go up” else the ratings would be infinite. You You may log in and lose the first two games, doesn’t mean you became atrocious. But until you reach your current maximumskill level and stagnate ('cause you will rarely just eat -200 if you play at your level) or until you reach really high rating if you improve it will always be reflected on your rating eventually. Maybe one day you lose 50 overall, but over a week it’ll even out.

In case it isn’t yet clear I totally agree with what you are saying and I believe you understood my words slightly wrong.

Still doing some -200 after 3k games in rival bracket while playing everyday and declining any advice given while blaming the world for every loss shows a lack of improvement though. Which was my point.

It is exactly 7. Rival gear is 252 in PvP, Duelist gear is 259.

Why there always seem to be a debate over something Google answers in 20s is beyond me. People posting random numbers with no idea but assumptions must be everywhere for the thrill of it. Try to be informed for once instead of complaining about something you don’t know when the information is within reach.

I wonder why.

‘Rival bracket’ is where duelist-geared people, boosters and glad alts play. Extremely few new players without 2k achievements there.

Same. If they wanted to leave they’d just left party after few games, or are you saying they are too polite to leave so they play 3-10 hours to not be rude?

They probably played at the start of the season while I was recruited for Sanctum on my PVE Character, I kinda regret that

Believe it or not but 2.1+ is actually easier then 1.9-2.0

Back then I was a rooky and only pressed surging mist
I did my duelist in season 4 after the MW nerfs

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Same, farmed my Mage up to 2100 in LFG with Rival gear.

Mages and rogues don’t need gear to win.

Like I said to you before, Rogue need it. But Mages can get away with it if they play double DPS.

If playing with mage - no. What’s the point?

Uhh yes, because if the Mage has no gear he doesn’t no damage and is only good to control for the Rogue to kill. But if the Rogue has no gear also then they both to no damage.

They’ll just need more goes to win.
But I don’t mean they can go completely naked, I mean 10-15 ilvl difference is NOTHING for them.

Last week I said.

The MW nerfs that still let them be best healers, only on par with another instead of being miles ahead of everything else.

As I said, ex best class in it’s role during one of the longent seasons in the game with the highest ratings, currently 2.1 is still 2.1 but you may have to work for it more than by healing 40y away and doing mistakes here and there.

Hey I’m sure Anooraz would also have been 2.1 in BfA S4 with it’s current gameplay, that’s telling.

Well you are wrong. Nothing new.

Well if they never contact you again it’s because they aren’t willing to play with you again. LFG is annoying, as you know, so once you find people you enjoy your games with you try to keep them close, same for healers. It’s just that you don’t fall into that category.

Level one of them up and try it, see what happens when you face fully geared players missing 15ilvl.

you can literally look it up its 252 vs 259. one slot is legendary though.

i mean i played with people up to 2100 before who would be 1800 max without playing with me. Maybe you got carried before? who knows.

dont think you play equally good every game. nobody does.

Then what changed between day when they played 10 hours with me and day when they “don’t contact”? (really they are just offline or playing alts)

I don’t have extra 100 hours for that.

Games didn’t look as I was carried, I did lot of work there too.
With bad healer I do this work too but then I die from something or he dies or one of us gets perma-cc etc. Something just goes wrong.

Maybe not equally, but not like 200cr difference?

Hey I’m concidering me, Anoraaz and anyone else 1.9 as decent, even pro
( @ the skilllevel of the original duelist )

idk what the 𝓔𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓮 is then, either inhuman or an addicted gods, so get out of my way

I meant that they climbed before anyone created a bm/ww, bm got buffed by 20% in week 3

You’re telling that the person who started PvP as this spec at that time
now im hardstuck 1.9 but i see myself good so you must be exaggerating alot

Its called positioning

Nah just players that are both good and play some broken class or comp. That’s the formula of success in modern WoW.

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They just don’t want to play with you, get over it.

Uh uh that’s some big (and hurt) ego right there. Quality content you’re offering !

Good or your play time maybe, deserving a rating you can’t seem to achieve at the moment certainly not.

The infamous 1.9 positioning teaching better players why they do so well on their 1.9 ? Or ?

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Then why did they wanted it the day before? What changed while I was offline?

They played, realized how much of a struggle it was, politely played the session and then went next. It’s very common practise as I understand it.