Gear difference between Duelist and Rival too big

How was it struggle when we easily pushed 100-150 cr? I don’t add people otherwise.

What region are you playing? 2000cr are literally bm and ww only
we are @our specs possible limit

1.9 is full with off-meta duelists

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Because you win doesn’t mean kts not a struggle. I’ve played with people with you it felt more difficult than it should have despite winning, and then with other teammates it went better even.

Me, uh, 2.5-2.7 depending on which rogue I have out, and 2.2-2.3 on my Priest I leveled up from 50 3 weeks ago or so, and so it definitely didn’t have gear since the start of the season.

There goes that excuse as well :s

I could think you are playing @ US because you are reffering to a 2000cr where Mistweaver is played.

2000cr is bm+rdruid/priest , ww+druid , arms+rdruid/rshaman only
anything else is hold down in 1.9 because the game isn’t balanced

That for sure wasn’t the case at the season start but that is how it is atm
don’t deny the ‘‘duelist wall’’ it exists

Your Outlaw doesn’t count its secretly op aswell

Don’t play 10 hours at a time dude

Ah so healers just want to relax and watch the show? How can winning at own cr be not difficult? If it’s not then maybe this person is getting boosted?

Yes this is possibility, maybe they found some ww or arms or bm that carried them. I doubt it’s true for all of them, but maybe for some.

What else is there to do? It’s rare when I have healer to play with, so why not use this opportunity?

I have video evidence of those MWs at 2.5-2.7 on EU which I shouldn’t even need because you can very well see on pvp check that my characters have that rating on EU. You denying it doesn’t help you become better at the spec.

My Outlaw isn’t my highest, and in any case what I play doesn’t impact what I play. Even if I wad a filthy BM Hunter and I faced a MW at 2.7 it would mean that there is a MW at 2.7.

And, as I said, I leveled up a healer a few weeks ago and went through your imaginary wall with half my gear being blue so erm …

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I love reading these forums before going to sleep at night lol


Are their boots enchanted?

Idk what you did either a set-up subrogue or outlaw probably but that for sure was vers on it, now please show me footage of a mistweaver healing in 2k at this moment

Actually played LFG with neither Sub Rogues nor Outlaw Rogues, and obviously no Hunters. The guy I ended up going above 2.1 with was also on an alt that wasn’t rival yet. But still there are people like you that can’t accept that they aren’t good enough and take everything they don’t even have for granted.


I believe I actually uploaded two different videos lately with MWs healing in them. 2.5 and 2.6 respectively.

Also you can use twitch to watch MW players.

And last Trillebartom, when playing his “all classes to 2.4 challenge” got his Monk to 2.4 as MW. This is certainly still available on his channel.

Again, it isn’t because you cannot so something that others cannot do it.

you exaggerate


Can you send your YT?

I gotta try that I always played with same cr

Well I’m glad to see that you exist, though I’m quite jelaous

They’re a great source of entertainment.


Type my char name on it, I think it pops up first line. I don’t remember exactly which ones have a MW inside, but it was on one of my Assa Rogues, the Necro one I think, not a MW was uploaded facing my Outlaw iirc (but I did face a couple too, still have the clips). One is recent and the other one is a week back maybe, around that.

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I can give you my experience aswell if it counts for anything.

I have a friend who plays multiple healers and recently leveled a MW alt. That character was at challenger gear at most and had hit 1,8k when he asked me to play some games only to finish his vault for the week. Long story short, we got his undergeared monk to 2,1k semi accidently. While it’s true that he got somewhat carried by my WW alt while doing all this, my point is that it really doesn’t take miracles to see MW at the “duelist wall” or anything you referred to as they are not that bad or unpopular as you make them out to be.

I know you cant be speaking from experience. I met a LOT of different 2dps combinations, dh+rsham, sp+healer, ele+healer, rog+healer at 2100-2200 mmr last week. AND several mistweavers. Frankly more of these than warrior+rdruid. Met a fair share of bm+healer or surv+healer but not too many.

Broo u Fall for his baitus

Tyranoraazus Baitus Maximus

Great channel, didn’t know you had one. Watched a video with my breakfast, will definitely watch some more later

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If you are so good why do you play rogues most of the time? :thinking: