Gear difference between Duelist and Rival too big

Because he always plays Rogue no matter if it’s good or bad.

There are a lot of specs that way more broken than Rogue - Arms, BM, SP, WW, Fire Mage.


SP so broken that there’s a grand total of 2 (two) SPs in the top 100 of the 3s ladder. 2 rogues in the top 6, lol.

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That sounds good He Do deserve that haha

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At the same time there are more SP in top 100 NA than Rogues overall - what’s the point?

if you think sp is more broken than rogue then you clearly dont play the game at a decent level and any unbiased rogue would agree that rogue is stronger than shadow in 3s.

NA ladder is full of ret warrior players, EU is full of rogue mage and jungle. You gonna tell me ret warrior is overall better than rogue mage and jungle now?

I wonder why :thinking:

Somehow my winrate vs rogues is like 3x lower than vs everything else, including these. Once the game starts rogue takes full control and won’t let it go. ESPECIALLY rogue/mage.
Arms are broken but at least I can play instead of sitting in stuns and dying most of the match.
BM is almost non-issue at all, unless healer manages to get into every trap possible.
SP are usually free cr because I just sit on them not letting freecast.
WW are easy because 1) they die easily 2) big opportunities for aoe (big meta into him when he spawns clones/xuen and stuff with aoe dot → aoe stun → eyebeam(s) → empowered felrush → …), ww monk can even be made to run away during his burst. They are only strong if allowed to dps freely. Their oneshots are broken but overall I’d take burst of ww over burst of mage/rogue anytime.
Fire mages strong only as rogue/mage, otherwise free cr.

I don’t care what your problems are. You created them on your own playing this pathetic Venthyr with rng lego. I’m not even reading your descriptions because even if I suggest something you’ll negate it.

and yet sp overtook mage as the most represented caster?

How are 7 x 10k(single target) eye beams pathetic exactly? Followed by almost a minute of demonic form, lol (wait, or was it more than minute?).

That you are stuck at 1900 and even if you got 1950 you drop again to 1850 every single day.

I don’t play much lately, but yes I’m not falling much below 1900 which is a good sign when there are duelist-geared people, boosters and rogue/mages all over the bracket.

Yeah 2900 arena games played “I’m not playing much” you play 4-5 times more that anyone in this topic.

If somebody has memory problems - most were played below 1400cr.

Played maybe, but now I have maybe 1-2h per day and not even every day.


So you are creating and whining in the treads about the game that you “barely” play - just 2 hours a day

  • 8 hrs in tje forum each day whining

Blizzard is actually trying to lessen this gap with more gear brackets in 9.1.5. Hang on there!

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Noone looses his duelist-upgrades though

If People think that one cant get 2.1 since they face People with duelist gear, how did those players get 2.1 in the first place tho? It’s Just about learning your Win condition Vs the comps you face, since Everyone still makes alot of major mistakes at this mmr :slight_smile:

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Apparently there were less duelist ppl at 1.9k+ earlier? And they started with high gear while others had to spend time grinding korthia and then honor gear before even starting arenas.