Gear difference between Duelist and Rival too big

Because it’s been my main class ever since I started the game, and remained so because I enjoy the gameplay the most on several specs.

And I can even say I had no clue about PvP, what was good what was bad or why use keybinds even, when I made my choice. Long ago.

Yes because Rogues make newbies panic a lot more than they should. It’s a bit different playing against a Rogue than against most classes, and you need to learn that.

I mean i did my 2.1 like a week ago on my rsham with rival gear, playing most games with a unholy dk Who had a mix of rival gear and Pve gear, so its defo not only gear that Gates People, Even if it Can surely feel like an uphill battle sometimes. Its better to Just take in all the tips you Can get, especially from higher experienced players, and try to implement that

Ah, of course, why would one panic when he can die from shadow dance in 1 stun. And from shadow blades. And from flaggelation. And from combustion. All while having 2 trinkets in team. YEAH NOTHING SCARY AT ALL

‘playing’ is wrong word here. “Sitting in stuns/cc 90% of match waiting to die” is closer to the truth.
And don’t write rogue from capital letter, there is NOTHING respectable in them. Cheap scummy cheating class that gives people undeserved cr (and ego too).

This guy negates every tip because he thinks he knows better. He plays terrible covenant with even wrong Soulbind and with RNG legendary. What do you expect? He is not learning anything because he is stubborn.

My build works well and none of issues I have are related to it or would be solved by changing it. So advices like these are useless waste of time.

It works so well you create 4 topics a week.

Usually the most imporant factor especially if you are a Newer playing to basicly learn how the script for your own comp works, and what your most common Win conditions are Vs the comps you struggle against, because every match up is winnable, but some might seem impossible if you havent learned what is the oposing teams Win condition, which Can often lead to badly timed usage of certain abilities.

Im not the guy to help you exactly with that part tho, since arena isnt my Main content in this game, its Just something i’ve played with friends on and off since tbc, so i Can usually adapt well, but im more clueless than most People here in reality :joy:

What if there are none?

  1. I can’t catch rogue because mage
  2. I can’t catch mage because rogue
  3. We can’t live more than 3 goes (one every 3 seconds)

Things like positioning and knowing that trading certain defensives for certain offensives tend to translate well from season to season. I’m still only low duelist material at best when i do apply myself a bit more to the game so i got plenty of things to improve upon even when it comes to those basics.

There’s always something you can do when not playing at the higher elite range. Instead of just highlighting your problems you need to ask yourself what you can do to counteract specific things with the toolkit you and your partner got available.

If your problem is not catching the rogue then ask yourself if you need to get on the rogue when they start trying to reset. With a shaman or priest the mage is a viable target as well and then you can save your stun for the frost nova or a defensive poly cast after the first dispel to get uptime and maybe force the rogue back ahead of time.

If the problem is not being able to live past 3 go’s against a 1800 - 1900 rogue/mage then ask yourself how you can position to make it harder for the rogue to connect with a stun on you after a stun on your healer. While the rogue may have gotten a re-stealth then you can generally gauge the stun timing by watching DR’s since they don’t want to leave the mage in a 1v2 for too long and then disengage from the mage so you aren’t in DB range. That way you can incap the mage before the DB and make it much harder to land the poly.

There’s always something you can do, even in counter matchups, below 2k rating. The problem is going the step beyond blaming the matchup without at the very least thinking more critically about your own positioning and choice of defensive/offensive cd usage. Same thing applies to being able to take constructive criticism and advice.

There is always one, It doesnt mean you Win by default when following the script, but it really helps to pull the odds in your favor. Like when you play Vs RM, the most scary part is during mage combust from my exp this season, so that should be your prio to purge or CC. Also keeping rogue after 1st go is important to stop a clean go, which is usually something your healer assist you with :slight_smile: if your playing a shammy or priest, they should also spampurge mage both for tribune shield absorb, and to have him cleaned so you Can purge combust yourself, since you have 2 purges when ur playing belf. Also not overlapping def cds and wasting your stuns is a huge part of countering RM

I feel you brother/Sister, im not usually playing enough arena per season to adapt to the changing meta, and im also always hyper aggressive when playing healer, which Can often lead to some monkaS situations :’) oh and i also have a tedency to greed my def cds like im stuck on a hpal in damp meta, so that’ s also an issue im very aware off myself that doesnt really work in the current meta

I’m not one to talk. Me having had a preference for watching people die in MC’s to assa rogue dots or watching healers cocoon/pain sup themselves when their partner gets MC’d should say enough about my playstyle as a priest.

1.9k is where ‘higher elite range’ starts because every game we’re vs alt of some glad (or both of them are) or booster, all in duelist gear of course.

Mage does blink-db and it’s over.
Rogue does blind and it’s over.
Rogue does nf blink and it’s over.
They have millions of ways to reset.

Lol, rogue presses shadowstep.

Pff, mage can still survive fine even after nerfs.

Blink says hi.

They’ll just wait until incap ends?

There’s ‘scary part’ every 30 seconds. First time its shadow blades, next time its combustion, then its shadow dance + flaggelation, then combustion is reset again etc.
Every time we need to trinket somehow or somebody dies.

You’re Kinda refusing to accept helpful tips from players Who has both played alot of rogue mage, and People Who has a good w/l ratio Vs rogue mage while playing with a DH, so if ur Just gonna dismiss every helpful advice and claim that nothing Can be done, you’re never gonna have a better chance versus it.

I mean i really dislike BM hunters in 2s myself, but instead of claiming they are unkillable and do too much dmg, i adapt and use their weaknesses to my advantage, and before you shout “Rogue/Mage has No weakness” there is a reason while its not considered the best comp in 2s,and Just about any comp, especially healer/dps comps Can beat it

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It’s really not, regardless of what you believe. If you know what you are doing 1.9k is a cake walk, not just for Rogues and Mages either… for everyone on any class.

Oh no, glad alts how terrible poor you facing those awesome players. I’ve won countless games versus glads, current and last season. Even on my alt warlock that I never pvped on before this season together with other new pvpers at 1900. You just play, don’t let the fancy mounts scare you, man.

Yes, but there’s an additional bracket of gear between rival and duelist. Which means that if you reach that bracket, the difference between yourself and the duelists will be smaller, which should in turn make it easier to push through that bracket between rival and duelist.

Sure, it’s not perfect and this won’t solve the gear issues by itself, but it’s a step in the right direction. Should make things at least a bit easier.

It was honestly a bit of an issue last season since so many rank 1 or close to rank 1 players were doing carries in 3’s. It wasn’t too uncommon to face these teams around the 1800+ bracket where you just had to try and exploit the one weak link on the team. This season it wasn’t much of an issue from the bit i played, least of all in 2’s.

Its funny because I remember that yesterday I played with challenger armor vs duelist armor on my druid (1.7cr ) if you win to much you just face duelist no matter what cr

That sounds good but according to my calculations the trinket setbonus is still a gap thats to big

Video dedicated to Anoraaz explaining why NF > Venthyr and why his legendary is bad.