Gear difference between Duelist and Rival too big

It works though :slight_smile:

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If ur stucked with 3k games on 1950 it simple does Not work kid

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No it doesn’t and stop lying to yourself. You literally make 4 topics a week about every single class. It doesn’t work. Even if you can beat NF with Venthyr DH it doesn’t mean it’s better. As video says you go for consistency - more chances to win and these 60-40 opportunities not gambling for procs. You still don’t get it that your videos with lucky procs don’t proof anything as it’s not reliable. In situations when you need you damage it’s not always there.

These problems are universal and not solved by changing covenant. How many times do I need to repeat?

Opportunity to get stunned after cast, doing 0 dps with the only useful ability, lol.

What if they happen often enough on average? Why can’t it be part of strategy.

It’s usually around 4k dps during uptime (when 0 ‘lucky procs’ happen), I can live with that :slight_smile: And sometimes it’s ( (didnt even have parasol)

It’s hilarious how you cry that you are “fighting duelist geared people” but you post videos of fighting Challenger gear NF DH as “proof” your spec is better.

Also as I said the fact you technically win with NF DH doesn’t make your spec better do you know why? It’s about having as many good matchups as possible not about winning in on and that’s a thing you still don’t get. Also take a look at damage metter. Basiacally unless you get few lucky procs this DH is outdamaging you with consistent stabile damage. Also you wasted trinket to stop his First Hunt while your healer is not in CC.

The Hunt that is going to kill you is not this one - it’s the one when you have no trinket and you healer is in CC. Good NF DH would at least try to fake this the Hunt and if you then waste trinket and stun you are cooked with next stun + Eye Beam. Anyway - live in your bubble of playing the best spec but losing games “because” of people gear or broken specs that are “unbeatable”. If you prefer to play some gamble spec - fine it’s your choice but don’t blame others that you didn’t proc when you needed and you lost.

To be good in arena you don’t need to have biggest damage option that would outdamage everything when stars allign and you get everything at the same time. You need consistent options that you can rely on. Good example is Ele Shaman - I can play NF, Venthyr or Kyrian since their spells do more but I don’t because Necro is giving me better Flame Shock spread and defensive that my spec lacks. Basically you look for what your spec lacks and you are fixing it with covenant, soulbind, talents and conduits. You on the other hand just invest everything into one thing → sustain damage.

Also simple thing you can switch soulbind and even conduit paths before arena starts. You complained about roots → play Nadja vs this comp. You die vs Rogue/Mage play Draven with 3 defensive conduits. That’s what I did on my Enha when I played vs such things in season 1. You can play Collective Anguish for more healing vs certain comps. With your spec actually Chaos Theory would give you the best damage since it has high proc chance. There are plenty of things you can do but instead you only whine on the forums. I have 4 different legendaries on my Elemental Shaman just for the arenas that I swap depending on enemy if I need.

This is key word here. I believe that the main reason you win with people is that you catch them of guard. They wait for The Hunt and die before.

And this… How to comment on it. This Duelist gear DH hoping to gear his Shaman friend who probably just wants his first cap. You literally posted a clip of killing 27 k HP R Shaman as a proof NF DH is worse than your spec… Congratulations.

If you seriously don’t understand simple message everyone is trying to tell you then it’s not our fault and it’s not games fault. It’s your problem. And please stop posting your videos as a proof of anything. You literally push 1900+ and then drop next day. With almost 3000 games played this season your game/meta understanding should be on level that 1900 mmr should be piece of cake for you. If you are stuck there while there are 2500+ DH players it means you are doing something wrong. What? I don’t know figure it out.

Other video has gladiator NF DH and third one equal gear :man_shrugging:

Huh? You mean duelist-geared DH? Wow, what a surprise.

What if healer wouldn’t do it fast enough?

Chances are good enough, do the math.

The problem with Nadija is that it won’t even kick in before 1:20 in the match, and then it will buff me for 20 seconds and then another 1:20 of nothing. It’s VERY setup-dependent. Parasol can occur even on first second and even on average happens once per minute (so faster), but with luck every 20 seconds.

Then I’ll have 0 dps and won’t be able to kill anyone.

  1. it’s easily shut down with 1 kick, while darkglare can give me another eyebeam or several after silence ends
  2. with darkglare I can pursue target and cast more eye beams on it, with collective anguish it happens once so target just needs to walk away
  3. 3 or more eyebeams from darkglare can easily force defensives and/or ccs in enemy team, collective anguish damage is higher than of normal eyebeam but happens only once and still outhealable (and also predictable)
  4. at 4 or more eyebeams enemy team gets confused and runs like headless chickens

There can be more advantages but these alone should suffice.

It requires blade dance in rotation. Sometimes I try with mortal dance and first blood, yes 25% healing reduction is nice and sometimes helps, but it lowers my dps by 1k-1.3k on average, and ‘lucky procs’ aren’t that great too anymore. I found that it works nicely with rshaman with elemental because he does dps too so healing reduction makes bigger impact, also it feels good vs instant-cast healers where I can’t kick them much, so healing reduction helps. Vs most comps higher dps is better because I can stop most of healing by cc and while target takes more damage overall. So farming extra legendary for like 20% or less situations is a bit of overkill. Oh, also I’ll lose those nice eyebeams (that often make top1 dps on damage meter btw).

This is also part of strategy. But no, more often they die after they used all defensives and ccs and we’re still alive.

So… why couldn’t duelist-geared gladiator NF DH kill my challenger-geared druid faster? :thinking: Wasn’t the hunt supposed to be best burst in the game? :thinking:

Because 1900 is cr filled with glad alts, boosters and overgeared people, so difficulty-wise it’s 2.1k at least. So it’s nothing to be ashamed of to be ‘stuck’ here.

Did they get there in their first months of game though? What is your point.

Anyway, it’s obvious that you’re trolling and want me to switch to weak covenant to never reach 2k, so I’ll stop feeding here and go do something useful :slight_smile:

52 k hp is Challenger.

It was about that third video with Challenger geared DH.

It’s actually perfect since you can force trinket in that time and then have a deadly go. That’s how most players and every high rated player plays. They firstly “marinate” the enemy preparing win condition.

That’s absolutely wrong because you still have 2 Potency conduits and:

Do you know how much is 10% of Crit. It’s insane damage increase every 30 sec. In Rogue/Mage matchup you kick a lot of Polymorphs. Also if you are dead you are not doing damage. Keep in mind that Rogue and Mage have also limited defensives. It’s rather who runs out of them first. If they run out of them while having offensive CDs on cooldown you won. There is no secret that Turbo (Arms/Enha/X) is a counter to RMX and a lot of NA teams played it vs Rogue/Mage teams. The reason why is a lot of defensives to rotate.

It is but then you have to ask your healer to push for CC more so the enemy have to interrupt him too. Doesn’t matter if it’s Cyclone, Hex or Mind Control. That’s what I ask my healers for when I play vs R Shaman. I want them to tank some kicks for me so I can actually deal damage.

Keep in mind that your legendary is RNG - it may proc while enemy has defensive up and then you are not going to score a kill or it may not proc for 1 min. so then you fall behind in damage.

If people are too bad to check your buffs that you are missing NF ones and that you get Theotar procs then they don’t deserve to win anyway.

Because his R Shaman was literally below 200 ilvl. This guy had propably <20% versa.

Then how am I playing way weaker spec 2s pushing my CR everyday without dropping below 1900?

Actually pushing now is easier because all the best players are 2500 and these that you play against are making more mistakes. You just don’t know how to capitalize on it.

You didn’t make any progress for a month. While there are many NF DHs who push ratings even now. Do you know why? Because they press /stopcasting macro on The Hunt. Their enemies are wasting trinkets and defensives in order to react and then they get insane damage next 30 seconds later. With good DH you never know when he actually unleashes The Hunt and every The Hunt crit is almost guaranteed kill since you get Dash damage right after. Just meet a good DH with similarly geared healer and you will see.

Btw there is a streamer called Trillebartom who has all 12 classes pushed to 2400. Some are way weaker than DH in 2s. So if he can do it barely playing certain classes then it’s possible.

You oneshot a boosted character that has 30k HP with PvE rotation. Congratulations I guess. Has that anything to do with your legendary or build? Not really. At least you improved your reflexes enough to stop a hunt in almost melee range, so I give that one to you.

Again, nothing to you with your build. You beat a meme comp.

Look at our favourite monk who can’t stop spamming about soloq and deleting his own posts to avoid a ban. This time The hunt wasn’t even in melee range and you didn’t even get the dot.

Literally none of those games has anything to do with your covenant or legendary. You won because they played worse and you played better (didn’t expect to say that), you want not because of playing venthyr, but despite playing venthyr. If you had the hunt on top of all things you did it would be so much easier.

Look mate. You Hunt into stun. First hunt you do in melee range, if he has lightning reflexes as you and uses trinket+cc he will still get dot (like you did in first video vs that booster DH) which still contributes a lot extra damage. And the next hunt he should have no trinket.
If he doesn’t have lightning reflexes it will be a guaranteed hunt.
And you can even fake it in the very last second, baiting his trinket or def cd. Like stun, start casting hunt and stop at the very end and recast again.

Feels like you are improving but at wrong things.

Oh come on stop being like that, you know, I know, everybody else in this world knows that it’s a booster and he is boosting for money. Stop sweettalking those things. Nobody likes boosters except those who boost themselves or those who use their services.

U should stop fall for his baits

Anoraaz, Just to clear this up… you play with no mortal dance because it effects your dps?

Yah he thinks the solo target dps gain of not using Blade Dance and having another PvP talent is worth 25% healing reduction… We should have know what kind of player it was when he first told us that tbh. Imagine not taking a 100% uptime 25% healing redux as DH.

Haha I know! Don’t get me wrong if you wanna put a raid boss in the arena with him (guardian Druid) I’m sure he’ll be banging! You should try some m+ Anoraaz! This is your calling!

And it causes the healer to consistently spend more mana healing and use more globals to achieve the same amount of healing. If you were in a swimming race for your life, would you rather your opponent swim in water like you or through syrup?

You can see that even when the hunt goes through it doesn’t do that much.

Which is hardly stronger than Venthyr dot :slight_smile: That is on 2x lower cd and is ranged instant-cast.

That’s why the hunt is good for stomping noobs, as I said.

If he has proper reflexes he will do anything only AFTER cast has finished fully. Btw, stun in video wasn’t perfect, I’ll try to use trinket-imprison macro in the future and it will be really instant. Being stunned actually helps me save my GCDs so will work against him (when I’m not stunned my GCD could be just spent for something else like eyebeam and then I can’t stop the hunt in time).
So in theory using the hunt when enemy just spent GCD can work better than if he’s stunned (thankfully NF DHs aren’t that smart mostly :slight_smile: ).
As for trinket, it can be handled in same way as convoke (which is 1min cd).

Believe it or not, I tested both and there are cases where playing with mortal dance is better, but usually it’s not (because when we can cc healer properly +20% dps gives more impact than 25% healing reduction). And I mean mortal dance + first blood. If I play with only mortal dance then blade dance becomes too fury-expensive for 0 dps it’s doing (and becomes even weaker) so dps lowers even more. While essence break means +40% damage increase if I spam annihilations after, which is a big deal.
I mean people can’t even read, right? Lemme repeat just in case - healing reduction makes no impact when healer can’t heal (is cced), while higher dps always helps (btw healer will spend more mana if he has to heal more damage too). So choice comes to whether we’ll be able to cc healer enough.

That’s the part that you miss, good players will trade CD’s properly and won’t die in a hurry. The healing reduction helps you win faster because you OoM the healer while alos making it harder for him yo heal. So if you get someone low it’s harder for the healer to top him back off. If you don’t have it a healer will easily heal your dmg.

Like I said before, you don’t always win by doing more damage. Start looking at the bigger picture because if the enemy healer isn’t a bot he will be able to out heal your dmg without the 25% MS quite comfortably. While your healer will struggle due to the other DPS using one, you’re effectively allowing them to win almost by default if the game goes long.

Unless it comes with -20% dps, then it will work only if healer can heal non-stop.

If healing reduction comes with -20% dps he won’t have much problems either. Do the math.
Also, tell that to that shaman ( :smiley:
Would pala die if I had 25% healing reduction instead of extra dps? Nope.

With that kind of play yes he would have died. That team just played badly. It is almost for best to just ignore these posts. You are stubborn who dont even listen to players and don’t admit you have been stuck on that rating for month.

Maybe yes, maybe not. Maybe he’d oneshot us for 50k.
It’s funny how sometimes people tell me I need more burst, but at other time it’s somehow ok to sacrifice ‘burstyness’ for some healing reduction (that does nothing at all if healer can’t heal).

Well the math tells me you will lose 20% DPS but the healer will have to heal 25% more, so you’re effectively doing 5% more dmg in the grand scheme of things due to that healing reduction that you would be with that 20% extra DPS. The difference is you don’t see it on the DPS meter.

Yes that is if healer heals non-stop (this is never possible, at best he can heal like 50% of time).
When healer can’t heal then 25% reduction does nothing at all, while 20% DPS still works.
So it all depends on how much healing healer is allowed to do during match.

Also this 20% is arbitrary number, could easily be more, at least on details I often see 4k-4.5k dps with essence break, but it rarely goes above 3k with mortal dance. So who knows?