Gear difference between Duelist and Rival too big

So you’re trying to tell me you CC the healer for 50% of the game as a DH?

Also no, what you don’t seem understand is, because its harder for the healer to top someone he not only OoM’s faster but it will force him to use CD to keep someone alive while they top them since it takes 25% longer and he may not have the time to do it with just raw healing.

Seriously Anoraaz, I don’t get you. There’s people in here who know far more about the game than you do, trying to give you advice and help you. Yet you are telling all of us we’re wrong and you know better.

There’ s VERY good reason every single DH in the game that’s not a complete bot uses the 25% damage reduction.

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As both of us. Not only cc, but for example his dps can los him or healer needs to kite etc.

Yes its same if I do more dps. Healing reduction is like ‘more dps’ but only during periods of healing, it does nothing at other times.

I hate repeating myself, but those have haste builds so blade dance won’t make them lose dps so they can just use it always and it works. At same time they don’t benefit from Essense Break that much so can ignore it.

A good play won’t LoS his healer very much if at all.

No, it really doesn’t. Healers can easily deal with your damage, thats why everyone plays an MS effect if they have it. You put MORE pressure on the healer and makes it much easier for them to fall behind on healing and the more they fall behind the better your MS is because it’s harder for them to then recover without using a CD. Thats the WHOLE point of it.

Please step outside of that ego for 1 second and listen to someone that has more experience at the game than you.

It’s not just so Blade Dance doesn’t lose them DPS, it gives them slightly faster global cooldowns too, so they can get more off. It may not seem like much but over the course of a game it adds up significantly, it also lets eye beam channel faster = more DPS as lets your hunt DoT tick faster = more DPS. You shoot yourself in the foot by not using Haste honestly, you have this idea that giga dmg is the best option. But you don’t seem to realise the higher you climb the better players know how to deal with high amounts of dmg. It’s not enough on it’s own whether you believe it or not. You need to move away from that idea and adapt to the superior play style for your class.

That alone won’t make you climb, it will help yes, but you will have to learn how to play into different comps properly etc.

LOL, no they can’t. (unless I’m perma-cced).

Because NF haste builds do 0 dps outside of the hunt so need crutches to do anything at all :slight_smile:

I don’t understand how can’t you do simple math. It’s approximately +25% dps vs 25% healing reduction. Do the math? C’mon? How can healing reduction win if it makes impact only during healing?

Yeah it’s different build so different things work there.

Ah, yes, those baby-damage eye beams that barely scratch :slight_smile: They do them solely for that haste buff (which don’t even happen because I just kick) and 6 second of demonic, oh wow, so strong :smiley:

But less time so total damage the same - well below 10k :smiley:

This is what real eyebeams look like ( :slight_smile:
“healers can easily deal with damage” btw :smiley:

This is more true for the hunt because it can be countered easier than constant dmg with unpredictable/untimeable RNG minibursts.

I’m honestly speechless on how close minded you are to anything but your own idea.

Let me ask you this, if doing all that dmg is so good… why are you almost 3k games stuck at 1800 or so? It’s clearly not working. Players at 1800 - 1900 don’t even deal with high damage well and you’re still stuck. So logically, if it’s not working now… why is is going to work higher up?

It’s not.

Honestly, you are your own worst enemy. You think you’re right even though you’ve had people who play around a 1000 rating above you tell you what you are doing is wrong. Yet you still think you’re right, not matter what. Listen, you will be stuck there until you start considering maybe other people know more than you and could be right.

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I mean it works in practice, so more than ‘idea’.

Almost 2k were below 1400 where I was learning to play this game.
I don’t play much now but staying near 1900 most of the time, learning more things every day so 2k is doable this season.
Next season I’ll start with fresh winrate so forum ppl won’t be able to bash me anymore :smiley:
The most difficult things at 1900 definetely aren’t NF DHs. It’s rogue/mage, some arms, some bm and some ww, in that order. We’ll overcome them eventually.

Most of what people are saying have been backed up by testing… so, it’s more fact than idea.

See right there, “Where I was learning to play this game”. You still are learning the game, something you don’t seem to realise. I normally play at 2600 and I’m still learning new things. Even though 2600 isn’t really insane rating imagine how much more I know about the game than you with that exp and you want to tell me i’m wrong? then there’s people with more exp than me saying the same things and you tell them they are also wrong?

2k is not good rating, if you want to go higher you will need to change that attitude, like I said you are your own worst enemy.

People aren’t out to “bash” you either… well there are some clowns that are as with everyone. But point is, alot of people use it to get the idea across to you that you haven’t learnt much other than your keybinds and dealing damage in almost 3k games. It’s all down to your mind set. You think it’s the game that’s making you lose and not your mistakes or lack of understanding and you won’t let anyone tell you otherwise, even if it’s true.

Do you not even understand how harmful that mind set is when trying to learn and improve at something?

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Same here, same here.

Ok, so? Does it automatically mean I’m always wrong, not allowed to think independently and must copy guides/streamers/forum people like mindless zombie?

My “attitude” is: testing things in practice and adapt.

Never said it. Rogue/mage, however, just have too much toolkit so outplaying them is almost impossible.

Oh really, so you’re approach in almost 3000 games as gotten as far as 1800. I’d say that’s pretty solid proof it doesn’t work very well at all.

It doesn’t mean you’re automatically wrong, but the scenarios you explain and rant about show how much understanding you lack. Instead of accepting that and taking in new information and ways to deal with it you instantly jump to: NOPE! ITS BROKEN AND IM RIGHT!

Even though there’s various people with far better game understanding, knowledge and skill telling you otherwise.

So in 3000 games of practise what have you adapted exactly? looks like you keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results.

RM is definitely good in 2s, but it’s definitely beatable, but not if you don’t understand how they work and what you can do to stop it. Like your video, you wasted your trinket even though your Rsham wasn’t CC’d yet. Then you kicked a Fireball and your healer got blinded , because the Mage couldn’t Combust for a few seconds your healer tried to sit the Blind I assume. Then after the lock out was over he insta Combusted and killed you, but you had dropped to 25% - 30% HP before the Mage even used Combust.

So you lose because you wasted your trinket, then your healer greeded his trinket (potentially because of your kick, but maybe not). Is that Rogue Mage being OP or is that you and your healer both making mistakes that caused the loss?

Most of them were below 1400. Do I need to repeat it in every post?

Yeah explain how would being NF help vs rogue/mage ?


I understand that they have many times more things to work with than us.

Which is just a proof of how OP they are. Shadow Dance alone is enough to kill in 1 stun.
Every 30 seconds they can do ‘go’ that kills in 1 stun. Not OP?

Still, it’s clearly not working.

Actually yes it would, your Rsham can spam purge the Mages shields off you, you Fel Eruption the Mage so he can’t do anything and you Hunt into him and carrying DPSing, that’s pretty much an Ice Block or Caut. Now if you survive their next go and your Sham spam purges the Mage again you’ll most likely whatever else is left, if not kill the Mage. Obviously a good Mage won’t make it that simple or easy to do, but it’s not going to be that easy for the Mage to peel himself because of the Rsham.

You also have Soul Shape to help you run away from them if they leave a gap in the go, or to chase down the Mage or Rogue.

Not really, Dh & Rsham have alot of tools themselves. But the RM do it well their go’s are unstoppable. So you have to try and pre use stuff if you have no trinkets or outs.

Pretty sure it wasn’t just Dance that got you that low, you also got caught without any defensives so it’s not hard for them to kill you in that situation with CD’s. But again, it wasn’t the Rogue Mages fault you both miss used trinkets.


And rogue will do what, nothing?

LOL. Run away from shadowstep? Cool story.

Blink-db-sheep says hi.

Yeah cool counterplay strategy right there, definetely makes rogue/mage look balanced.

Oh, shadow dance alone can do 100-0 in single stun:
See, you have no idea how broken rogues are atm (and rogue/mage in particular since they can just rotate shadowdance->shadowblades->combustion->flaggelation every 30 seconds forever).

how is this still going on man this is wild

It’s so funny how mostly only rogues and mages are cocky on forums.
It’s because all skilled players go rogues and mages, right? lol

how long are u playing wow for?

Th way you play and build you use.

Rogue is going to run off for a Re, unless he’s stupid. Your Sham can disupt that with Flame shock and earth grab.

Grounding Totem and Wind Sheer says hi. Unless you’re both stupid and stack.

You realise you can force the Rogue to use Shadowstep to run away making it harder for him to do go’s. If the Rogue stays smash him, they die quiet easily. Your Sham can stop the Mage polying you and the Rogue cant stun you since you’re on DR.

Insane how high level players can do it consistently though right? what you don’t realise is they have to go off DR when you’re hitting the Mage while he’s being spam purged. If you don’t the Mage dies, so it makes the go’s become pretty damn predictable. But I guess you haven’t learnt that part yet, to busy raging to learn.

First vid, it was Shadow Blades and Shadow Dance. Thats when the Rogue will do the most possible dmg outside of the covenant abilities and you had no Trinket. Again, you wasted it on something else.

Video 2, again… Shadow Blades and Shadow Dance, Rogues biggest possible damage outside of the covenant abilities. You had no trinket, again.

Here’s a tip, don’t trinket the first stun that lands on you.

Also most Rogues are playing Kyrian atm, not Venthyr.

its fun to meme about blades but it is not a real cooldown. don’t react to blades, blades does not matter. it’s probably the worst 3 minute cooldown in the game. react to stuns and the covenant abilities.

Thats why he’s dying to it in a stun. It’s a meme.

he’s not dying to blades trust me. whether you use it or not is minor. if he dies with blades, there’s a good chance he’d die without it too. flag is massive, reprimand is big but shorter cooldown. dance+symbols with stun drs is big. blades is a minor detail that you shouldn’t really worry about.

In these clips the Rogue didnt use Flag or Rep, but it’s poor quality so maybe I’m wrong.

I disagree Blades is minor honestly, it’s not useless or a meme, but it isn’t crazy either. Like you say the covenant abilities are stronger.

But after asking someone about it you are right, it’s not as good as I thought it was.