Gear System. Who thought of this?

Nah Darkshore is the 8.1 warfront, It were planned to have 370/400 rewards to mirror arathis 340/370 ones. But since people really craved new content the warfront got implemented mid season with temporary reductions in Ilvl.

Darkshore is 385 for Quest rewards, not 400.

Mmo"s are all about grind, in this day and age if u got a social life this type of game isnt posibile anymore, only if you play a casual type, not every1 is out of job and lives in his mamas basement alone to grind, i guess mmos who force heavy grind and guild based progress will be gone very soon.
Its adapt or perish.

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In this day & age, I’m surprised that many of those in the 18-35 age group have the ability to take their noses out of their mobile phones long enough to log on to a PC-type device to play WoW

I love your DH name !!!

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Most won’t
 but thank you.

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Oh yeah I agree obviously a couple of bits doesn’t immediately grant me access to all the top level groups or anything. But at the same time I understand that long time players might be annoyed that a new 120 can start dropping gear way above their current I-lvl.

It’s really not that I don’t want you to have that stuff.
However, the true reward from this game used to be the feeling of accomplishment. You went through a struggle, came out the other end after a long grind or an epic adventurous journey.
The journey was the reward!

That’s why a lot of veterans whine so much. Blizzard replaced the journey with an easy access, fast loot model. How can you ever really feel satisfaction from something you didn’t have any trouble doing?

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Don’t agree.
In this day and age, more people live online social lives than offline. Even if you’re sitting next to them, they’re still texting or checking facebook.
Guilds are social places. If you are with one long enough and get to know all your guildies, there’s a bond that forms through completing dungeons and raids together, goofing off in guildchat, etc. Sometimes you even meet them in real life, and they become friends.

That’s just it right there. I put in about an hour’s work to get 2 bits of gear that are 50-70 ilvls above the rest of my current stuff. I really don’t blame people who have grinded through all the tiers for being annoyed, I would be too.

That was because the majority of players were not making the journey. Heroic/Mythic raiding is a minority in WOW. You seem to forget that.

And it is the epeen of raiders that is being hurt, because of the “scrubs shouldn’t get that attitude”, so yes you do begrudge the items to him, at least admit as much.

Raiding should be about the achievement, not the epeen of your gear.

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And it still is, you would know that if you have done higher things than just LFR in this xpac.

Skill is what matters in this game, the gear alone will not kill that Ghuun hc for you or make you progress through the mythic raids, or high mythic dungeons in time.

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I honestly believe that wow should go for a focus on journey type instead of raids/m+/pvp.

I think wow would be much more fun if it redirected most of its effort in pve, balancing etc to effort spent on stuff like fun gameplay / warfronts /islands /exploration / side quests

and then leave mythic raiding and high m+ as a side thing, an afterthought for self improvement.

Just my opinion because I think people are taking the game too seriously to enjoy it, and since only a small % get to that upper part and balance is made just for that upper part both the ones included and not included are unhappy.

Many people hate Warfronts/ Island expeditions because they are " half baked", I think they could be much more fun if more investment went into them.

Then gear will be "normalized and not a omg lottery " thing.

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No. I’m pretty sure a larger number of players was doing vanilla raiding (because there was no heroic or mythic) than there are now doing mythic.
If you wanted to see the endgame, so to speak, you needed to do the raid and you needed to apply yourself to a guild and the time it took to learn the encounters and gearing up.
Now, that endgame raid, is spoiled for you through LFR and a lot of people feel they don’t need the aggravation of learning the mechanics for heroic/mythic raids, because the have seen what they came for. They have downed the last boss in LFR, and that’s good enough.

If there was a button you could push to deck you out in all the BiS items for your class/specs, please push it. I don’t really care.

I’m just saying you cannot beat the feeling of accomplishment after working hard for something. But of course, if you’ve never worked hard for anything in your life as of yet, how could I expect you to understand

why would you work hard in a game? Work in RL and accomplish something. Your game addiction does not impress anyone

Look, I’m an explorer/story kind of gamer.
I don’t think loot should’ve ever been the goal of this game. It doesn’t make sense to me in that way. After you kill the strongest thing in game, it drops
gear. Whatfor? You just killed the strongest thing in game.

I went through the work of gearing up, learning boss tactics, etc, because I wanted to see and defeat the last boss, and get the end cutscene. That was my reward.

On exact same progress as you 2/8 mythic and ive flagged your post as your going around in every thread attacking me .

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i would argue that this cycle is even slower then in past.

when VP was still in game it took you usually 2 weeks to get 1 (curent) hc raid quality item . now its 1 item every 3 weeks

people are way overexagerating influence of this gear.

i have similiar opinion

we are reaching crazy points at with “seriusness”

i have the same opinion for years - there is too many too addicted people who would only benefit from taking a break and revaluating their approach both to life and games overall.

I don’t mean to impress anyone, far from it.
If you want to spend your energy in other areas of life, kudos to you.

But, this is an MMORPG. At least, that’s what it used to be.
There are plenty of games on the market for those who don’t want to invest a large amount of time to gaming. There are not that many, for those like me, who like to once in a while embark on an epic journey, and are willing to invest that kind of time.

Must you claim everything then in the name of fastpaced progress?