Gearing system killed pvp

tbh i wont watch another 10min video. wow pvp wont die since there is no game that has the same depth regarding to pvp/arena as wow, not even close. trust me wow will be at the top for many more years to come.

For alts aswell. I kinda want to play various classes to improve myself but the effort I need to spend on it is insane

This was the point of the video if u would watch it u would find out more.

Nobody cares if Classic Shaman defends the worst iteration PvP systems has ever had in this fooking joke MMO since its inception. Jesus.


They forced casual PvP players do ranked to be not trash in their BGs vacuum. Also a lot of people instead of playing just AFK in BG, cuz gear diffence. Its not fun experience at all. On other side RBG where u faced boosters and glad doing lolkek Conquest farm at low MMR destroying pugs who is trying to climb only by gear 1 or 2 shot them. Dead bracket.

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I like this guys take on it:


Yea this guy should be hired as consultant!

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crybabys. get gud. get some gear. stop bein a puss. problem solved.


Total garbage going against players with +30 ilevel. They ruined pvp with this massive gear difference.


just git gud

p.s. imagine how boring and pointless everything would be if devs listened to every ‘but i wanna win without doing anything’ whine

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I’ve seen zero people make that whine. You’re responding to a complaint no-ones making.

If you honestly don’t understand the issue, there’s videos (with diagrams) linked above.

I understand the issue. However, if we remove “power” from equation then it will lose any purpose whatsoever. Who will want to get better gear or conduits if they won’t matter at all in PvP ? What will be the point?
MMORPG can’t be fair to everybody, and it’s normal. If you want fair games then there are lots of them - dota, starcraft, tons of arena shooters, etc, why do you need MMORPG for this?
MMORPG progression is about power. However, in WoW skill matters too - you can easily defeat somebody who’s +20ivl if you’re much better. It feels balanced.
But of course if somebody will just run into bg on naked fresh 60 character he’ll get his stuff handed to him (if he had similar chances as somebody 60 ilvls higher then whole progression would lose purpose).

However, something should be done about ppl entering random bgs with 0 gear and like 25k hp, just to die 24/7, doing 0 damage and making us lose, guaranteed.

What exactly is it’s purpose, in PvP?
To allow already better players an extra advantage in order to get quick wins to earn currency to buy even more advantages?
Hard to think of a better example of expecting ‘wins’ for minimal effort (‘but i wanna win without doing anything’)

Assumedly, people who aren’t confident their skill & game knowledge is enough to secure them a victory.
Better gear shouldn’t be ‘the point’ of pvp’ing. Better players shouldn’t need better gear (they’re already better than their opponent). Compounding their existing advantages with more advantages just ruins any competition (as noted by your ‘but useless lowbies’ comment).
Plus, they could remove elite set mogs & mounts under your reasoning. A spider mount doesn’t give me an advantage in PvP, so what’s the point of it!?

You realise this is the inevitable consequence of massive gear disparity?
I honestly don’t understand how people can advocate massive disparity, then unironically complain about ‘useless lowbies’ :exploding_head:

It’s possible to have power progression without making PvP unplayable for lowbies. It’s why brackets exist & we don’t face lvl20 players in 60’s bg’s.

But, maybe Dev’s do actually know best.
’PvP is the healthiest it’s been in years’
I read people type, so maybe if they just stick with this system of making players (who obviously want to PvP) useless one-shot fodder (permanently, if they only play unrated), players will come flooding back. Any day now
 wait for it

Also, my sub is up any day now, so when I stop replying, I ain’t being rude.


Getting better gear takes quite an effort. And, yes, MMORPGs are competition in gear aswell, in character power. If somebody wants to jump in and play fairly without character progression they should try other genres like moba.
MMORPG can’t exist without character progression and competition in character power.
And, yes, if we remove power from influencing PvP it will lose it’s purpose so MMORPG won’t work anymore (it will become different genre at best).
I myself enjoy both approaches and play different games - skill-only ones (starcraft2, xonotic, dota2) and skill-and-power ones (WoW). But demanding MMORPG to be turned into something else is absurd.
And, yes, PvP scaling sucked, good riddance to it.

But MMORPG is competition in gear aswell, that’s the whole point since genre was created.

Yes, but solution could be as easy as splitting ‘random battlegrounds’ into 2 or 3 tiers based on ilvl (similar how normal/heroic dungeons or raid finder works). And in world pvp no changes are needed, because those that took their time and effort to maximize their character’s power should be able to use it freely.

Cool, I’m all for it.
Much better solution than ’just git gud & stop asking for free wins’

Because throwing average Joe up against some Glad with twice++ his gear & skill simply isn’t competitive. Or fun.

It’s exactly why there exists ladders & brackets, lest we abandon all brackets/ladders, throw anyone up against anyone & just say ’but mmorpg!’

However, it’s more like ‘average Joes’ are throwing themselves into it hoping for free honor. In reality they just ruin game for themselves and everybody in their team. Why can’t they at least farm korthia for 1-2 hours to get their 220? Ok, farming Korthia not fun. But is dying non-stop more fun?

Wow was fine without 9 ranks of pvp gear for so many years. And gues what, now is doing worse then WOD.
So much for gear progresion in pvp.
Pvp participation has never been this low.


It’s impossible to please everyone at same time. People want different (opposite) things.

Yes. But it seems that pleasuring the wrong crowd gets your subs to drop and players to move to ffxiv and now to new world. :smirk:

There are many reasons for that, rampant boosting is the major one. If people played fairly and geared up normally via PvP we wouldn’t have these impossible +30ilvl matchups in ranked arenas (I imagine its even worse in RBG when whole enemy team is overgeared and boosting one afker).
Second reason is mindless herds following their streamers, and good riddance to those.