General RP Chat #52: *A flash of light did nothing*

'less we ignore it for a month then we can continue as nature intended and birth a new thread every now and then.

Forever thread number 52?

Merry christmas, happy holidays, krazy kwanzaa and all the others, topped with a festivus for the rest of us. The yule log burns and the sun returns unconquered.

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Still one more day for Christmas here in the states

I cri

A fair chunk of the old world used to regard the evening as the beginning of the new day. Hence christmas eve coming before the christmas day and not the other way around. Holding the main celebration on the 25th is more of an anglosphere thing, isn’t it?

I lost several braincells from how stupid this “liberate the Vindicaar from the Lightforged” schtick is.


Can you really blame someone for wanting their very own, giant spaceship capable of reducing cities to rubble with a giant crystal laser cannon?

I can’t; but it’s almost like there are still normal Draenei on the Vindicaar, and that the entire Draenei race has always been a part of the army of the light since TBC lore :thinking:

You can find envy in every single specie, and the Draenei are no exception. If someone is flying around in a big, cool flying spaceship(which you built) while your own big, cool flying spaceship is grounded, you’ll probably feel a bit miffed.

And I am fairly sure Velen and the Draenei do not practice communism despite their accents :dizzy:

Yet there’s several leaps in logic required for a Draenei to reach this envy, which takes a degree of willing ignorance and miscommunication. I’m also not talking communism, I’m talking- "it’d be stupid for me to go “the international space station should belong to MY country” when it’s a mutual asset across multiple nations.

Now I know, I’m gonna be hit with the “creative freedom” bomb, but respect of the setting and its elements is the basis for mutual storybuilding


Maybe the tight helmet’s fault
But jokes aside, the Lightforged Eredars and the Exiled Eredars are not the same, mind you
The Genedar and the Xenedar parted ways and only the Draenei on the Xenedar became Lightforged and started to fight with the Legion, while the Genedar and and the Exiled Ones travelled/ran to world to world, the Naaru never stopped or formed any resistance… even after the Genedar crashed on the Orc’s planet, the Draenei renamed it Draenor 'Exiles refuge" and start building a new home… and waited. The Naaru promised them, they will be in some great Army againt the Legion… yet, nothing. After 25K years, after crashing - again - with the saved satelite tover of the Tempest Keep, the Exodar on Azeroth, they really had any realy chance to fight back!
Then Valen recived his balls via light mail, made out of steel, and had enough and ordered, salvage everything and build a damn ship to help our new friends…
…and only after then, the Lightforged and the Draenei met on Argus!
Of course, the Genedar was shot down and… crashed (this is some kind of Naaru design flaw???)
So they had to be saved… and the Lightforged moved to the vindicaar… made it to a base…
…and forgot to give back. The Draenei guards bacame lightforged guards, thats true, but you don’t really see usual Draenei walking around on the ship they buil from scraps!
Sure, it is a bit exaggeration to say, the Lightforged stole it, but the mostly that happened… Valen - who just shrugged when Xe’ra, the Mother of Light of the Army was nuked- was a bit pusshed aside, and not became a Lightforged…
Im not saying our Lightforged are as fanatic as AU Draenor’s but wouldn’t be surprised if the Draenei on board the Vindicaar were Lightforged not totally by their own free will…
Anyhow, it is a silly little joke running around among us Draenei, how it was Highjackforged…
But it is too possible, thast happened

Either way, don’t torture your poor little braincells with it

Your rant is as incorrect, incoherent and dumb as your forced injoke :joy:


I don’t even know where to begin descriping what’s wrong with this.

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Listen, Deolaras knows his lore. He is probably one of the most lore knowledgeable people around here. I do understand that being called out feels rough, but he has a perfect point.

Lorewise, you can not say that the Lightforged hijacked the ship, further more, you should not use OOC jokes in IC interactions. Now relax and take a breather, this isn’t really anything that bad to warrant such a dramatic reaction.











